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The Numbness Poll

View Poll Results:

What experience of numbness do you have with different hangers

AFB (Tom or Piet) for less than 6 months, no numbness


AFB (Tom or Piet) for more than 6 months, no numbness


AFB (Tom or Piet) for less than 6 months, numbness


AFB (Tom or Piet) for more than 6 months, numbness


Bib (Production) for less than 6 months, no numbness


Bib (Production) for more than 6 months, no numbness


Bib (Production) for less than 6 months, numbness


Bib (Production) for more than 6 months, numbness


Bib (Homemade inc. tryn4more) for less than 6 months, no numbness


Bib (Homemade inc. tryn4more) for more than 6 months, no numbness


Bib (Homemade inc. tryn4more) for less than 6 months, numbness


Bib (Homemade inc. tryn4more) for more than 6 months, numbness


Captain’s Wench for less than 6 months, no numbness


Captain’s Wench for more than 6 months, no numbness


Captain’s Wench for less than 6 months, numbness


Captain’s Wench for more than 6 months, numbness


Chicken Choker for less than 6 months, no numbness


Chicken Choker for more than 6 months, no numbness


Chicken Choker for less than 6 months, numbness


Chicken Choker for more than 6 months, numbness


Not listed/ Other Homemade hanger for less than 6 months, no numbness


Not listed/ Other Homemade hanger for more than 6 months, no numbness


Not listed/ Other Homemade hanger for less than 6 months, numbness


Not listed/ Other Homemade hanger for more than 6 months, numbness

Total Votes: 59. You may not vote on this poll

The Numbness Poll (copy)

OK I’m in a mood for polls and this one is quite important.

There are a few problems that might cause numbness

Improper use
Bad Design
Bad Construction
Weight used

So here’s a poll on numbness which entirely ignores these points and just focuses on the type of hanger and whether any numbness has occured. If you want to add how long any numbeness took to present itself and if you located the cause and solved the problem post it below (remember to include the model of hanger).

As some people seem to have tried multiple hangers this poll is multiple choice.

This is a big/overly complex poll, vote carefully.

Should maybe add a selection for Other/Homemade.

I used my homemade one for a couple weeks with no ill effects.

I’m sure other guys have done the same.

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

OK I’ll add that now. The bugger was having to split the Bib.

Hey, guys getting numbness, any chance of an explanation?

Did you sort it out or move on to a different hanger or manual exercises?
How long was the numbness a problem?

I didn’t build my wench to the Captain’s specs. It was not grabing the sides good enough and put too much pressure on the top. I am better now thank God! I believe in the wench though. I plan to make another one in the future, or if I win the lottery buy a bib.

Thanks Philadelph.

Here’s your injury thread for anyone wanting more details.

How about changing the timeperiod to 3-4 months? The wench, CC3 or my hanger haven’t been around 6 months yet.

I used The Grip for a few months without numbness.

What about getting numbness right away with one of those hangers when used wrong? I got numbness the first week from making it too tight. Was numb for over a month.


>How about changing the timeperiod to 3-4 months? The wench, CC3 or my hanger haven’t been around 6 months yet.<

The wench has been around for 5.5 months, before that both you and CC were making hangers and the AFB and Bib style have been around for yonks.

I get what you are saying but there are only 25 options and to go into Have you used hanger x version y for period z would be next to impossible.

I went for 6 months because it seemed like a good way of marking out the people who’ve used a hanger and had to skip to a good weight from those who haven’t.

But to the 2 guys using the wench for more than 6 months, good job :D


Isn’t the grip an ads device? I guess another poll on ads could be done.


Tick the numbness box for the right period and hanger and the post to say which one you used. Why you got the numbness is covered but did you carry on using it and sort out the problem?

I think its just as valid to say you got numbness because something is difficult to use.

Personally I find the Bib a pig and I’ve rarely got it to rest on anything other than excessive pressure in the glans but it didn’t cause numbness. I tried toms AFB styley too but that hurt like fuck, again it didn’t cause numbness. So I voted for both of those under 6 months and no numbness.

I voted for ‘production Bib, less than six months’. But that needs an explanation:

I screwed up the inner gel cushion and had to have Bib re-mold it. While the Hanger was at Bib’s, I started hanging weight from the shaft as I manually held behind the glans (the weight was hung from a wide, well padded belt). I got pretty fatigued doing that, so I tried it using the Hanger in place of a manual grip.

Before I actually tried it, I asked Bib if he thought it was safe. Bib said he didn’t see an overt problem, but I should be on the look out for numbness, since numbness was common to fulcrum hanging. Well, it did create numbness so I stopped doing these A and V type fulcrums.

But even after discontinuing them, I would still get numb. I don’t know if hanging, in any capacity, just aggravated what was created by the A and V-fulcrums, or what? Over tightening could be a factor.

Anyway, I just decided to take a break until all numbness completely fades. An odd peculiarity in my numbness was that it was more numb on the left, underside. The right side lost a little sensitivity, but not even a comparison to the left, underside, from about an inch under the glans, upward.

In any case, there certainly seems to have been a serious outbreak/ epidemic of numbness lately.


Questions, questions :D

When you were doing the V’s did you notice the hanger twist or ride up further than normal? Is that when you upped the tightness?

Have you completely recovered now?

How long has the numbness carried on?

How quickly did you notice the numbness come on (did it sneak up on you)?

Thanks, great post.

Originally Posted by memento
But to the 2 guys using the wench for more than 6 months, good job :D

Mem, the Wench has been around longer than six months.

Originally Posted by memento
Personally I find the Bib a pig and …….I tried toms AFB styley too but that hurt like fuck

Tsk tsk mem, waving your fist at the Gods of PE? Next we know you’ll be saying naughty things about DLD. :leftie:

Originally Posted by anonymous07128
In any case, there certainly seems to have been a serious outbreak/ epidemic of numbness lately.

Abusus non tollit usum

Originally Posted by memento
But to the 2 guys using the wench for more than 6 months, good job :D



I’ve had two bouts of very temporary numbness using a Bib starter, due to bad wrap and bad settings.

What would you have me vote for?


>Mem, the Wench has been around longer than six months. <

OK I just went by the date of the Article here, where and when was it shown first?

>Tsk tsk mem, waving your fist at the Gods of PE? Next we know you’ll be saying naughty things about DLD.<

Old news, maybe I should start ragging on you? I’m sure I can improve on the wench design, I have a couple of fag packets and some tape handy.

>Abusus non tollit usum<
anonymous should be allowed the right to use anything any way he wants, as should anyone. Isn’t that the American way? Or does that have something to do with a haddock and 3 duck eggs?


>What would you have me vote for?<

Well was the numbness something seriously temporary that you didn’t give a second thought to? If not vote production bib and numbness. No chads here.

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