Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hang time vs Weight

Originally Posted by bud_do
godzilla, you have the perfect weight at 10 kilos. Hang for 10 hrs/week for 40 weeks and you will gain at least 2” IMO. I did anyway. They will be permanent gains, not the temp ones often reported.

Bud do, I find this weight a good weight for feel of the tunica and ligs, they are nice and aching not hurting in pain, aching, which I can experience with manual stretching but cant stretch for that kind of time, how about you? did you go any heavier? feel you needed to but couldn’t for whatever reason? did you and experience better or worse gains? I know this may sound silly but I hung 15 kilos for ten seconds to see if it was a big difference, I could do it, but want to work my way to it if at all. I can handle a good stretch but no hanging to 15 kilos is quite a jump.

I intend to keep this experiment going and hopefully gain the two inches you mention, that would be great, I’d prob stop before that to be honest.

I’m glad someone has come straight out and said good weight, I know you all have our safety in mind but surely this kind of weight is what we need to get things moving.

Bud do, any other tips like best angle of hang, did you hit all your hanging in one hours session or split throughout the day? I find straight down most comfortable and good hit of ligs, I even gently swing the weight which give a good feel inside the pubic area, You do this or anyone else? I like it, even if it does nothing.

Thanks for your comments so far

"If your not growing your dying"

"That which does not kill you only makes you stronger"

Originally Posted by godzila
I intend to keep this experiment going and hopefully gain the two inches you mention, that would be great, I’d prob stop before that to be honest.

I’m glad someone has come straight out and said good weight, I know you all have our safety in mind but surely this kind of weight is what we need to get things moving.

Got news for you zila, a little bird told me…bud doesn’t know whether the weight you’re using is good for you or not, nor does he know whether you’ll gain 2” or zilch.

Little more news…you’re the scientist, your dick’s the experiment. Don’t let other scientists dicktate :) what experiments you do on your dick.

Just so you know.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Thanks for the reply………….

I know bud is no scientist, yes its my experiment, as you can see they are also questions in an open minded forum with open minded people, who rattled your cage, had a bad day or something?

I take the comments on board but please dont tell me something I/everyone already knows, this is not an exact science and the more info on successful gainers the better chance we all have. Do you have anything constructive to add?

Bud, would still like a reply from you, please.

"If your not growing your dying"

"That which does not kill you only makes you stronger"

I did no other PE seriously other than hanging. Started at 5# and added 1.25#/wk until getting to 22.5#. I first hung with Bib Starter; switching to Bib Original at 12.5#. Once at 22.5# the count started 10hr/wk for 40 weeks. Getting to 20# is merely conditioning for the real hanging. I had no bruising, discoloration, injury or trauma of any kind. I followed Bib’s bible EXCEPT I DISAGREE THAT STRETCHING SKIN BY ATTACHING HANGER CLOSE TO BODY IS EITHER NECESSARY OR DESIREABLE. My goal was to end up with a minimimum of excess skin on the shaft, so I always attached hanger a half inch behind the glans being sure to stretch the penis away from body as I attached the hanger. Hung straight down mostly with a some BTC. Started at 5.7” BPEL and ended 7.9” BPEL. Gained .6” girth at base but none mid-shaft. I have very little excess shaft skin fortunately. The 7.9” is measured one year later so it is cemented gain.

Originally Posted by godzila
Do you have anything constructive to add?

Already have. Clearly you didn’t recognize it as such.

Good Day and Good Luck to you.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Going straight to 10 kilos sounds extreme. I don’t mean to discourage you — I don’t know if it’s healthy or not — what I mean to say is that I’d love to hang 10kg but I’m already having trouble hanging 5kg after a couple of months (My bib-hanger’s fastening screw broke however, which doesn’t help matters.)

Having hung a maximum of 6.25kg (for a single 20 minute set) it seems incredible to me that anyone could start hanging at 10kg, but then I guess we all respond to PE in different ways.

Bud, I agree with the excess skin thing, I thought it would naturally stretch enough when the penis grew, also on the conditioning comment. Congrats on the gains, I hope to use this weight and will try for 10 hours a week if not more when possible, thanks for your comments, its good to hear something positive, which agrees with my initial instinct on hanging.

If anyone else would like to comment, all appreciated.

"If your not growing your dying"

"That which does not kill you only makes you stronger"

Originally Posted by Beaver Eager
Going straight to 10 kilos sounds extreme. I don’t mean to discourage you — I don’t know if it’s healthy or not — what I mean to say is that I’d love to hang 10kg but I’m already having trouble hanging 5kg after a couple of months (My bib-hanger’s fastening screw broke however, which doesn’t help matters.)

Having hung a maximum of 6.25kg (for a single 20 minute set) it seems incredible to me that anyone could start hanging at 10kg, but then I guess we all respond to PE in different ways.

Thanks Beaver, I take it from your message you too would hang at this weight or heavier if you could manage it? If the hanger is the problem you can read my thread on “is this the easiest hanger yet” its basicly a clamp, basic but very effective it seems.

What do you have to loose, except 3.5 kilos?

"If your not growing your dying"

"That which does not kill you only makes you stronger"

If I could hang 10 kilos I’d hang 10 kilos. What would be the point in holding back? (I say this bearing in mind that you’re aware of the injury risks)

I took a look at the “easiest hanger” thread and it looks pretty straight-forward, but I wouldn’t know where to get a cable-tie (I’m not really handy) Where could I get one in the U.K.?

Cable clamp, they are for arguments sake the 21st century cable tie, I couldn’t find one in UK, but bought to from Drilla, I think he has more and has supplied a few people, I can say it was a smooth and quick transaction. Alt try I think that’s what it is, you can order them from the US, get the medium clamps, there cheap considering what you can do with them, clamp, hang, ADS.

Some say they have found them in B & Q but I had no luck in there or Homebase, by then Drilla had emailed me.

Hope this helps.

"If your not growing your dying"

"That which does not kill you only makes you stronger"

Thanks, that’s great— I want to start some girth exercises soon, so I’m going to need some clamps. Hopefully they’ll deliver to the U.K.

Originally Posted by goonbaby
I would think after reading several other threads about the use of ADS and plastic deformation that everyone on this board would either be hanging or using an ADS as part of their normal routine. Low weight over long periods causes biochemical changes in human tissues. Over time the tissues will succumb to the tension and lengthen.

I think both weight AND time are important factors and that it is very unlikely one program will work best for all of us. In my opinion an ADS is a MUST. It accomplishes so many things at one time and if used properly, will allow you to “perform” PE in privacy while you continue to live your life. I wear mine for 9 hours a day at work in my office. Yes, I have other elements such as heat, stretching, and some jelq. But no matter how else I change my routine, I will never give up the ADS.

I hope to get into clamping in a few months but only as I get closer to my length goals. I plan to start hanging in late spring, by then I think I will be toughened up enough for it.

Even when I add hanging for stressing the ligs and tissues, I will continue to wear the ADS after each session. I have even considered trying to find a way to safely wear my ADS at night.

Each of us must find our own way, but the physics behind keeping your penis stretched for as long as possible makes a ton of sense as far as I am concerned.

Anyone disagree?


Which brand of ADS do you use? Do you the one that monkeybar sell?


Long Term Goal

The perfect 8x6 cock aka the pussy destroyer (one day).

Why do some guys think the wheel needs to be re-invented.

Originally Posted by SNM

Remember hanging is not a weight lifting contest. The smart hangers use as little weight as possible and move up in weight very slowly.


Originally Posted by SNM

Why do some guys think the wheel needs to be re-invented.

..and we have a winner!


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