Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hang time vs Weight

Well there’s the bungee cord on a door knob approach. But IMO, the under desk rigging is the way to go. Is your computer not on a desk? Maybe not on a desk that you can so rig. I would get a desk that I could so rig. Relative to how you’re doing it now, it’ll be like going from a tricycle to Bentley.

I think MX rigged up something with bike stand and Modesto might have rigged up something with a roller stand…a bit fuzzy on those though. If you can at all manage it, I really think the under desk rigging is the way to go though.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

I appreciate the comment but have laptop on the floor! I currently live in small house with no spare space for a desk, so no not really possible. I quite like the feeling I get when I hang SO the way I have been doing so will continue, unless I can rig a wall pulley or something similar, but feel this is too much like hard work. My Mrs thinks I’m nuts as it is I can just hear her now, “whats that for” “Don’t tell me its another dick machine” as she calls them.

I’m just getting her to tolerate me hanging in front of her for an hour a day (more if I can) especially on the holidays, this will change once she goes back to work but she got eyes like a hawk so will notice a pulley from the wall, not that you need eyes of a hawk to notice that!

Thanks for your suggestions.

I think we should try and get back to the topic, anyone care to share their routine and gains and opinion on this subject, thanks already to those who have.

Happy new year

"If your not growing your dying"

"That which does not kill you only makes you stronger"


You said in this thread that you should hang for no longer than 12 months. Are you aiming on the condition effect you will get otherwise? You mean that one should take a break after a year.
I am interested in your thoughts about this.
If it’s because conditioning/deconditioning I will understand, maybe you have some other reosons for it.

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

Originally Posted by bud_do

Hang for no longer than 12 months…..either do it or quit playing with yourself.

This is a quote from BUD Do I tend to agree with it, this is not because of conditioning rather to agree that although you have all the time in the world so to speak, I want to get in their get may hands dirty and get out asap, 12 months is his opinion of course you can hang til your heart is content.

My interpretation is, get a hanger that fits and is comfy as possible, roll up your sleeves and give it a good amount of time, in which you wont WASTE it having time off, trying lighter weights and staying their with no gains for months on end, forgetting, starting again, swapping for girth exercises etc..

Of course if things are going swimmingly after 12 months of solid hanging with this kind of weight and I want a bit more, then I will carry on, but to set yourself a goal I think is healthy or we can keep going on for ever with no end in sight forever touching our dicks without doing anything about what we are here to do.

I hope this makes sense and answers your questions.

Do you have any comments on this topic you would like to share? This question is to everyone as well as anon.

"If your not growing your dying"

"That which does not kill you only makes you stronger"

Originally Posted by godzila
roll up your sleeves and give it a good amount of time, in which you wont WASTE it having time off, trying lighter weights and staying their with no gains for months on end, forgetting, starting again, swapping for girth exercises etc..

you basically mean; Hang as much as possible as heavy as possible, no BS. Get in for 12 month and get out.
Then saying; been there, done that, I am done, big dick now.

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

Sounds right to me, this makes sense.

Any comments about their routine and gains? or on this topic.

Let us hear them.

"If your not growing your dying"

"That which does not kill you only makes you stronger"

I’m only just getting back into hanging after a break (my bib-hanger broke and I’ve only just found a way to repair it) and am starting hanging light…

…I don’t really have much of a choice due to a new scar on my wang (I had a surgery recently (under local anaesthetic (but that’s a different story)))

Now that I can fully tighten my bib I’ve discovered I can get a much better pull on my ligs hanging 2.5kg (5.5lbs) than I got hanging 4kg (8.8lbs)…

…I hung 3 sets at 2.5kg today and it hit my ligs pretty hard (especially the first set). If that’s an indication of potential gains I guess I’m going to increase weight more gradually than I’d originally intended to when I was following bud_do’s regimen…

…it’s still a mystery to me how godzila can hang at 10kg (22lbs) with no previous hanging (it just doesn’t seem feasible :confused: )

…maybe it’s something to do with body type (Endomorph, Mesomorph, Ectomorph etc.)

…who knows? :confused:

I don’t see the big deal, without sounding like a show off or anything, I have quite a good pain threshold and although not painful to me it maybe to others. I feel I hang with a comfortable hanger and it does what it needs to do without pain to the point of having to stop.

For those of you who have said wow 10 Kilos have you actually tried to lift 10 kilos? I didn’t think of the weight but listened to my dick, it felt easy enough and comfortable enough that is the key I feel, any lighter feels like mentally I’m not doing anything, although I can feel the benefits.

Guys your routines and results are the reason for me starting this thread so that we all can judge for ourselves what seems to work for others, so please can you post your hanging routine and gains, I know there are successful hangers out there and also unsuccessful hangers but I want to hear from both of types, there is nothing wrong with not gaining, in fact you normally find what not to do before you find what you need to do.

Thanks in advance.

"If your not growing your dying"

"That which does not kill you only makes you stronger"

Here are some more examples…

I found these here: 12 1/2 pounds is killing me!

Originally Posted by Ocelot McHuge
You are overtraining like a madman! I’ve gained close to .7 of an inch BPFSL in just under 2 months from LIGHT hanging. In fact, I haven’t felt a lick of fatigue yet. It’s all about high volume, not high weights.

Originally Posted by Crispy1
…I started with 29 lbs…I hang for 1-2 sessons of 20 minutes with the 10 minute jelqs between [dry jelqing] (P.s. 3-5 days a week)

…and here: How long do you hang

Originally Posted by Crispy1
I use 29 lbs always have and gonna try to always will.I do mine in day sets like 1 Day/Set,1 next Day/set, 2 set/Day (sets/20 minutes during that day) so the body can get used to it.Alternating through the week.but heh thats just me do your own thing lol.

Crispy1’s Gains:

Originally Posted by Crispy1
Erect Length and Girth = 8 x 5.5 |11/22/04|

Erect Length and Girth = 8 1/2 x 5.5 [2/12/05]

Erect Length and Girth = 9 x 5.5 [6/9/05]

Erect Length and Girth = 9 1/2 x 5.8 [12/8/05]

Goal Length and Girth = 10 x 6.5 |whenever it happens!|

22nd Nov ‘04 — 8"
12th Feb ‘05 — 8.5"
9th Jun ‘05 —- 9"
(12th Aug ‘05 [or maybe] 8th Dec ‘05 [?]) —9.5"

^ Those are some pretty fast gains.

I would have to agree, very impressive. Thanks for looking those up.

I just read a thread where thickone 2004 mentions he hangs with 30 pounds so it doesn’t seem uncommon, my feelings are these guys knows it works and just get on with it, I have asked him to pass his routine on for hanging and girth as his girth is good, really good, in fact I’d probably stop before that size good.

Anymore routines and gains made from your efforts would be appreciated.

"If your not growing your dying"

"That which does not kill you only makes you stronger"

More wise words (From: vet hangers, this thread needs you!):

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
You want to build a LONG dick, not a STRONG dick. Maybe a trip to the wayback threads of the Hanger’s Forum would be a good idea.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
I would think that using the minimum amount of weight possible would be a smart thing. I don’t think rushing to 20 pounds because that is someone else’s "sweet spot" makes a lot of sense. Maybe BIgger gained at 20 pounds because he "paid his dues" on the way to that weight?

Just a quick question. Are the monty weights considered hanging or stretching? I thought it was a little of both. I have the monty weights. I started wearing one for about 4 hours a day. Then I just quit. But I am going to get back into it. If I use all four isn’t that like hanging? Or better yet don’t you get the same results as hanging,except it’s lower weight of course.

Started 5.5 x 4.5 erect Length and Girth Goal 7 x 6.5 erect Length and Girth

Currently 5.9 x 5.5 erect Length,Girth and going !

No experience with these weights myself but feel they are ADS only.

"If your not growing your dying"

"That which does not kill you only makes you stronger"

Originally Posted by Lil J76
Just a quick question. Are the monty weights considered hanging or stretching? I thought it was a little of both. I have the monty weights. I started wearing one for about 4 hours a day. Then I just quit. But I am going to get back into it. If I use all four isn’t that like hanging? Or better yet don’t you get the same results as hanging,except it’s lower weight of course.

This question came up once before— the difference between traction, stretching, weights etc.

It’s all force…just applied in different ways.

Traction (the application of a pulling force) and stretching is generally associated with ADS, although they do occur with hanging also.

As to whether you’re hanging or stretching with the monty weights is more a matter of the weight your actually hanging and the periods you’re hanging for…

…If you’re using them as an ADS then it’s more likely to be thought of as ‘stretching’ rather than hanging…

…if your using the equivalent weight in monty weights as most hangers hang, and for the same sets-based time periods then it’s hanging (but with monty weights).

I’ve always thought of monty weights as an ADS.

Something else I’ve discovered since my return to hanging— the difference a good grip makes to stressing the ligs.

I’ve fixed my bib so that I’m able to clamp it shut much tighter than I was originally able…

…now instead of it ‘slipping’ I can get it to grip my inner-penis with virtually no downward movement when the weight is attached and it makes a lot of difference to the effect of the weight.

Previous to breaking the the screw on my bib I was hanging 5 days on and 2 off and consistently increasing the weight. I got all the way up to 5.5kg (12lbs) with little problem apart from a lot of skin-stretch and lymph build up…

…where I’d broken the screw on my bib I thought I was getting a tight grip but it was in fact the wing-nut crossing threads with the tightening bolt and locking in place…

…the result was that I was getting lots of skin pull and lots of lymph build-up because the bib wasn’t tight enough to hang the heavier weights (I continued to hang just the same because at the time I thought that — since the wing-nut was locked tight — I was getting the grip I needed and that the lymph build-up just came with the territory (it was only when I took a closer look at the hanger that I realised what was happening)).

Since figuring out the problem and subsequently getting it tight on my inner penis, at 2.5kg (5.5lbs) I’m hanging less than half my previous heaviest weight and it’s hitting my ligs so hard that at one point they were stinging (not a good sign (if this happens to you discontinue hanging and consider lowering the weight))

…what’s missing from the equation, now that I’ve got the bib to grip tight, is the skin stretch (and the resultant lymph build up)…

…the conclusion I’ve drawn from this experience is: if you can get a tight enough grip on the inner-penis to eliminate skin-stretch then you can get an effective pull on the ligs at a much lower weight.

This is another potential variable to add to the list.


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