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High force versus Low force


High force versus Low force

The folowing is direct from one of my physiology text books called Sports Injury Assessment and Rehabilitation, David C. Reid, b.p.t.,M.D.

Chapter 4 - Connective tissue healing and classification of ligament and tendon pathology

page 81


Stetching refers to the process of elongation and may be achieved by either elastic or plastic deformation. Elastic deformation is spring-like, the stretched material recovering its pretensile dimensions after the applied force is removed. Plastic deformation refers to a putty-like behavior. where the linear deformation produced by the tensile stress remains even after the stress is removed. Plastic deformation is nonrecoverable, or permanent, elongation. Materials that have viscous properties are characterized by plastic deformation. Viscoelastic materials exhibit both viscous and elastic behavior, a point that is important to appreciate as connective tissue has viscoelastic properties when submitted to stretch or tensile stress.
When connective tissue is stretched, some of the deformation occurs in the elastic elements and some occurs as plastic deformation in the viscous elements. With withdrawl of the tensile stress, the elastic deformation recovers, but the plastic deformation remains. The deformation of connective tissue varies widely depending on the amount, duration, and speed of application of stress, as well as the tissue temperature. Attempts at gaining a permanent increase of range of motion should make use of the conditions that are conducive to plastic deformation: (1) increased tissue temperature; (2) slow, prolonged stretching; and (3) long duration. These concepts and data on which they are based are examined further.

High Force versus Low Force

The amount of stretching achieved by tensile forces is proportional to the amount of force. Also, the corollary that a low force stretching technique requires more time to produce an equal amount of stretching is also true. However, the proportion of tissue lengthening that remains after tensile stress is removed is greater for the low force, long duration method, evidencing its influence on the plastic or viscous elements. High force, short duration stretching favors the recoverable, elastic-type deformation. This principle does not necessarily prohibit the use of high force, prolonged duration stertching, but obviously high force application may generate pain, trigger spasm, and produce tissue rupture.
Furthermore, elongation of connectiove tissue is accompanied by some structural weakening, and highforce stretching appears to produce more structural weakening for a given amount of stretch. Hence low force, prolonged duration stretching is usually a more comfortable, safer, and effective method.


Temperature has a significant effect on the behavior of connective tissue. Therapeutic heat is usually within the range of 102 to 110 degrees F. Using selected modalities to raise connective tissue temperature to 103F increases the amount of permanent elongation resulting from a given amount of stretcing. At 104 F and above there is a thermal transition in the microstructure of collagen that significantly enhances the viscous stress relaxation of collagen tissue, allowing greater plastic deformation. The mechanism by which this occurs is probably partial destabilization of the intermolecular bonding, allowing molecules to ” creep ” thereby enhancing the viscous flow properties of the tissue.
Evidently there are also events during the cooling phase that eventually influence the permanent deformation. Tissues that are stretched under heating conditions and the allowed to cool under tensile force maintain a greater proportion of therir plastic deformation than do structures allowed to cool in the unloaded state. Cooling under tension may allow the collagenous microstructure to stabilize at the new stretched length.
A further point worthy of consideration is th fact that at temperatures within the normal therapeutic range the amount of structural weakening produced by a given amount of connective tissue elongation varies inversely with the temperature. This fact is probably related to the thermal destabilization of the molecular bonds, which allows creeping of the tissue with less structural damage.

I know its alot to swallow ( so is my dick ) but its great info. Ive got lots more if there are any questions.


I’m feeling lazy — what’s the two-sentence conclusion of the above information from your perspective?


There is no short answer, Read It. Or don’t, Its no lenght off my penis.

That may be the most relevant and applicable physioly-based post I’ve read during my time here. That should be required reading. I shall now heat EVERY time while hanging, and apply ADS-type techniques afterwards. The heating concept was always something I ‘figured made sense’ but have been lazy about applying. Thanks a bunch for the motivation/information…

Supersize me:

Big weight low time = OK
Lower weight longer time = Better
Lower weight longer time plus heat = best.

Hogman, excellent research:


Your summery left out the last and most important step, cooling down while extended: ADS.

Group (Vets)
How about ADS with

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally posted by hobgoblin92120
Supersize me:

Big weight low time = OK
Lower weight longer time = Better
Lower weight longer time plus heat = best.

Thank you for the excellent summation :)

Originally posted by Big Girtha
Hogman, excellent research:


Your summery left out the last and most important step, cooling down while extended: ADS.

Group (Vets)
How about ADS with

OK, so it’s:

Big weight low time = OK
Lower weight longer time = Better
Lower weight longer time plus heat = Best
Lower weight longer time plus heat and cool in exteded state = Bestest

Originally posted by hogman

There is no short answer, Read It. Or don't, Its no lenght off my penis.

Point taken, please don’t take my request as flippant — I do plan to go back and read the information. I’m just kinda scrambled today and was interested in what the gist of the information is.

Thanks for taking the time to post the research :)

Old ideas vs New ideas

Group, everybody, especially Vets: There has been a lot of speculation about the use of cooling devices after aggressive PE workouts applied during the extended cool-down session. Would micro-tears heal quicker, and more efficiently in the elongated condition if ice were to be applied while wearing ADS or traction wraps? Or do we want this. The idea in the past has always been to let micro-tears heal slowly, keeping them open as long as possible. Have we been wrong in our thinking here? Perhaps a PE breakthrough is around the corner with the cool while extended, or COLD while extended approach. This is a very intelligent group, a lot of bright young minds with innovative new ideas and of course lot of older guys with experience. It is the mix of both schools of learning that make forums like this work. Any biophysicists out there. Bib, Thunder, what do you think. Advocate 8:

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes


This information has been around about as long as I have. Not sure if this particular piece has been posted before, but the information itself has. I would think allowing the cool down naturally, while extended, would be the best way to go. Cold ice pack on dick sounds like it make it extremely hard to keep a stretcher effectively holding an extended state.

But what the fuck do I know??

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No quick fix

Thanks T. You are probably right, slow and easy wins the race. Besides if ice-packs got quick gains I’m sure someone would have discovered it by now.


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Nothing new, but very good info nonetheless.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Thanks, This is a great post!!

Life is a game! You win some you lose some! The only easy day was yesterday Just be happy :)

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