Thunder's Place

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I was doing erect bends about a month and a half ago when I lost all sensativity except pinching with nails on the top of my shaft and some on the sides. I am going to see a doc about it but was wondering if anyone else had a similar experience with jelqing or anything. there was no tingling oranything just dead and still hasnt improoved much if any. Could this be permanent?


Your doc will advise you better, but yes, I believe it could be permanent. If you have not read this thread I suggest you do so now.

Need some advice on my routine

I wish you luck and a speedy recovery

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'

I’d like as many opinions as i can get since I havent found any sort of info anywhere on this. PM me for a more specific description of what happened.

holy shit man. I cant offer you any help but I really hope you get over it. Would it be possible to answer a few questions on your injury so that it doesn’t happen to anyone else?

If yes
did it happen in one session?
Was it gradual?
How exactly did it happen?
Is it nerve damage?

Keep us posted no your progress and good luck bro.

happened in one session and seemed to get worse over the 2 weeks after. i was bending erect and another time I was jelqing with too much pressure (but I almost got over that when this happened), I can only assume its nerve damage but I felt no tingling or anything like most people do…so i have have no clue what it is. And as far as recovery goes I really cant say, it may have gotten more sensative to pinching with my nail or maybe it has gotten better but until i can say for sure I am not going to say anything. By the way i can still orgasm with the same intensity and get just as hard just as fast but i cant feel portions of the skin very well which is obviously important during sex. I am very young and hope I recover, I will definetely keep you posted.

hey joe seven,

please go and see that doctor sooner rather than later, maybe he could help you heal quicker. and let us know what he said..

all the best,


well its already been 1.5 months plus a few days and I am trying to go see a doc to refer me to a urologist. If it is permanent this time for some reason I dont know what i’ll do but if its just healing slowly I’ll wait it out and let everyone know as soon as possible. I dont see how it could suddenly be permanent but seeing how its healing so far I dont know what to think.

I think we are all hoping the doc will have an easy solution to your problem. Please let us know in detail what he says, and I agree with Braker- I wouldn’t wait any longer.

P.S. I think the reason you aren’t getting anyone else posting with the same problem is because you may be the first. The erect bending threads just started a few weeks ago, so I doubt there are a lot of EB injuries yet.

Good Luck and Get Well and keep posting- we are here to support you and help if we can :)

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'

well actually about 3 months ago i did this when i was jelqing only i didnt know what to think and I left it a lone and continued to jelq and squeeze and i I gained about 1/2 to 2/3 (closer to 2/3) of my sensativity back when i did this its been just over half of the time it had been before but now I am not jelqing or anything, kinda wondering if it helped any. At the time i thought it was from not using enough lube and rubbing on those parts of the skin that desensatized it but now I know differently, it was triggered by shitloads of pressure since thats what the 2 inccidents had in common. By the way i was bending upward if that makes a difference.

Anyone heard any cases of permanent nerve damage?

joe seven

I know you are nervous and stressing out about this- heck I would be, too. You need to let a doctor look at this and make a diagnosis- we can only make educated guesses, and our guesses are probably wrong. Only a doctor is going to be able to give you an answer, and I sincerely hope you do not decide to keep waiting this out in the hopes it is going to get better on its’ own. If you don’t have an appointment already you should think about calling tomorrow- at least it will put your mind at ease. Hang in there!

I am trying to figure out the rest of your post. Are you saying you has this before and didn’t wait until it healed completely before doing any more PE?

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'

yeah I did this befre and had no idea what it was and figured it would go away and forgot about it and after a few months it went away mostly from what i remember but this time I think its going mch slower adn I am trying to get to see a doc trust me hehe but my car is down and will be for a while so i have to do it at other peoples convinience. I did keep stretching after this time because i thought it was like last time adn it wasnt anything to be alarmed of but stopped stretching after a few days becasue I realized any loss in feeling is SERIOUS. maybe it separated the nerves but I figure I would have felt something if i snaped one in half but I didnt even notice anything till I washed it just after my work out. I dont get it. I ran into someone on pe forums the first time that had done the same thing but I havent been able to contact him.

I know its been said already, but go to a doctor. If you don’t want to go to your regular doctor, go to a clinic or something, pay in cash give a false name if you feel you have to but see someone who can tell you how serious it is.

If you post the state/country you are based in someone may well be able to supply you with a suggestion of where to go.

helpful injury tips

OK, here are some suggestions of things I do when I get hurt. Personally, if I were you I would walk, crawl, whatever it takes to get to a doctor- but that is your decision.

1. If I had an injury to my penis, the first thing I would do is no PE.

2. The second thing I would do is no PE.

3. The third thing I would do is no PE.

4. I use alternating heat and ice packs for injuries. 20 minutes heat, 20 minutes ice. Usually this is done in a therapy tub and is called a contrast bath, but this technique works fine for a home modality. I never put ice directly on the skin, always use 1 or 2 layers of toweling.

5. I always take an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory. I like Advil and Aleve, but aspirin would do the job, too.

6. I take a lot of vitamin C, take my multi, and pretty much every other vitamin I have in the house.

7. I eat a good diet- no junk or alcohol.

8. I drink a ton of water- 2 to 3 gallons per day.

9. I sleep as much as possible.

Good Luck!

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'


joe seven

I have just taken a seven day break from pe for this very reason.

I found that by jelqing with alot of pressure the upper portion of my penis became quite discoloured and after a few weeks the skin was numb to the touch.

Now after taking a week off with hot baths and gentle massage,the discolouration has lessoned and the numbness has
almost completely gone.

Good luck, feel well soon!


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