Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hang time vs Weight

I don’t think it is trying to reinvent the wheel rather than making it better, even wheels are useless if they are flat, we may have the direction/movement but not the right pressure, so to speak. Yes a flat tyre will turn but very slowly, where as if the pressure in the tyre was inflated some more the wheel turns easier, yes there is the possibility of blowing up the tyre if pumped too much but like rubber tyres humans are very adaptable and resilient.

Don’t think all the info on the board I am dismissing mealy gathering opinions from the farthest ranges, Bib did very well you must admit, he confirms 20 pound mark is where he had his best gains from, some here have been hanging with 5-7 pounds fort ages with no luck, who would you listen too? I am drawn towards the Bib side of things and it feels right when I hang too, granted it may not be for everyone, but I’m not here to tell people what to do, the exact opposite in fact I want to know what YOU do.

If anyone has any opinions re time vs weight please share them with us, we all could use some more education in this area, it seems.

"If your not growing your dying"

"That which does not kill you only makes you stronger"

Originally Posted by godzila
Don’t think all the info on the board I am dismissing mealy gathering opinions from the farthest ranges, Bib did very well you must admit, he confirms 20 pound mark is where he had his best gains from, some here have been hanging with 5-7 pounds fort ages with no luck, who would you listen too? I am drawn towards the Bib side of things and it feels right when I hang too, granted it may not be for everyone, but I’m not here to tell people what to do, the exact opposite in fact I want to know what YOU do.

If anyone has any opinions re time vs weight please share them with us, we all could use some more education in this area, it seems.

Based on my reading and experience I know the following to be true:

Light weight over time will work, but very slowly (it makes a glacier look like an avalanche and hair-growth look like spinning cotton candy)

…take the Penimaster which applies a tractive force of 1.15kg (2.54lbs) at full extension: The data page at the Penimaster website

Three important points to note before continuing:

1. Everyone is different and will react differently to PE, but where there’s a result there’s an average.

2. The Penimaster results page may not offer the most accurate information for working out projected gains because:

a. it includes newbie-gains in its data (e.g. the "Maximum Gains" figures equal those of bud_do’s hanging regimen: 10kg (22.05lbs) for 10hrs a week, yeilding gains of 2.2 inches over nine months (2.2 inches in nine months using an ADS? Probably very unlikely for the average PEer))

b. it hints at — but doesn’t give enough information to accurately calculate — a possible decline in increases over time (which seems to make sense, considering the forces will be distributed over a larger mass as size and volume increase (with these increases there might be more there to grow and there’s a possibility that increases might grow exponentially based on this factor but I’m guessing it doesn’t work that way since there would be less force per cubic-millimeter as growth occurs and mass is added.))

3. Even though — in terms of scientific research — the information on the data page at the Penimaster website is vague, imprecise and at times unrealistic, it does offer a ball-park set of figures with which to explore the basic concept central to the topic of this thread - namely the Time to Weight ratio (Time:Weight)

The broadest conclusion we can draw from examining the data at Thunders is that the higher the weight and the longer the time that the weight is applied then the better the gains will be (having said that it’s only fair to mention that there have been members who have (in the dim and distant past) insisted that a kind of "less-is-more" approach is much more effective than longer periods of high intensity PE: for the best example see Thermo quoted by Uncut4Big and also see newbie’s routine, quoted here by experienced)

I personally believe that the notion of higher weight over longer periods producing greater gains is more or less indisputably correct— it makes logical sense, it seems obvious to "lay sensibilities" and from what I’ve seen I’m guessing it’s been borne out by the results of a great many PEers…

…we also know, based on the results of at least two Thunder's Place members that the threshold for accelerated gains is around 10kg (22lb)…

…so it seems that a better question to ask might be: What’s the best/fastest approach for reaching the 10kg (22lb) threshold?

For instance (and these figures are arbitrary)— if you can hang a maximum of 5kg (11lbs) for six sets but then have to take two days off before you can hang that weight again, wouldn’t it be better to hang 4kg (8.8lbs) over five days with a view to conditioning your body to sustain the 5kg (11lbs) over five days (with the aim of progressing to 6kg (over five days), then 7kg, then 8 etc. until reaching the 10kg (22lb) threshold where the fastest gains are made).

…to me this makes a lot more sense than consistently hanging at a low weight for longer periods.

I personally believe that if you’re going to hang weights then you should have a hanging regimen designed to condition your body with incrementally increasing weight in order to get you beyond the 10kg (22lb) threshold, otherwise you’re wasting an opportunity and wasting time.

Personally, I was following bud_do’s regimen until I hit a wall at 5kg (I broke my Bib-hanger’s fastening screw and am unable to tighten it enough to hang the heavier weight).

bud_do advocates increasing at 1.25lbs (0.57kg) per week until reaching 22.5lbs (10.2kg)…

…I don’t have good information on the intensity of the increase as it was a while before I realised I’d threaded the fastener on my Bib-hanger and so wasn’t getting the purchase necessary for the higher weight (I ended up with a donut)), but bud_do seems to have taken that increase in his stride (as for me I think I’m going to need a new Bib-hanger before I can resume my hanging)

Last edited by Mr. Fantastic : 12-25-2005 at .

Thanks for your thoughts, I’m sorry I haven’t had time to read the links but as it is xmas, I only have limited Internet time, I too agree with the high weight for as long as possible, as you say it makes sense. I do think though however, that traction(penimaster and others) is different from hanging in the main way, it/they don’t target the ligs, only the micro gaps within the penis it makes, with the small amounts of traction it provides. Those devices are good for an ADS IMO but not for good noticeable gains, (I haven’t got 40 years to waste on this)

I’m sorry to hear your hanging has come to a slow/stop, I assume you have a cable clamp? if so check out my other thread, “is this the easiest hanger yet”, quite a few people have been hanging with this quite successfully up til now, I have only been hanging a very short time(3 days, but have hung with 10 kilos for at least an hour a day) I find it comfortable and it feels great on the ligs, tunica and even the skin, (Minimal skin soreness).

As mentioned in my other thread its very easy to make and allows for heavy hanging (15 kilos plus) if you wanted to go that far.

Don’t let that dodgy screw slow your gains, check out that thread, its so simple. (I sound like a salesman I know but cant stand seeing someone pay for something that is almost free).

Good luck to you Mr F, happy hanging.

Anyone else?

"If your not growing your dying"

"That which does not kill you only makes you stronger"


Regarding the extender

The max tension an extender produces is around 1,5 kilos, IMO for the non conditioned this is very effective for stretching ligs, Producing good gains by “pulling out the inner penis”, And also do not forget the main theori behind extenders: Low traction for long periods of time = increased cell activity, This has actually been proven to be true, And there are several links/threads to be found here on Thunders regarding this issue.
There is also some who belive that low tension for long time is more effecient for stretching ligaments.

Hang time vs weight

This is a very interesting topic, And I would really like to find the “golden key” to this myself.
I have a feeling that to much weight to soon might strengthen the ligs/tissues, Cause retraction, And in the worst case you may actually loose lenght, At least temporary, A few members have reported loss of gains after hanging. IMO it would be important to monitor your PIs to make sure you are not using to much weight.

I also have a feeling that time is more important than weight, The penis can really take a beating and knows how to protect itself if put under stress (did you see the guy who pulled a 18 ton truck with his penis?), When the weight is applayed the BC/PC muscles seems to try to hold the penis back from being pulled out, But after some time it tends to relax and let go, And then the internal stretching feeling starts at least for me it does.

It will be very interesting to see what kind of gains you will get with your hanging routine and I hope that you will post your progress in this thread.

Do you get skin stretch while you hang? Do your penis turtle after removing the hanger?

Thanks for the reply and your thoughts, you can not deny the findings you mention and by your definition time is the biggest factor, would you also agree that it would be even more beneficial to be hanging with the maximum weight you can hang for the maximum time you can put aside for hanging each day? This to me makes sense, yes I wish I could do a long term experiment to help me gain my goal then of course to help others stop waisting time, but the truth is I don’t, we all have reasons why we can only hang for a certain time, I therefore hang for the max weight I can for that allotted time.

To answer your questions, my skin is better than I could imagine I must say pain isn’t an issue, although early days. My penis after this weight seems to be fine, it isn’t its best but then it isn’t by any means turtled, I also ADS when I can using my draw string or belt, however I must say that I tend to hang before bed so ADS straight after is almost non existent. I will be able to hang in the morning soon.

I would like to share a feeling I am getting, I feel good about it, whilst walking around throughout my day, no particular time I sometimes feel my inner penis tingle and the ligs that holds it in place ache, I’m new to hanging so not sure if this is common but I get a good feeling about it, we shall see.

I’m currently making some small changes to my clamp hanger as suggested by other already successful users so hopefully this will make using even more comfortable and user friendly.

With xmas hear it is difficult to find time to hang, but this will change at beginning of Jan so that is when the really hanging will take place, I will report back at the end of the month, hopefully there will be some positive change.

Any one else have thoughts?

"If your not growing your dying"

"That which does not kill you only makes you stronger"

I too am very interested in the outcome of your planned routine. I have some recent threads out there which talk about a heavy hanging experiment I performed for about a month. The outcome of this experiment was that I experienced retraction of about 1/8” BPEL. The pain was too much. I could barely tighten the hanger so I ended that experiment. After almost a month long break the retraction is gone. My penis feels stretchy again whereas while retracted it was like a rope. One interesting change I’ve noted is that I used to be able to hang 20+ lbs comfortably. Now 10 feels like 20. I am hoping that this indicates that I have broken through some very tough lig bundles and may get some accelerated gains.
I sincerely hope that you have better results than I did. Remember…pain is bad.


I’m into my 2nd month of hanging. I started at 2.5lbs., added 2.5 every week or so until I hit 10lbs. Did that for about a week, it wasn’t easy, put a lot of pressure on my head. Then after reading many threads by Bib and others, I went back down to 5 lbs. According to what Iread about Bib, he said that you should hardly even be aware that you’re hanging. That would be about the right amount of weight, if he had to do it over again.

I personally like Bud_do’s increase of 2.5lbs every other week. It makes sense to me that heavier weights produces more stretch. But, I think 22.5lbs would probably pull my ears down to my crotch at this point. But I like the idea and I’ve been PEing for almost a year with barely any noticable gains. So I’m willing to experiment. I’ll think I’ll try 10lbs. tonight and see how it feels.

Originally Posted by godzila
Thanks for the reply and your thoughts, you can not deny the findings you mention and by your definition time is the biggest factor, would you also agree that it would be even more beneficial to be hanging with the maximum weight you can hang for the maximum time you can put aside for hanging each day? This to me makes sense, yes I wish I could do a long term experiment to help me gain my goal then of course to help others stop waisting time, but the truth is I don’t, we all have reasons why we can only hang for a certain time, I therefore hang for the max weight I can for that allotted time.

To answer your questions, my skin is better than I could imagine I must say pain isn’t an issue, although early days. My penis after this weight seems to be fine, it isn’t its best but then it isn’t by any means turtled, I also ADS when I can using my draw string or belt, however I must say that I tend to hang before bed so ADS straight after is almost non existent. I will be able to hang in the morning soon.

I would like to share a feeling I am getting, I feel good about it, whilst walking around throughout my day, no particular time I sometimes feel my inner penis tingle and the ligs that holds it in place ache, I’m new to hanging so not sure if this is common but I get a good feeling about it, we shall see.

I’m currently making some small changes to my clamp hanger as suggested by other already successful users so hopefully this will make using even more comfortable and user friendly.

With xmas hear it is difficult to find time to hang, but this will change at beginning of Jan so that is when the really hanging will take place, I will report back at the end of the month, hopefully there will be some positive change.

Any one else have thoughts?

There has to be a maximum to what is possible to gain in length vs time, From what I have read this seems to be 1-2 mm a week, I myself have experienced gains of 5 mm over night, But that was after weeks with no gains and after the gain there was weeks with no gains again. For me the gains came in spurts. So if we assume that the average maximum gains pr week is around 1-2 mm, Then IMO you should use the lowest weight possible to achieve this gain.
If you can achieve the maximum possible gains with 1 kilo then why use 10 kilos?
I am just wondering if you will toughen your tissues and make future gains very difficult?
Maybe I am wrong here, And when doing it your way you won`t experience that the gains stops and that you have to increase the weight to keep gaining? Time will tell I guess, What you are doing is a bit different I think, And that is why I hope that you will keep telling us about your progress with your routine.

If you are hanging low after your routine and not turtle, Then IMO that is a good sign.
When I asked about the skin stretch I was wondering if you stretch your skin while you are hanging, When you look down while hanging does the skin around the base get pulled forward, And do you feel the skin getting stretched?

The feeling you are getting is a good feeling and it seems like you are going to gain soon now, I also experienced this feeling in the beginning and that was at the time my gains came fast, At that time I was using an extender for 6-7 hours a day, And the tension was around 0,8-1,2 kilos. It felt sore around the base almost like after a good muscle workout.

Originally Posted by godzila
I’m sorry I haven’t had time to read the links but as it is xmas, I only have limited Internet time,

godzila- don’t worry, a lot of what I include in my posts is for people running searches and other forum users (I don’t expect everyone to read everything I write and link to) —also, no I don’t have a clamp (I’m based in the U.K. so they’re a little hard to come by)

Originally Posted by kristian69

I would really like to find the “golden key” to this myself…


…I have a feeling that to much weight to soon might strengthen the ligs/tissues…I am just wondering if you will toughen your tissues and make future gains very difficult?

The more I learn about weight-training the more I’m inclined to agree (although I don’t have any direct evidence to support the theory). Also, I think if there is a golden key to length gains through heavy hanging it’s probably:

• Consistency (hang weights every day (allowing at least two rest days per week))

• Gradual Increase (increase weight as and when possible (when you no longer feeling fatigue and the increase feels comfortable)).

• Design your hanging routine with a view to consistently increasing the weight so as to eventually break the 22lb/10kg threshold

• Monitor gains closely to evaluate the relative effectiveness of the varied weights

• Hang for as many sets as possible every day (minimum, six sets per day) with two to three rest days per week (add extra sets incrementally so as not to stress the tissues so much that you’re unable to hang the following day),

It has to be said that the above is a summary of just one approach (the extreme form of heavy hanging) There are others that advocate a much more subtle approach to gaining length.

Something else to consider might be the Mass to Weight ratio (Mass:Weight)
Mass Vs Weight (Mass:Weight Ratio) Does Mass & it’s Density Affect Hanging Gains?

Originally Posted by A69
…you have to remember that Bib hung for a long time before he got to 20 pounds.

That’s true, he hung every day for two years and reached somewhere in the region of 10”, which means the forces from the weight he hung would presumably have been distributed through a larger, denser mass (He reported his maximum gains at 22lbs (10kgs), so maybe there’s an optimum mass to weight ratio (Mass:Weight) for each of us.

It may also may mean that if we hang heavy too quickly we may increase the density of the tissue, thereby slowing the gains achievable through hanging (or at least making further gains more difficult in terms of having to hang heavier and heavier weights to obtain the desired effect (i.e. length gains))…although this is pure speculation.

We already know from experience that adding length should be attempted before adding girth because the added mass achieved through girth exercises can inhibit length gains.

Originally Posted by kristian69
There has to be a maximum to what is possible to gain in length vs time, From what I have read this seems to be 1-2 mm a week…if we assume that the average maximum gains pr week is around 1-2 mm, Then IMO you should use the lowest weight possible to achieve this gain.
If you can achieve the maximum possible gains with 1 kilo then why use 10 kilos?

…bud_do measured gains of (approximately) 1.4 mm per week at 22lbs/10kg. Imagining, for sake of argument, that bud_do is average, what’s the lowest weight the average PEer would need to achieve 1.4mm per week?

Originally Posted by A69
From June 25 2004 to July 25 2004, I hung a total of 64 sets for a total time 1248 minutes with 6.75 pounds. I was hanging a combination of SO and SO with a fulcrum.
In those 30 days, I gained 0.18”

…a projected gain of 2.16” in 12 months (1.62” in 9 months) compared to bud_dos 2.2” in nine months, so if A69’s routine will consistently produce the same results for you then there’s your solution right there (It might not be as fast but believe me it’s a lot less effort, and if you hit a plateau you can always increase the weight)

Originally Posted by mbuc
My experience with low weight of around 1.5kg (3-4lb) is that it takes about 70 to 100 hrs to produce a 0.1” BPEL gain. Most of the time I have been using a stretcher and am assuming that the weight/force produces a similar result whether applied by a hanger or a stretcher.

There are more positive things to be said for hanging low weights…

Originally Posted by goonbaby
I would think after reading several other threads about the use of ADS and plastic deformation that everyone on this board would either be hanging or using an ADS as part of their normal routine. Low weight over long periods causes biochemical changes in human tissues. Over time the tissues will succumb to the tension and lengthen…In my opinion an ADS is a MUST…no matter how else I change my routine, I will never give up the ADS.

I tend to agree. I wear my ADS as much as possible. After hanging it keeps strain on the ligs (although I’m not 100% sure that that’s a good thing), plus I’d wager that the Penimaster is the best solution currently available for turkey-neck.

I’m no expert on this stuff and I know that I know a lot less than a lot of the older forum members…

…I’m both surprised and a little disappointed that none of them ‘jumped on my head’ for what I’ve already posted in this thread…

…if more Thunder’s Place members had taken issue with these ideas we could have got a better discussion going. As it stands I can only assume that I’ve presented these ideas in an objective form that seems (at most) reasonable to any of the more experienced member who may have happened across this thread or (at least) too long and information-dense for them to bother reading…

…in deference to the the more experienced Thunder’s Place forum users I’ll close this post by quoting advice given above by a member with much more experience (and who’s presumably much more well-read on the topic of PE)…

Originally Posted by xenolith
Start low*, hang as long as possible*. Raise weight slowly*, continuing to hang as long as possible*. Within a given session, once you’ve achieved physical fatigue of the tissues you’re targeting, continue to target them until you’ve achieved mental fatigue*. Within a given session, switching angles at the point of mental fatigue may, although it is *, allow one to get in some additional hang time. Use an ADS, preferably oriented as close to the angle of hanging as possible.

Hanging gains, like other types of PE gains are highly *.

* = individual specific.

Last edited by Mr. Fantastic : 12-29-2005 at .

Much more read? Than who?

More to the point, I know what’s worked for me. I could’ve provides numbers, but they aren’t important. What is important is a strategy. Which is what I provided. To presume that there’s something special about 22lbs is to presume that we’re all constructed VERY similarly. This is fallacious thinking. If reading Thunder’s Place threads teaches anything, it teaches that we’re all different in our physiological responses to PE. Which is why a strategy that can be tuned to one’s own physiological, and not unimportantly, psychological, responses systems is what yields results. IMO.

BTW, for a little fun with women, try using the word fallacious in conversation with ‘em. Makes ‘em think of fellatio.

G’day gents.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Very interesting, this thread is now starting to go to the place I wanted it to go to. I can see all the points everyone makes and if it has worked for you then wonderful congratulations on your gains. The sole purpose of this thread was to gather enough information from hanging gainers so that I could create my own routine based upon the gains of others, I know its not scientific but its a start.

I use weights, you could call me a an amateur non competing bodybuilder, have been actively into weights for over ten years and I consider myself an informed weight trainer. I have trained with and talk to many competitive bodybuilders, including mentioning no names a Mr Universe PRO bodybuilder and other exceptional bodybuilders. I say all of this off topic to try and inform you that I am used to hard work, grueling hours of training, nutrition, good and bad advise. I excelled in bodybuilding because I talked to the best I could find, sucked in the info they had to offer and asked questions, whether I believed everything they said was another thing, but I still asked and still listened.

Even more so than bodybuilding PE is even more secretive in the respect that everyman wants a big penis, would they feel better knowing something someone else doesn’t? do they keep the real truth to themselves? You only have to look at a bodybuilding magazine to see what I say has some truth. I see Bib although not photo documented as a pro bodybuilder of the PE world, someone who has been there done that, got the T shirt.

My plan is to find that good advise, weed out the trash, come to an educated conclusion and share it with others so hopefully we will all have the power to reach our goals. I want to know as much I as I can about PE hanging is just one exercise. I think there is a good community here and hope we can in the not so distant future know what works best for the majority of people, just like bodybuilding, I’m here as long as it takes and will continue to contribute with my thoughts findings and hopefully success story.

As you can see I’m not trying to argue with anyone try and tell anyone how to do anything, I’m just hear to learn as much as possible, and help others where possible.

Thats a little background for you so hopefully you can see where I’m going with this thread and other to come.

Routines and gains would be beneficial at this point as well as thoughts on hangtime vs weight, anyone like to contribute?

"If your not growing your dying"

"That which does not kill you only makes you stronger"


My observations/opinions after 3.5 yrs on this site:
There are two entirely different type cocks….growers (most) and showers.
I have no opinions on showers never having been one.
All growers probably react very similarly.
Many on this site measure temporary elongation/girth and report as gains.
I would say measure when starting to establish a base line.
Decide the regimen that you have confidence in giving the desired length gain in 12mos max.
IMO hanging is THE method for max length gains with high intensity fastest.
Hang for no longer than 12 months…..either do it or quit playing with yourself.
Hanging will give good base girth but no mid-shaft.
Devote another 12 months to girth.
Cable clamp/cuff is probably the easiest but must keep erection to get results desired.
Edge by humping a FLESHLIGHT after getting max engorgement to stay hard.


I would say measure when starting to establish a base line.

I think this is a good point,

Decide the regimen that you have confidence in giving the desired length gain in 12mos max.
IMO hanging is THE method for max length gains with high intensity fastest.

Agreed and I will continue on this way until further notice,

Hang for no longer than 12 months…..either do it or quit playing with yourself.

Again, I like your attitude, stop pussyfooting about and just do it attitude.

I am glad you have seen the gains you mention, and hope to see some of that myself.


When I asked about the skin stretch I was wondering if you stretch your skin while you are hanging, When you look down while hanging does the skin around the base get pulled forward, And do you feel the skin getting stretched?

No skin stretch, I’m uncut so it finds a comfortable place without pulling my base skin and I feel good stretch in my ligs especially SD tilting you hips slightly forward.

The feeling you are getting is a good feeling and it seems like you are going to gain soon now,

I am feeling positive and hope so…

I am trying to get as much hanging time in as possible and have been able to get at least 1 hour per day with my cordless drill box, its heavy, I say approx 10 kilos but I still haven’t weighed it and cant think of an excuse to take to relatives to weigh on their scales! my ligs feel worked and my inner penis at the very back feels pulled also, when I sneeze I feel my ligs sore in a good way, this is encouraging to me and plan to continue this way.

Any one else like to share their routine and gains/ opinions on this topic?

P.s anyone give advice on how to hang SO without having to get on all fours and look like a dog?

"If your not growing your dying"

"That which does not kill you only makes you stronger"

Originally Posted by godzila

P.s anyone give advice on how to hang SO without having to get on all fours and look like a dog?


Check out this post I made a while back. It has a pic attached of my SO hanging setup under my desk.

Works a treat and allowed me to keep working while hanging.

A69, that’s a good idea, especially for those who can work from home, but I don’t have a desk or anything like that, am I doomed to watching TV through the eyes of a dog?

Any one else have thoughts/experience on this topic or any on the straight out without desk?

"If your not growing your dying"

"That which does not kill you only makes you stronger"


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