Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hanging - uncut penis

Hanging - uncut penis


In the last time I wanted to try some hanging (it seems so comfortable to me - “passive gaining” ;-) ), so I build an really easy homemade hanger (described in a german pe forum).
But then I had some problems. I read in older threads different opinions on what to do with your foreskin. Some say you have to pull it over your glans, but then I had the feeling as if the hanger would slip down over my glans - with the weights on my feet.
I have a rather small glans compared to my shaft, so on my penis there is no natural holding -> pics
Then I tried it with the foreskin pulled back and the whole hanger seemed to hold much better. But only after some minutes, my glans really began to hurt and got dark blue without any fresh blood in it.

So what can you advice me? I really need some tips.
Thanks, bp

P.S. I added some more hanging pictures

12/08 BPEL 19,7 cm (7 3/4") NBPEL 18,3 cm (7,2") BPFSL 21 cm (8,26") EG 15,5 cm (6,1")

Goals NBPEL 8" NBPFL 6"

My (measuring) Pics!

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