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I can feel the chambers when I hang

I can feel the chambers when I hang

I’m hanging completely flaccid, but when I lower the weight (about 6 lbs. on my Bib) if I pinch up near the beginning of my head the little blood which was in my penis seems to be making the chambers in the shaft hard. My head is not hard, is not building up pressure, and does not turn blue, so should I be worried about this? It seems like it’s because I can get my Bib nice and tight, whereas with my old Redi-Stretcher (which I took up to 10 lbs.) would not hold as tightly, so the skin would start to slip over my head, which is relatively small given my shaft girth. To reiterate my question: should I worry about this?

I think this is what I’m talking about, so I guess it’s okay! Preventing the Twists (Not the twists, the "shoulders" that the hanger sits on).

Under tension everything feels harder.

Hope that helps because I’m not really following you :confused:

I’m talking about blood in the CC’s becoming compressed as you tighten the hanger. Apparently it gives the hanger something to sit on.

I’ve done this whilst I was hanging I find it makes hanging more comfortable.

Haven’t hung since beginning of year, looking to get back into it.

As long as circulation is ok and no pain, then should be fine.

Good luck

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