Thunder's Place

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Hang time vs Weight

Hang time vs Weight

Which are you inclined to lean to?

Is it pointless hanging for 24hr straight with only .5 pound every day and is it just as pointless hanging with 10 kilos for only half an hour once a week?

I know we are after lig soreness and whatever does it for you, but has anyone tried one and then changed to the other to find better/worse results?

I think this would help me (new hanger) and other new or would be hangers.

I know you all want to say dont try 10 kilos and dont try 24 hrs and lots in between but you get the idea….

Please share your experiences.

"If your not growing your dying"

"That which does not kill you only makes you stronger"

My best gains came from low weight, long hang time.

I didnt worry about LOT, fatique or anything. Just hang time.

I hears that the way to go also, but when you plateu, you should go heavy but not so long and use ADS.

Did you know America ranks the lowest in education but the highest in drug use? It's nice to be number one, but we can fix that. All we need to do is start the war on education. If it's anywhere near as successful as our war on drugs, in no time we'll all be hooked on phonics

- Leighann Lord

A69 you say you gained from low weight but high time, can you give more detail please.

I have done a lot of BIB reading, recently and he says most of his gains came from around the 20 pound mark, granted he hung all day for two years but he is the JEDI as far as hanging goes, I cant help but think that all the talk about going light and slow is there for safety (which is a good thing) but for real growth surely a heavier weight would be better.

I started only yesterday with my clamp style hanger (see thread is this the easiest hanger yet) and have hung 2 sets yesterday of 20 mins each with approx 10 kilos and again 2 sets so far today with same weight and time. I don’t recommend this to anyone and is a personal thing but cant help but think that this makes sense. I can manually stretch more than 10 kilos but cant hold it for any considerable time so hanging with 10 kilos for some time makes sense, anyone agree/disagree? I know your out there. That’s my two cents worth anyway.

I know you may say its too early, your new to hanging, take it slow, move up weight slowly but I really want to know about the weight vs time issue and experiences. Thanks for reading.

Anyone else?

"If your not growing your dying"

"That which does not kill you only makes you stronger"

My experience with low weight of around 1.5kg (3-4lb) is that it takes about 70 to 100 hrs to produce a 0.1” BPEL gain. Most of the time I have been using a stretcher and am assuming that the weight/force produces a similar result whether applied by a hanger or a stretcher.

It would be interesting to hear how many hours are required at other, heavier weights to produce a 0.1” gain. Anyone have figures from their own experience?

Feb 2004 BPEL 6.7" NBPEL ???? BPFSL ???? EG 5.65" Feb 2005 BPEL 7.1" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 6.9" EG 5.8" Feb 2006 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.6" EG 5.85" Feb 2007 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.5" EG 5.9"

Originally Posted by godzila
A69 you say you gained from low weight but high time, can you give more detail please.

From June 25 2004 to July 25 2004, I hung a total of 64 sets for a total time 1248 minutes with 6.75 pounds. I was hanging a combination of SO and SO with a fulcrum.
In those 30 days, I gained 0.18”

Is that detailed enough? :D

Originally Posted by godzila
I have done a lot of BIB reading, recently and he says most of his gains came from around the 20 pound mark, granted he hung all day for two years but he is the JEDI as far as hanging goes, I cant help but think that all the talk about going light and slow is there for safety (which is a good thing) but for real growth surely a heavier weight would be better.

Yes, but you have to remember that Bib hung for a long time before he got to 20 pounds.

Originally Posted by godzila
I started only yesterday with my clamp style hanger (see thread is this the easiest hanger yet) and have hung 2 sets yesterday of 20 mins each with approx 10 kilos and again 2 sets so far today with same weight and time. I don’t recommend this to anyone and is a personal thing but cant help but think that this makes sense. I can manually stretch more than 10 kilos but cant hold it for any considerable time so hanging with 10 kilos for some time makes sense, anyone agree/disagree? I know your out there. That’s my two cents worth anyway.

I know you may say its too early, your new to hanging, take it slow, move up weight slowly but I really want to know about the weight vs time issue and experiences. Thanks for reading.

Anyone else?

In my opinion, you are simply asking for an injury.
Yes you stretch with more than 10 kilos of force, but it is only for what, a minute tops?
Thats very differemt that hanging 10 kilos off your dick for 20 minutes!

Ill have to check out that thread on your hanger.
But I strongly advise you against hanging with so much weight so fast.
I would hate for you to get injured.

Thank you both, I hear your safety warnings and I would be saying the same thing but injury possibilities aside (which is a very important issue) I think a decent weight needs to be attained, if it takes you an hour a day a week a month a year to get to BIBs best gains weight then I think you need to do it.

I will be trying it and feel only inner penis and lig stretch, yes my skin is slightly more red than manual stretching but what do you expect for the eight and time.

I will measure now and come back in 30 days, I hope to gain something and I will let you know how much.

Anyone else?

"If your not growing your dying"

"That which does not kill you only makes you stronger"

A69, thanks for the data yes detailed enough, thanks. So you agree that 20 pounds would be good but if done gradually yes?

Ok my measurements are as follows 7.65 BPEL although using a tape measure (must get a ruler) and 5.5 mid shaft girth, I will use my hanger and try at least one set of 10 kilos a day depending on time and comfort (regardless of hanger 10 kilos hanging from your dick is still 10 kilos)the other weight I use is a 2 litre of squash bottle filled to the top I guess almost 4-5 kilos

I will report on the 23rd January. Wish me luck.

"If your not growing your dying"

"That which does not kill you only makes you stronger"

godzilla, you have the perfect weight at 10 kilos. Hang for 10 hrs/week for 40 weeks and you will gain at least 2” IMO. I did anyway. They will be permanent gains, not the temp ones often reported.

Anybody got a translation for 10kilo?


What was your starting and current stats and how long have you been hanging?

Long Term Goal

The perfect 8x6 cock aka the pussy destroyer (one day).

In the USA, the only folks using “kilos” are drug dealers.

0.4536 kilograms = 1 pound

"Debate the idea..."


I assume you gained some lenght during lower weights also, because you must have build up hanging until 22 lbs (10 kg)

So you also started to measure how much you gained since you started hanging at this amount?

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

Remember hanging is not a weight lifting contest. The smart hangers use as little weight as possible and move up in weight very slowly.

I would think after reading several other threads about the use of ADS and plastic deformation that everyone on this board would either be hanging or using an ADS as part of their normal routine. Low weight over long periods causes biochemical changes in human tissues. Over time the tissues will succumb to the tension and lengthen.

I think both weight AND time are important factors and that it is very unlikely one program will work best for all of us. In my opinion an ADS is a MUST. It accomplishes so many things at one time and if used properly, will allow you to “perform” PE in privacy while you continue to live your life. I wear mine for 9 hours a day at work in my office. Yes, I have other elements such as heat, stretching, and some jelq. But no matter how else I change my routine, I will never give up the ADS.

I hope to get into clamping in a few months but only as I get closer to my length goals. I plan to start hanging in late spring, by then I think I will be toughened up enough for it.

Even when I add hanging for stressing the ligs and tissues, I will continue to wear the ADS after each session. I have even considered trying to find a way to safely wear my ADS at night.

Each of us must find our own way, but the physics behind keeping your penis stretched for as long as possible makes a ton of sense as far as I am concerned.

Anyone disagree?

"Debate the idea..."

Start low*, hang as long as possible*. Raise weight slowly*, continuing to hang as long as possible*. Within a given session, once you’ve achieved physical fatigue of the tissues you’re targeting, continue to target them until you’ve achieved mental fatigue*. Within a given session, switching angles at the point of mental fatigue may, although it is *, allow one to get in some additional hang time. Use an ADS, preferably oriented as close to the angle of hanging as possible.

Hanging gains, like other types of PE gains are highly *.

* = individual specific.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Last edited by xenolith : 12-23-2005 at .
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