Thunder's Place

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How does numbness occur


Ocelot,I I getnumb if my clamp is too tight.I’m using a cable clamp,and I only put one click on it to hang.If I click two clicks,I get numb every time.

Really? I thought that could be it…… I thought that you were supposed to get the clamp on as tight as you possibly could. Should I be doing that?

Starting stats- 5.9 BP Current stats- 7.5 BP, 5.25 EG, 8.13 BPFSL

Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.

Well I tried 5 sets of 15 instead of 4 sets of 20 last night. I didn’t experience any numbness, but on the last set I could feel the onset of numbness creeping up. So I guess I’ve found a way to bypass the numbness, but whatever it is that’s making me numb is still occuring and I would like to figure it out.

I know for a fact it’s not a matter of circulation. Some sets my wrap is so good that my head won’t even get cold or turn a few shades darker, but my glans will still go numb. The first thing to go numb is the shaftskin that is bunched up and sits on the glans while hanging. And it’s usually only the top portion of the skin, not the bottom.

Does anyone think that it could be the tightness of the clamp? The last click I squeeze in there takes a lot of effort on my part and my grip is quite strong from years of powerlifting. There is no pain at all in my penis when I clamp it that tight. I might try hanging tonight without that extra click and see if the numbness continues. But doing this bothers me since we want the clamp as tight as possible in order to grab the internal penis as best as we can.

Starting stats- 5.9 BP Current stats- 7.5 BP, 5.25 EG, 8.13 BPFSL

Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.

If too loose the hanger will slide down until it either dangles from skin or rides on the head. See if you can get by for now without the last click.

How are your grippers positioned? I doubt it will make any difference, but you could experiment with rearranging them:

/ \ = narrow top gap, wider bottom

\ / = Tom Hubbard’s AFB configuration

| | = neutral

If the problem is from clamp pressure on a nerve maybe one of these will work better than the others for avoiding the nerve.

I could totally get by without the last click, it should hold my dick just fine. I just used the last click because I thought that it had to be as tight as humanly possible. And if it does happen to slip a little bit I can just make the wrap a bit thicker in that area.

My gripper pads are in a nuetral position. It seems worth a shot if the clamp pressure is not the cause, though I beleive it is.

Starting stats- 5.9 BP Current stats- 7.5 BP, 5.25 EG, 8.13 BPFSL

Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.

I noticed you said numbness only on the top Ocelot and not of the bottom of the penis, maybe for some reason the way you clamp and attach the wench combined with the wrap is putting more pressure on the top of the penis cutting off too much of the bloodflow from the main dorsal vein, or maybe some nerves on the top are being constricted too much? Just some thoughts…

Ocelot,I’ll just bet if you skip that last click your problem will go away.Because of the shape of the cable clamp,it’s perfect for clamping in just a wrap,but I think the grippers tend to distort the shape some when clamping over the wench.Try it not so tight once and see if that fixes your problem.Also try moving the wench back toward your fat pad a little more.That’s what I’ve been doing lately and it really tugs the tunica.It feels surprisingly good,not uncomfortable like lig stretching.

Originally Posted by 8 is enough
Ocelot,I’ll just bet if you skip that last click your problem will go away.Because of the shape of the cable clamp,it’s perfect for clamping in just a wrap,but I think the grippers tend to distort the shape some when clamping over the wench.Try it not so tight once and see if that fixes your problem.Also try moving the wench back toward your fat pad a little more.That’s what I’ve been doing lately and it really tugs the tunica.It feels surprisingly good,not uncomfortable like lig stretching.

I’ll try the clamp thing today, didn’t have a chance yesterday since I started back classes. I always assumed that putting it closer to the fat pad would grab hold of more skin than anything, I’ll give it a shot anyways and see how it goes.

Starting stats- 5.9 BP Current stats- 7.5 BP, 5.25 EG, 8.13 BPFSL

Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.

Well I did 2 20 minute sets today and 1 17 minute set…….I tried using the clamp without that last click and it was basically the exact same outcome as doing it with the clicks. So now I have no clue what is the cause of my numbness!

Also, just how numb is too numb? A few minutes before I go numb, my foreskin starts losing a little sensation, for instance, i can feel when my finger grazes the skin or pinches, but not light tapping pressure. And that only occurs on the top portion of my foreskin.

So I’ve determined this much thus far:
-It is not a circulation problem, as my head sometimes stays warm and within the proper color shade range (no dark purple, blue).

-It isn’t random and occurs at the same time seemingly despite the weight I hang.

-It’s not because my clamp is too tight on my shaft.

-Lowering the duration of the set and alternately increasing the number of sets helps delay the numbness but doesn’t get rid of it.

I’m going to do a little more fooling around and see if I can pinpoint the problem. Any help is appreciated.

Starting stats- 5.9 BP Current stats- 7.5 BP, 5.25 EG, 8.13 BPFSL

Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.


I have chronic numbness from a manual stretch I did last April. It was a one-time nerve damage problem it looks like. Now I have about 50% of the sensitivity I once had (and no spontaneous erections or morning wood), and require more stimulation to climax. Something happens to hamper the inner workings, and coupled with nerve damage.

How is this due to lack of oxygen?


I don’t think nerve damage is due of a lack of oxygen. However when bloodflow is cut off there could also be pressure on your nerves. So both can happen simultaneously.

You might have torn some nerves with your manual stretch, without cutting off any bloodflow. You most likely pulled from your glans which led to nervedamage.

I’m experiencing numbness now too… and it started ever since I bought the new theraband (green one)… and I also notice that this time I’m wrapping using a larger length of wrapping. My head isn’t cold… but it gets numb almost instantly… it isn’t the weight because the numbness happens almost instantly when I place the wrapping on … Maybe I’m wrapping too tight?.. I always start wrapping at the base by the way.. and when I put the hanger on, it is always at the base… but I always get a great tunica stretch.. but the head goes numb…

I’m gonna lay off the hanging till I can figure this out… I’ll try adjusting the angles though…

Start --- NBEL 6" length 5" girth

Current --- NBEL 6.5 length 4.9" girth --- BPEL 7.2 <--- WTF? I hate this fat pad.. I'm not even fat!?

Goal --- 8" length 6" girth


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