Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How long do you hang

Can anyone add their hanging gains?

Majority of my length gains come from hanging, check the stats link in my sig.

8 nbp| x |5.8"

Stats|:mwink: |Pics!

I can't stand Diet Coke. Does anyone know where I can see pics of a girl with a regular Coke can up her ass? - Chad66 (:

I use 29 lbs always have and gonna try to always will.I do mine in day sets like 1 Day/Set,1 next Day/set, 2 set/Day (sets/20 minutes during that day) so the body can get used to it.Alternating through the week.but heh thats just me do your own thing lol.

Erect Length and Girth 8 x 5.5 |11/22/04|

Erect Length and Girth 10 1/2 x 6.0 [4/29/06]

Erect Length and Girth 8 x 5.2 [8/23/2013] Had A Injury That Caused me to take a break from PE

Crispy, it seems, looking at your stats, that you’ve had great length but minimal girth gains. One would assume, by reading what your saying, that this all comes from hanging (?) Do you do anything else? That’s a lot of weight by the way, I think my dick would fall off with all that poundage!

I’m into my second month of hanging. I was up to ten pounds but dropped the weight after reading quite a few threads. Now I do two sets of five pounds for twenty minutes and one set of seven and one half pounds for twenty minutes. I probably hang at least seven to ten hours a week. No days off. I’ve seen zero gains. I hope that when I get to ten pounds and more the gains will start happening. All I need is mother fucking healthy quarter inch to make eight. I’m praying hanging will do the trick.

Crispy, when you get that 10” you have to post it.

You f-ing have to.
You f-ing have to.
You f-ing have to.
You f-ing have to.
You f-ing have to.

Did you know America ranks the lowest in education but the highest in drug use? It's nice to be number one, but we can fix that. All we need to do is start the war on education. If it's anywhere near as successful as our war on drugs, in no time we'll all be hooked on phonics

- Leighann Lord


how the f*** is that possible? I’ve been seriously PEing for 11 months and I don’t think I’ve gained a F’n thing. I’m into my second month of hanging and still nothing.

catman that’s good to hear. Well good and bad….bad for you I’m sure. I’m in a similar position in that I’ve been consistent (and I mean consistent) for 5 months and I haven’t gained a bloody cracker. The reason it’s good is that there are so many here who have great gains and get them fairly quickly and I was starting to feel like a fifth wheel. I guess we must persist!

Maybe Aussies and Canucks have tough dicks?

I used to hang 25 lbs two hours a day five days a week. Now I just use the extender for what feels to be the same workout, only a lot easier and a hell of a lot more comfortable.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by shintaro
catman that’s good to hear. Well good and bad….bad for you I’m sure. I’m in a similar position in that I’ve been consistent (and I mean consistent) for 5 months and I haven’t gained a bloody cracker. The reason it’s good is that there are so many here who have great gains and get them fairly quickly and I was starting to feel like a fifth wheel. I guess we must persist!

shintaro— are you hanging? What weights are you hanging?

What’s your routine?

Mr F I’m keeping it low….5lbs @ 3 sets of 20mins. Trying to this at least 4 days a week. I get concerned my home made hanger is just pulling the skin but not sure. Any criticisms / comments gleefully accepted!

And Catman yes, you could be right. I just keep telling myself I’ve hit a plateau LOL

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
I used to hang 25 lbs two hours a day five days a week. Now I just use the extender for what feels to be the same workout, only a lot easier and a hell of a lot more comfortable.

Big G…just curious…do you attribute gains directly to the Extender or does everything become blurred and it’s hard to tell what method gives results?

Originally Posted by shintaro
Mr F I’m keeping it low….5lbs @ 3 sets of 20mins. Trying to this at least 4 days a week. I get concerned my home made hanger is just pulling the skin but not sure. Any criticisms / comments gleefully accepted!

Based on what I’ve learned here at Thunders, I’m not surprised you’ve not made gains.

I’d recommend continuing hanging at a heavier weight for more sets with maybe a different or improved hanger (I use a bib-hanger, but maybe look at other successful hangers and get advice from them on hanging devices— which to use, how to improve the one you’re using etc.).

Your existing routine doesn’t seem to be working for you. In fact you’d be better off using a Penimaster over much longer periods than continue with your current routine (The Penimaster applies a lower tension than the 5lb weight would give you, but it’s easier to wear comfortably for longer periods, and time is an important factor in hanging))…

…the time to weight ratio (Time:Weight) is an important factor. Click this link for a thread on the topic Hang time vs Weight it’s not absolutely comprehensive, but it does cover the main points and should give you a basis from which to plan a routine (also, re-read this thread (How long do you hang) and note the time to weight ratios used by the successful hangers)…

…I’d recommend starting slow (a slightly higher weight for a minimum of six 20-minute sets (some of the more dedicated and successful hangers hang as many sets per day as they possibly can (but having said that the main rule is consistency (no point hanging ten sets one day and nothing for the rest of the week))…

…measure carefully, keep a close eye on the results, increase weight incrementally.

If you don’t see any improvement over any two-month period, change your routine (e.g. heavier weights / more sets / different angles etc.)

Here’s an example from a hanger who’s found success with a particular Time:Weight ratio (however, everyone is different and will respond differently to PE (i.e. you may need heavier weights, more sets etc.))…

Originally Posted by A69
From June 25 2004 to July 25 2004, I hung a total of 64 sets for a total time 1248 minutes with 6.75 pounds. I was hanging a combination of SO and SO with a fulcrum.
In those 30 days, I gained 0.18"

The above quote is from the Hang time vs Weight thread.

Also check out this thread Hanging 101 + Simple Routine

Last edited by Mr. Fantastic : 12-31-2005 at .

Originally Posted by mrdave

I hang twice a week one 20 minute session that’s a total of 40 mins per week.

Also I only hang 3 weeks and take the fourth off.

Doesn’t sound like much but I’m starting to believe

That less is more when it comes to pe.

Best of luck to you.

mrdave— how long have you been using that routine? Have you seen gains yet? If so what gains have you made & what other PE exercises do you use?


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