Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Numbness Poll

View Poll Results:

What experience of numbness do you have with different hangers

AFB (Tom or Piet) for less than 6 months, no numbness


AFB (Tom or Piet) for more than 6 months, no numbness


AFB (Tom or Piet) for less than 6 months, numbness


AFB (Tom or Piet) for more than 6 months, numbness


Bib (Production) for less than 6 months, no numbness


Bib (Production) for more than 6 months, no numbness


Bib (Production) for less than 6 months, numbness


Bib (Production) for more than 6 months, numbness


Bib (Homemade inc. tryn4more) for less than 6 months, no numbness


Bib (Homemade inc. tryn4more) for more than 6 months, no numbness


Bib (Homemade inc. tryn4more) for less than 6 months, numbness


Bib (Homemade inc. tryn4more) for more than 6 months, numbness


Captain’s Wench for less than 6 months, no numbness


Captain’s Wench for more than 6 months, no numbness


Captain’s Wench for less than 6 months, numbness


Captain’s Wench for more than 6 months, numbness


Chicken Choker for less than 6 months, no numbness


Chicken Choker for more than 6 months, no numbness


Chicken Choker for less than 6 months, numbness


Chicken Choker for more than 6 months, numbness


Not listed/ Other Homemade hanger for less than 6 months, no numbness


Not listed/ Other Homemade hanger for more than 6 months, no numbness


Not listed/ Other Homemade hanger for less than 6 months, numbness


Not listed/ Other Homemade hanger for more than 6 months, numbness

Total Votes: 59. You may not vote on this poll

>>Possibly, but probably not, especially if you only spent a limited amount of time hanging with the swimcap.<<

I can’t remember how long I used the swimcap. But I wouldn’t say it was an insignificant amout of time. It would be in the weeks range, at least. And to make matters worse, I didn’t know about the ‘continue to hang in the fatigued state’ principle, then. So I would take several days off at a time when it was inconvenient or I just didn’t MAKE time to hang.

Where as I would not do that based on what I know now. That approach is more likely to produce tissue strength, than tissue lengthening.

>>So do you think your numbness issues were a result of using the swimcap at all? Could it have possibly caused nerve damage that was later aggravated when you switched to the BH?<<

I did have an incident with the swimcap that was my motivation to ask Bib the first question I ever asked him. And it was also on the left side. But the problems were very different in nature and scope.

The problem from the swimcap was more of a ‘live’ nerve that was ‘over-amplified’. Where as the current issue is/was muted sensation and numbness. The swimcap problem was from the coronal ridge, sometimes, being pinched while trying to wrap the SC.

And as I said before, the current issue was numbness from about an inch under the glans, on the left, underside, primarily. The swimcap issue was completely cleared up. As a matter of fact I was able to hang with the BH, without numbness, prior to now.

I think the fulcrums had a role. Because, pretty much, everything I do now, I did then. The only exception is the fulcrums. Bib said fulcrums were problematic because there ‘simply was no good area to place the stress’, to paraphrase him. Which leads me to wonder how some are able to include them into their routines without problems?

Cool, so it definitely sounds like the fulcrums were the culprit then. I don’t have any experience with fulcrum hanging so I can’t personally speak for their likelihood to produce numbness. Hopefully some of the other guys that have voted for numbness will step up and explain their cases. Thanks again anonymous. :up:

Sorry for this duplicate post with the other thread but I feel this is a valid point for this discussion, more so here than the other thread and I could not delete it from there:

Here’s what seems to be an important factor in choice of homemade hangers but unfortunately will not be evident at the initial time of choosing.

The margin of user error allowed during its construction and/or its use.

A hanger with too little margin for error will have a higher percentage of users experiencing problems. The design as intended by the inventor may be perfect but it has to be duplicated by others ( who are only human ) who have penises in all shapes and sizes thereby requiring possibly a high degree of customizing the hanger, further reducing the margin for error.

Throw in the various wrapping nuances that each one of us has and you can now see how safety thresholds can be breached.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

Originally Posted by MustBeDreaming
What about getting numbness right away with one of those hangers when used wrong? I got numbness the first week from making it too tight. Was numb for over a month.

Precisely my point in the previous post. Whatever made you use it wrong counts in this issue.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

This has the potential to be a really useful thread. As others have stated, I hope all the guys that have reported numbness will elaborate.

Also, I wish a good bit of discussion would focus on whether the numbness was/is acute or chronic. Acute being numbness for a few seconds minutes which passes, and chronic being numbness which lasts for hours/days/weeks.


All in all I seem to remember more guys reporting more numbness with manual stretching than with hanging. I have never had a problem with numbness with the bib, I’m going through an extended break because of bruising but numbness has never been an issue.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Good point Dino. I think numbness ultimately is caused by lack of experience/knowledge when attempting a new technique, whether it be hanging or manual. In fact, the results speak for themselves; so far in the poll none of the ‘X hanger for more than 6 months’ have a single vote.

That said, it would still be nice to hear from the guys that have experienced the numbness early on. It would serve as a consideration for the next guy to avoid possible numbness. Can anyone else elaborate on their experience for the benefit of your future PE brothers?

I’ve done some pretty intense manual stretching and never suffered from numbness. I wonder if knowledge of anatomy plays any part in this ie knowing where and where to not put the pressure.

Seems like newbieitis is a great liklihood, as it stand on the poll atm we have 11 votes for numbness all in the under 6 months category.

So what kind of weight are people starting with?
With the bibhanger are people tightenting too little, too much, twisting in the hanger?
With the wench are people contructing variants on the design using the materials they have at hand?


Maybe the guys doing fulcrums successfully are always adding the fulcrum point from the underside of the shaft?

>>Maybe the guys doing fulcrums successfully are always adding the fulcrum point from the underside of the shaft?<<

I don’t know mem. I definetly would like to know, I got good fatigue from fulcrums. But I also think that they were the cause of my bout with numbness.

I haven’t seen SS4 or YGuy post lately (can’t say that I have done a search though). They say that they include them in their routines successfully, so I would definitely like to hear their views and experiences.

Maybe PM’s or a thread entitled ‘SS4 or Yguy…’ is in order?

Also, it seems that more guys had numbness than those who posted. As respected contributors have noted, this could be a very useful thread. More experiences would be needed to find common causes to the effects, though.

I’ll PM SS4 but he’s still offline right now I think (should be back soon). YGuy will sneak back when we least expect it I guess.

One thing I noticed with fulcrums and the Bib was that the fulcrum point interfered with the hanger, twisting it not around the penis but rather around the fulcrum point i.e. twisting in the length of the hanger. That interference changed the stress distribution on the penis in the hanger increasing the stress markedly near the fulcrum. I’ve mostly used an e45 cream jar for v-stretches and I tried it with hanging too, it has just over a 2.5” diameter. I assumed this was just a kink to work out but I never got to that level as I had more fundamental problems with the hanger.


>Please remember, he is from England. Allowances must be made for the dry wit. He cannot help it, it was the way he was raised.<

We hate you too.


>One thing thats interesting is that all the injuries seem to come early on, so is there a lack of good info easily available?<

No there’s the thread by Bib/myself about skin soreness which can be related to numbness too. There’s the hanging digest article by yourself/myself, and about 4685.4 comments about starting slow in the threads that people will find when they research before starting hanging.

>Do people rush into hanging? <

I think this is truly the answer. The structure should be like this;

1 - Reading/searching for 1 week.
2 - Aquiring a suitable device.
3 - Experimenting for 1-2 weeks with low weight (like, 1-4 pounds)
4 - Start a routine with the same low weight.
5 - Increase time/intensity gradually.

If you do this and still get soreness, something went wrong at one of the stages. Examples could be not reading enough to know what you are doing, using a poorly constructed or designed device, not enough practice to get the wrapping or hanger settings optimised, starting a routine with too much weight, increasing weight or number of sets too quickly. Of course you would extened any phase if the results were not optimal, so a mindset of patience and common sense should be used throughout.

>And with the Wench are people following the construction guidelines faithfully? <

That could definitely be part of it, but the experimentation phase would have weeded this out (if it was done, that is)

>One thing I noticed with fulcrums and the Bib was that the fulcrum point interfered with the hanger, twisting it not around the penis but rather around the fulcrum point i.e. twisting in the length of the hanger.<

Experimentation phase.

>That interference changed the stress distribution on the penis in the hanger increasing the stress markedly near the fulcrum.<

Yes. And also, more twisting means more blood vessel constriction, like if you pour water down a rubber pipe, the flow won’t be as good if you twist it compared to if you didn’t.

>I’ve mostly used an e45 cream jar for v-stretches and I tried it with hanging too, it has just over a 2.5” diameter. I assumed this was just a kink to work out but I never got to that level as I had more fundamental problems with the hanger.<

Take your rubber pipe and bend it over a cream jar before pouring water down it. The bend constricts the pipe. Now when you have the fulcrum on the underside, the weights are pulling downward (even somewhat if you hang SO with a fulcrum) on the shaft which is over the fulcrum bar. Therefore the bar/cream jar or whatever is effectively exerting an upward force on the rubber pipe (the blood vessels leading to head). Fulcrum hanging is an advanced thing.

Don’t forget, the hanger is squeezing the pipe ahead of this force too, so you have two points of reduced blood flow. Add twisting to the equation and you get bad shit unless you are conditioned enough to handle it.

When you start out, your dick is like, WTF is this guy doing to me, clamping a big plastic thing on me and hooking a weight on it, this is gonna fuck me up. Over time you get the adaption of having a better blood flow to the head in this strange condition. Your body is good like that. Of course the bad side is it strengthens the ligs and tunica as you go too, but that’s been discussed 4685.4 times. Hence the requirement for phase 4 and 5.

I recommend anyone experiencing numbess should look over the 5 phases above and try to pin point the problem. Remember each one can be broken down into sub phases, eg;

3a - Wrap.
3b - Hanger design.
3c - Hanger construction.
3d - Hanger settings.
3e - Set length.

etc etc etc. You need to check them all and whatever else you can think of based on the knowledge aquired in phase 1. And you need to check them against each other, for example if you use a Bib hanger and move the hex nuts, you may need to change the wrap. It sounds like a trying process but 1 week is really enough if you experiment every day. It’s not an especially long period of time in the big scheme of things, and absolutely necessary if you want to enlarge your dick without fucking it up. This is what I do, check out how many injuries I have reported. A few, but negligable when you consider the time I have been in this for.

I could write up a seperate post on the phases if you think it is worth it. Perhaps we could then clean it up and integrate it to the digest article, or (preferably because it would be easier) have it as a seperate article and put a link in the main one.

But definitely Check out the Skin Soreness article in the articles forum if you get numbness.

Can I sleep for 3 days now?

>Can I sleep for 3 days now?<

No. You’ve answered a lot of my points but hardly touched on anonymous’ stuff.

8/10 try harder next time.

>>>so is there a lack of good info easily available?<<<

Its the easily thing. There’s loads of great info and, especially in the hangers forum, it is extremely thorough. What I was getting at is, are the noobs getting lost?

Yes, I never got past experimentation with hanging but I mention my poor attempts simply because they are:

1a. The only experience I have
1b. Probably typical newbie problems


>No. You’ve answered a lot of my points but hardly touched on anonymous’ stuff. <

What stuff specifically?

>Its the easily thing. There’s loads of great info and especially in the hangers forum it is extremely thorough but, what I was getting at is, are the noobs getting lost? <

Start a poll?

OK, articles forum, 1 click from the home page, best hanging threads, 2 clicks from the home page. If you were knew and wanted to read up on hanging, would you not click the hanging forum and see the ‘best threads’ thread? Is the articles forum not clear enough?

What I am getting at is, are the newbies getting lazy/too eager and skipping phase 1?

If you come into PE for the first time, you have to read, there is no choice as the info won’t magically jump in your head. So maybe people don’t read enough, or don’t ask for clarification if they do read for fear of ‘do a fucking search’ replies.




Why not start another thread, going over your hanging problems, and we can get them worked out?



Anonymous’ questions:

Originally Posted by anonymous
I have read YGuy and SS4 say that they successfully include fulcrums into their routines. I would be interested to know how they do so, without numbness? Maybe I was over-ambitious with the weight used (10lbs to start, until fatigue began. At which point I would lower the weight accordingly)?

Originally Posted by anonymous
I think the fulcrums had a role. Because, pretty much, everything I do now, I did then. The only exception is the fulcrums. Bib said fulcrums were problematic because there ‘simply was no good area to place the stress’, to paraphrase him. Which leads me to wonder how some are able to include them into their routines without problems?

More of a comment, but still

Originally Posted by anonymous
hmmmm… To be honest, rarely am I completely ‘square’ in the Hanger. But I can feel the CC’s that are above the Hanger, so I manually twist myself to completely straight. So, right after I applied the Hanger, the twisting was no different than usual. But I will say that after A-fulcrums, I was rotated to the right. After a set of V’s, I ended the set in the same position that I started.

So to paraphrase:

What are the safest points to add a fulcrum?

If someone is hanging at a certain weight what would be a suggested decreased weight to start fulcrums with?

Would a starter be best for fulcrum hanging?


>Why not start another thread, going over your hanging problems, and we can get them worked out? <

Then I wouldn’t be able to bitch about hanging anymore. I think its important to have people who bitch about hanging it encourages others to post their problems (or at least PM them).

I’m pretty much a manual PE guy (ok a no PE guy now) and I quite like it that way.


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