Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Numbness Poll

View Poll Results:

What experience of numbness do you have with different hangers

AFB (Tom or Piet) for less than 6 months, no numbness


AFB (Tom or Piet) for more than 6 months, no numbness


AFB (Tom or Piet) for less than 6 months, numbness


AFB (Tom or Piet) for more than 6 months, numbness


Bib (Production) for less than 6 months, no numbness


Bib (Production) for more than 6 months, no numbness


Bib (Production) for less than 6 months, numbness


Bib (Production) for more than 6 months, numbness


Bib (Homemade inc. tryn4more) for less than 6 months, no numbness


Bib (Homemade inc. tryn4more) for more than 6 months, no numbness


Bib (Homemade inc. tryn4more) for less than 6 months, numbness


Bib (Homemade inc. tryn4more) for more than 6 months, numbness


Captain’s Wench for less than 6 months, no numbness


Captain’s Wench for more than 6 months, no numbness


Captain’s Wench for less than 6 months, numbness


Captain’s Wench for more than 6 months, numbness


Chicken Choker for less than 6 months, no numbness


Chicken Choker for more than 6 months, no numbness


Chicken Choker for less than 6 months, numbness


Chicken Choker for more than 6 months, numbness


Not listed/ Other Homemade hanger for less than 6 months, no numbness


Not listed/ Other Homemade hanger for more than 6 months, no numbness


Not listed/ Other Homemade hanger for less than 6 months, numbness


Not listed/ Other Homemade hanger for more than 6 months, numbness

Total Votes: 59. You may not vote on this poll


>I would be interested to know how they do so, without numbness?<

For me it was probably just having a well conditioned dick from hanging over 30 pounds previously at BTC.

>Maybe I was over-ambitious with the weight used (10lbs to start, until fatigue began. At which point I would lower the weight accordingly)? <

Probably. Well, since conditioning and experience clearly plays a role in how much or if any numbness is experienced when using a fulcrum, the answer *drumroll* will vary from person to person. You can assume that numbness is more likely to occur when using a fulcrum than when using the same weight without one, but this might not be the case, for instance you might have blood circulation ‘in reserve’ but you didn’t know because fatigue prevented you from using higher weight. The safest way would be to use say, half the weight and build up gradually again, but I feel that this will not be necessary in all cases. So experimenting while keeping a close check on the head is best, maybe starting a few pounds less that you could use with the fulcrum. If there is a problem, stop the set immediately and take a pound or two off, if it is fine add a pound and keep a close check again.

But then I only have the experience of 1 dick to go by and that one could handle the fulcrum work with no numbness problems.

>I think the fulcrums had a role. Because, pretty much, everything I do now, I did then. The only exception is the fulcrums. Bib said fulcrums were problematic because there ‘simply was no good area to place the stress’, to paraphrase him. Which leads me to wonder how some are able to include them into their routines without problems? <

I guess because people are different in terms of conditioning and experience.

>hmmmm… To be honest, rarely am I completely ‘square’ in the Hanger. But I can feel the CC’s that are above the Hanger, so I manually twist myself to completely straight. So, right after I applied the Hanger, the twisting was no different than usual. But I will say that after A-fulcrums, I was rotated to the right. After a set of V’s, I ended the set in the same position that I started. <

Does this mean you experienced twisting within the hanger when using a fulcrum under the shaft but not when using a fulcrum over the shaft or no fulcrum?


>What are the safest points to add a fulcrum? <

Depending on the FSL and comfort problems of using a thin bar there might not be a lot of choice. I always put mine close to the base so that the hanging angle would be higher. I would assume that the closer to the base the more circulation problems are likely to be experienced, because the shaft and therefore the blood vessels will be ‘bent’ more, but I don’t really know for sure.

>Would a starter be best for fulcrum hanging?<

Yeah I think so, because you have more freedom of where to put the bar.


I see a lot of attention being paid to the issue of circulation, but to my knowledge - which ain’t much - a case of chronic numbness is unlikely to be caused by a lack of circulation - more likely, one would suffer accute numbness in such a case and experience a return of sensation once circulation is restored.
Still, this brings up a few questions that might shed light on this issue: Can chronic numbness result from an accumulation of oxygen deprivation to nerves?
This might only be answered by someone with a good amount of knowledge on physiology/medicine - but I think it is worth considering.

Also related and probably necessary in order to come to any useful conclusion is the question of how many of these cases were accompanied by signs of poor circulation?

And, how does the issue of chronic numbness via hanging tie in, if at all, with the issue of chronic numbness via manual exercises - something we have all seen reported.
Certainly, these “manual” cases cannot be attributed to compromised circulation. They are more likely the result of physiological changes (damage) in the affected tissues.


I just started fulcrum hanging, so I don’t have too much experience with it. My max weight was 20lbs, but when I started fulcrum hanging, I dropped to 5lbs. I’m currently at 7.5lbs and still working my way up. I also had to switch to using the starter, so I would have more points along the shaft to place the fulcrum. I haven’t experienced any numbness with fulcrum hanging, although I’ve been feeling dull aches along the underside of the shaft, which I just consider soreness. I wrap the fulcrum with a towel for extra padding, and place the fulcrum at various spots along the shaft, between my base and the hanger.

Numbness, you would think, would be related to circulation problems, where the pressure is being placed, or the angle in which you are hanging. I had slight numbness, when hanging 12+ hours per week, but that didn’t last long if I got enough rest.

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."

Thanks Fwar, eloquent as always.


I suppose we are dealing with two possible causes for chronic numbness: degraded circulation/indirect damage and direct physical nerve damage.

Bigger has already talked about degraded circulation in his Sensitivity and PE thread, and it seems typical of atherosclerosis to be slow onset with the possibility of recovery without intervention.

If we reduce circulation for extensive periods it seems to make sense that it would be easier for these things to form and perpetuate and cause neuropathy but they might not form in the area the hanger is attached, so maybe people don’t directly associate them with hanging. This is the kind of thing that happens often in older age anyway, we just make it more likely to happen earlier on with PE.

Diabetics also suffer from indirect nerve damage because of increased blood sugar, but does this make a diabetic PE’er more likely to sustain damage? Maybe not.

When we are talking about direct physical nerve damage, there often seems to be associated pain and a quicker onset and the slow recovery we talk about.

I wonder what is more the more frequent cause for hangers. You would think that as most people appear to hit numbness early on that they are directly compromising the nerves.

SS4US, I like the idea of a separate post/article on the phases. We could include it near the top of the Important Hanging Threads thread and point the hanging newbies to it repeatedly.

Damn, the collection of hanging experience (and gains) in this thread is a Murderers Row equivalent!!!

A sincere thanks to mem for calling up the All-Stars. And the link to Bib’s old thread was informative reading as always. Solid job mem.

It seems that I may have simply been too aggressive with the amount of weight. Because, I use that weight (10lbs) SD until fatigue, then drop the weight accordingly. So it may have been too much to begin fulcrums with. Also, I had seriously upped my total hang time per day, recently. Another possibility.

I did have an odd feeling in the left CC. Maybe plaque, as Bib referred to in the link?

In any case, I seem to be pretty close to 100%. I haven’t resumed hanging yet though.

Thanks to SS4 and YGuy for your insights and experiences. And cheers to mem for organizing all the information in one location. :up:


>>Does this mean you experienced twisting within the hanger when using a fulcrum under the shaft but not when using a fulcrum over the shaft or no fulcrum?<<

Yes. Twisting to the right in the Hanger, while doing A-fulcrums. But no twisting with V’s or no fulcrum. I think the numbness might have been due to the time/ wieght combination. But if twisting signifies anything, I would appreciate your insights.

mem: >>Would a starter be best for fulcrum hanging?<<

SS4: >>Yeah I think so, because you have more freedom of where to put the bar.<<

Modesty aside, I have an FSL over 10”. So, I am not really compromised as to where I place the fulcrum. But a starter would allow more locations to use the fulcrum.

My only concern would be the smaller girth range of the starter. Sometimes when I begin hanging for the day, I have to really let the bottom wing nuts out on the full-sized BH, until my shaft sort of compresses and aligns itself with hanging for the day.

>A sincere thanks to mem for calling up the All-Stars..<

I think they mainly found their own way here so I can’t take credit for that.

It would be nice if more of the sufferers had managed to post.

>Modesty aside, I have an FSL over 10”. So, I am not really compromised as to where I place the fulcrum.<

:) Damn good FSL. I must admit I asked the starter question knowing the answer.

Before we get too Bib-centric it might be useful to consider how much of the shaft the other hangers take. The standard Bib is close to three inches, so how does that compare with the dickprint of the other hangers and therefore their suitability for fulcrum hanging for a range of penis sizes, without the fulcrum point interfering with the hanger adversely?


>Yes. Twisting to the right in the Hanger, while doing A-fulcrums. But no twisting with V’s or no fulcrum. I think the numbness might have been due to the time/ wieght combination. But if twisting signifies anything, I would appreciate your insights.<

It signifies badness! I have no idea why you get twisting only with A-fulcrums, but my best guess would be that the bar is not resting straight on the CS (middle chamber), probably because it is well developed. Like balancing a coin on it’s side, unless you get the right spot it falls one way or the other. This would twist the shaft and if the hanger is not gripping the internal structures cause twisting within the hanger.

>Modesty aside, I have an FSL over 10”. So, I am not really compromised as to where I place the fulcrum. But a starter would allow more locations to use the fulcrum.<

Damn! OK floppy dick boy, I guess you have plenty of room for either hanger, so just use whichever you think is the most comfortable.

>My only concern would be the smaller girth range of the starter. Sometimes when I begin hanging for the day, I have to really let the bottom wing nuts out on the full-sized BH, until my shaft sort of compresses and aligns itself with hanging for the day.<

OK, so you are changing the setting as your shaft changes from the compression. That is totally fine, there is no problem with doing that. The full size one could be the way to go. Perhaps the hanger is not tight enough or you are using too much wrap which prevent the hanger from getting a good grip. I’m just guessing though.


>I must admit I asked the starter question knowing the answer. <

Yeah. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure ya did. :)


>Yeah. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure ya did.<

No, no I did, honest. Its just that twateeaser was in the mod cloakroom smoking with jelktoid and he told me not to like tell you, because he doesn’t smoke right and Thunders was saying that avocet is really Bib and no one knows and not to tell no one anywayididntdoit.

Originally Posted by SS4Jelq

It signifies badness! I have no idea why you get twisting only with A-fulcrums, but my best guess would be that the bar is not resting straight on the CS (middle chamber), probably because it is well developed. Like balancing a coin on it’s side, unless you get the right spot it falls one way or the other. This would twist the shaft and if the hanger is not gripping the internal structures cause twisting within the hanger.


Well, the CS not resting evenly on the bar does sound reasonable. Because, I can’t think of anything else that is extremely out of the ordinary.

I haven’t resumed hanging just yet. But when I do, I’ll either only do V’s or make sure I can manage to stay flat on the bar.


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