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How does numbness occur


How does numbness occur

Ok, I’m wondering like is numbness normal right after hanging? Like a little numbness, and how long does it last? What can you do to prevent it? Would less weight and less time per session be a good method? I don’t want to have any permanent damage so when I have orgasms in the future that they are as pleasureable as they are now. Any input would be appreciated. I was wondering as long as the hanger is not on the head then are you safe from numbness? Mine is pretty close by doesn’t touch the head.

Also, if someone does feel numbness, does it heal right away? Any idea? Right now I’m using material from a sock for wrapping, and the Captains Wench. My penis felt a little less sensitive then before right after a hanging session, wondering if this is normal pretty much.

Originally Posted by Supremeone
Ok, I’m wondering like is numbness normal right after hanging? Like a little numbness, and how long does it last? What can you do to prevent it? Would less weight and less time per session be a good method? I don’t want to have any permanent damage so when I have orgasms in the future that they are as pleasureable as they are now. Any input would be appreciated. I was wondering as long as the hanger is not on the head then are you safe from numbness? Mine is pretty close by doesn’t touch the head.

Numbness should never occur, especially not AFTER hanging. Sometimes we hang too long, get numb, take off the hanger, and then the numbness goes away within a minute. There are a bunch of nerves at the head and behind it.

You should position your hanger at midshaft or even closer to the base rather than the head. Remember than when you add the weight, the hanger goes up close to the head anyway but when you start it close to the base, you have the added skin and internal structures bunching up for cushion against the head. Also, your sets should not last longer than 20 min. If you have the hanger too loose you get slippage. If it’s too tight, you get numbness. You have to find the right balance with the thickness of your wrap combined with the weight you use.

Sometimes we beat up our dicks to where they feel “tired” after a session, but not numb. Numbness, even a little bit, is not good. That’s a warning sign.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

Supremeone what you should do is stop hanging and start with the newbieroutine for 1-2 months to get some easy gains and a conditioned enough dick to hang with less risk of injury.

Yes, Chicken thats what I do. I always have bunched up skin and internal structures cushioning it.. But it’s still relatively close to the head.. Between 1/8” to 1/4”. It’s hard for me to judge if I have numbessn though. I can still get erections easily, just sometimes doesn’t feel as sensitive. But certain situations are different.


There are two types of numbness hangers may experience: Acute and Chronic.

Acute numbness is a temporary condition akin to having your arm or leg “fall asleep” due to a lack of circulation or because of pressure on nerves.

Chronic numbness is an indicator of nerve damage - likely caused by long term oxygen/nutrient deprivation and/or direct physical damage to the nerves themselves.

Though it is highly unlikely that either of these conditions will remain permanent they are to be avoided.
In the case of acute numbness you have to take a very responsible attitude and consider whether what you are feeling is simply an end of set ‘nap’ or a possible warning that damage is being done.

A good indicator as to the nature of what is happening is the frequency of these episodes and the length of time they persist. If full sensation always returns within minutes it is likely you are safe. If the numbness persists or is erratic - meaning, it might last two minutes here, 20 minutes there - you are being given a warning that something is not right. Proceed with extreme caution, if at all.

Everything I just said assumes that the numbness you are experiencing is not total. Meaning, you sense a slight loss of sensitivity instead of a complete loss of sensation. If you end a set and cannot feel anything from the lightest touch to intense pressure - or heat and cold do not register - you are on thin ice. Even if sensation quickly returns.

As for placement of your hanger and its role in this matter, you have to first understand that the damage you risk will not come from the hanger contacting with the glans. The most likely cause of chronic numbness will be through excessive pressure on the dorsal nerve bundle that exists on the top of your shaft directly behind the glans.
There can be other causes, but this is the most likely.

Wrap too can cause numbness. Be sure not to wrap too tightly. When you do this you are creating a noose that strangles the glans and puts undue pressure on the dorsal nerves. Keep things loose enough so that you can at least urinate while wrapped.

Jelqing between sets and after your routine is a very good way to restore full circulation, so be sure to do this. Your suspicions about set time and weight and how these things affect the health of your unit are important things to consider as well. Never hang so much or so long that you experience pain - you should be comfortable, not watching the clock and praying for the end of your set. If you find yourself in this frame of mind, cut the set short and/or lower your weight.


I’m not experienced with the wench..but my experience with a bib is that when I place the hanger too close to the glans, I get some numbness.

Starting: 6.5 X 5 EBP 4 X 4.1 Flaccid .........................Break: 7.563 X 5.5 EBP 5.25 X 4.375 Flaccid

Restart: 7.12 X 5.12 EBP 4.5 X 4.5 Flaccid

Goal: Somewhere between "Oh my God!!" and the end of blowjobs.

I thought that numbness is caused by nerves. Why would jelqing to restore circulation between sets do anything for numbness?

You’re right. It won’t. But poor/decreased circulation can lead to nerve damage leading to a loss of sensitivity.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Yes Lurk - what BBS said. My comments about jelqing are there mainly to keep it out there; nothing bad could ever come from good circulation. It is especially welcome for those of us compromising circulation due to an extensive hanging routine. Nerves need blood in order to heal - just like all other tissue.

But keep this in mind: Intense jelqing has been noted in and of itself as a cause of chronic numbness. Jelqing as it pertains to hanging is to be done lightly for the sake of circulation - not for gains, as is its more common purpose.

Totally had to ressurect this old thread. I have a question about the acute numbness. I’ve been experiencing it during my hanging sessions. First two 20 minute sets my head is fine, then #3 my head usually goes numb in about 17 minutes. Set #4 it goes numb in about 15. BTW, the weight stays the same each set (7-8 pounds), I just never bothered to lower the weight because I didn’t feel my ligs fatiguing.

I was wondering what may be causing it? I’m going to experiment with the amount of blood in my glans and also with the looseness of my wrap. Any help is appreciated.

Starting stats- 5.9 BP Current stats- 7.5 BP, 5.25 EG, 8.13 BPFSL

Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.

I often get the same thing in the same pattern. Before commenting I’d like to hear what others think.

Head pressure has nothing to do with it in my case.

Okay, I wrapped differently and experimented with the amount of blood in my glans and those apparently had nothing to do with the numbness. It still occurred in the same pattern. I even lowered the weight to six pounds. So I don’t think it has to do with my tissues being too weak……

The only thing I think it could be is my hanger or the clamp. How often should you replace a capn’s wench? Mine is about 3 months old and pretty wore in. Maybe I’m putting the clampon at a bad angle thats putting too much pressure on a nerve or something. Even more peculiar is that during one of the sets, my head wasn’t discolored or cold yet, but still went numb…Anybody got a clue?

Starting stats- 5.9 BP Current stats- 7.5 BP, 5.25 EG, 8.13 BPFSL

Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.

I think it’s either from the clamping force of the hanger or stretching vessels/nerves. Hanger design and where it is placed on the shaft don’t make a difference for me, so I’m leaning toward the latter. Perhaps the onset is dependent on a given amount of temporary lengthening occurring. Once a nerve is stretched so far the numbness sets in. This may explain why it happens earlier each set even given plenty of rest time between sets. This is only a theory/guess.

Whatever the cause, don’t push set duration. Try to stop before the numbness begins. Instead of hanging 20,20,17,15, what happens if you hang 5 15 minute sets?

I was planning on giving that a shot tonight, we’ll see how it goes.

Starting stats- 5.9 BP Current stats- 7.5 BP, 5.25 EG, 8.13 BPFSL

Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.

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