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vet hangers, this thread needs you!

vet hangers, this thread needs you!

This is my fourth week of hanging.

I hang now 6 sets of 20 min. Before hanging with the redi-stretcher I put on some talk-powder. When I have my hanging chair I think I can add it up to 12 sets some days.

Would that be too soon too much hanging time?

This is what I do now; Hanging at 6 lbs max. Every time when I can’t concentrate during reading because of the dull ache, I drop some weight. When I even get fatiqued at 2 lbs I stop hanging and try if I can do some sets later during the day.

After six more weeks I want to be able to hang 25 lbs. Doing that for a month. Monitoring my results every week. If I am constantly gaining I will go further if not I will take a six week break.

Before hanging I use the Ir-lamp and I try to use it as much as possible during hanging. When my hanging is done I jerk until I get some engorgement. Then I put on a Pe-weight and a homedic wristwrap.

Now vets, how can I optimize my hanging even more? May be even a simple detail.

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

Last edited by anon771 : 01-03-2006 at .

I’m following bu_do’s recently posted hanging protocol- 3*20minutes* poundage objective for workout.

This weeks that means 3*20m*4kilos-

Weight added at ~2# [1K] per week until 10 Kilo reached, only then increasing hang time to 6*20 minutes.

Nothing more, nothing less.

I don’t know that hanging needs to be a pain endurance contest- reading Bib among others I get the sense that it is more of an automated process. Why not focus on working up to the goal weight and only then jack up the time.

I’m NOT a hanging vet, although I have dabbled with it in a rather undisciplined fashion, I’m just saying.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

I don’t experience it as a pain edurance. You are just working from a different angle. More into increasing weight. Bu-do has had some great result with that. So I would say go for it!

What I am doing is holding the weight low and spend much time. (easy you can multitask)
You can read many posts that that has given succes to many also.

When I am short of time, I can ad some more weight to keep the penis quessing.

Thanks for the reaction Andro, (to be or not to be eh! ;])

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

Originally Posted by anon771

After six more weeks I want to be able to hang 25 lbs. Doing that for a month.

I don’t think you should concentrate too much on a given goal weight. Continue the weight you’re using now and add weight when you feel your dick needs it to get a good workout. However stick to max 1lbs more per week. There’s no science behind this constriction but I think it will allow you to get the most gains out of hanging. Quality over quantity.

Absolutely- but then how do we find the ‘right’ weight?

Seems from what I, and apparently others, can recall, Bib seemed to have his best response at ~10K- so without rushing things, wouldn’t that be a possible objective?

If what we are doing, be it by hanging, pumping, clamping or ‘traditional’ manual PE, is actually plastic deformation, then there must be some sort of average threshold for this to occur. Hanging seems to be the most replicable way to accomplish this. All the rest, pumping aside sort of, rely on participation that can vary from day to day and stroke to stroke.

Obviously condition your dick, learn about your dick, listen to your dick and if your dick says ‘bad’ then back away.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

I would think that using the minimum amount of weight possible would be a smart thing. I don’t think rushing to 20 pounds because that is someone else’s “sweet spot” makes a lot of sense. Maybe BIgger gained at 20 pounds because he “paid his dues” on the way to that weight?

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Unless I’m mistaken, Thunder is saying this

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Last edited by xenolith : 01-04-2006 at .

Is it just me or is there a real mentality emerging with guys almost racing each other to hang with 10kg?
Hell, why stop at 10kg?
If it worked great for Bib, then imagine what 20kg could do for you!

People, take a deep breath and step away from the hanger.

In a post of mr nine I read that he sometime’s didn’t even noticed the weights. I am going back to that.

Like you don’t feel the weights at all. Comfortable hanging. Many sets I got out of concentration during reading because of the ache of my ligs.

Only the problem with this is that you are doubting if you are having a good workout. There is this idea that you need to experience soms discomfort to know that you are having a good workout.

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

My sweet spot is/was 10-12.5 lbs. Slow and steady soreness wins the race.

Originally Posted by A69
Is it just me or is there a real mentality emerging with guys almost racing each other to hang with 10kg?
Hell, why stop at 10kg?
If it worked great for Bib, then imagine what 20kg could do for you!

People, take a deep breath and step away from the hanger.

I hear you A69. For some reason these guys think it’s the amount of weight that is producing the gains. Sure Bigger was hanging 20+ lbs of weight but it also took him allot of hang time to work up to that.

Think about it guys, a lig will only stretch out so far and why would you want to use any additional weight than what’s needed? I think moving up too quickly in weight is just as bad as not moving up fast enough.

If the amount of weight was the trick then don’t you think you would be reading threads where guys were hanging 50+ lbs.

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