vet hangers, this thread needs you!
This is my fourth week of hanging.
I hang now 6 sets of 20 min. Before hanging with the redi-stretcher I put on some talk-powder. When I have my hanging chair I think I can add it up to 12 sets some days.
Would that be too soon too much hanging time?
This is what I do now; Hanging at 6 lbs max. Every time when I can’t concentrate during reading because of the dull ache, I drop some weight. When I even get fatiqued at 2 lbs I stop hanging and try if I can do some sets later during the day.
After six more weeks I want to be able to hang 25 lbs. Doing that for a month. Monitoring my results every week. If I am constantly gaining I will go further if not I will take a six week break.
Before hanging I use the Ir-lamp and I try to use it as much as possible during hanging. When my hanging is done I jerk until I get some engorgement. Then I put on a Pe-weight and a homedic wristwrap.
Now vets, how can I optimize my hanging even more? May be even a simple detail.
I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..
Last edited by anon771 : 01-03-2006 at .