Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I need some advice...

You mean hanging in general, or something else? An ADS that uses weights?

Originally Posted by Dep
PE weights are a pretty awesome way to keep those ligs extended.

PE weights…hmmm… :-k Oh, I see now…I just checked out Monty’s site. Lots of useful PE stuff.

Originally Posted by Dep
PE weights are a pretty awesome way to keep those ligs extended.


I just noticed that you have had some phenomenal length gains in relatively short period of time. What sort of PE routine has given you these fantastic results? What was the largest length gain that you achieved in a month & what sort of PE were you doing for that month? How long did it take for the length gains to come? Did the bulk of them come in the first few months & then peter out over time, or have they been consistent? Please give me more details on your routine. I’m going to go out & buy the vinegar tomorrow, you sound like you know what you’re talking about. If I could just get an extra.625”-.875”, I would be a very happy man indeed! I’m hoping that any advice that you may be able to impart, can help me to achieve this goal. Thanks again.

Thethickone2004, I just want to jump in here and shoot off a quick comment about the “PE while sleeping” idea. Yes, I know it’s been mentioned and it usually has to do with safety and circulation, but how about the nocturnal erections? Pretty tough to imagine any effective PE stretch allowing for the nocturnals, eh? Perhaps, just PERHAPS, the nocturnal erections are an essential function for penile health and we don’t really want to interfere there.

Damn hard to imagine this process taking place as it normally does with any tension on the penis. Please reconsider in light of this, it’s one of those vague unknowns, but one that could have some negatives if this idea of yours is pursued for any length of time.

Originally Posted by thickone2004
Also, I’ve been taking Glucosamine Sulfate since last summer to treat a shoulder problem that I was told only surgery would fix, but it’s done amazing things for my shoulder & now I’m wondering if this could have contributed, atleast slightly to my gains

Glucosamine is often used to rebuild the cartilage in your joints… I doubt it has made any contributions to your gains.

Originally Posted by thickone2004
I’ve began to think that aspirin is important as well. I’ve read that it can interfere with the healing process & is one of the leading contributors for causing ligaments to heal in an extended state

I read somewhere that it only worked on laboratory testing of rats, but you may have different sources. Even if aspirin helped to relax your ligaments, building up a tolerance to any kind of medicine seems stupid, but hey, that’s just my opinion.

I agree that wearing an ADS at night is an injury waiting to happen. Stick with your day routine. My knowledge of hanging is very limited since I have yet to try it, best of luck to your gains.

I’m not sure about wearing an ADS at night— it seems a little too problematic (although if there is one you could safely wear at night I want one).

It sounds like you could use a deconditioning break, to let all the tissues etc. revert back to their Pre-PE pliable state.

From what I’ve read, once you’ve taken a deconditioning break you should be able to make faster gains more easily at a lower weight (you’d probably only need one deconditioning break to reach your goal)

From what I’ve read about deconditioning breaks the minimum you should try for is six weeks with the ideal being a break of twelve weeks.

You might loose a little length but it’s easily made up after the break, and gains should then come much more easily.

Try searching for “Deconditioning” and “decon” for more info.

Hopefully some more knowledgeable forum members could offer some advice on the topic.

Last edited by Mr. Fantastic : 01-15-2006 at .

I stumbled onto an article that talked about how aspirin would hinder the healing of ligaments after an injury and correlated that to what I had been doing in my hanging practices. I had been talking an aspirin a day for cardio because heart ailments run in my family. I had no idea that they might be helping in my gains until I read the article.

My gains were really very consistent over a long duration. Actually just a little over an 1/8" per month is all I did. Some months did see almost a 1/4" gain but it all depended on the frequency of my hanging. After that 14 month period I came to realize that if I divided the number of hanging sessions into whatever gains I made for any particular month I came up with a surprise and that was that each session produced a specific gain. So the more hanging sessions I had in a month the more gains I would have.

Now whether that would yield a limit on a per month basis or not I don’t know. Seems if I got 40 sessions in a month and that extrapolated out to 1/4" could I do 80 in a month get 1/2" gains? I really don’t think so and haven’t subjected that to experimentation. Frankly I don’t think so. My limiting factor is I just don’t have that much time in my life to devote to PE.

Ocelot McHuge recently reported very similar gains to mine and he is applying my routine almost to the letter. You can find his testimony Max fatique when little stings start in the ligs

Vinegar: I wouldn’t do vinegar by itself. Yuck! Pickle juice at least has a flavor to it.

I did have a forced decon for several months last year that’s why my stats haven’t changed but watch close I’m revving up for an update when I have some firm figures. Just let me say for now that clamping has produced 6.5 firm girth and my EL is up at least an 1/8"

One thing is for sure you should not even think about using my PEweights at night. I guarantee that you will wake up with multiple cock-rings that will require mechanical removal in an ER to prevent Gangrene.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

So monty, you think asprin my help ligament length gains?

I think bloodthinners would work against girth gains though, right?

Did you know America ranks the lowest in education but the highest in drug use? It's nice to be number one, but we can fix that. All we need to do is start the war on education. If it's anywhere near as successful as our war on drugs, in no time we'll all be hooked on phonics

- Leighann Lord

No I don’t see why there would be a difference. The tunica is structured differently but the idea is the same. Stretech and keep it that way.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

After further thought, I’ve decided to not wear the ADS while sleeping. I think that you’re right about the stretch while having an erection. Even though my girth doesn’t change very much with my erection, my length does & this could be a problem that I didn’t think about at first. I think that I’ll just let nature take over here & do it’s thing. ;) Thanks for the advice.

Originally Posted by groa
Thethickone2004, I just want to jump in here and shoot off a quick comment about the “PE while sleeping” idea. Yes, I know it’s been mentioned and it usually has to do with safety and circulation, but how about the nocturnal erections? Pretty tough to imagine any effective PE stretch allowing for the nocturnals, eh? Perhaps, just PERHAPS, the nocturnal erections are an essential function for penile health and we don’t really want to interfere there.

Damn hard to imagine this process taking place as it normally does with any tension on the penis. Please reconsider in light of this, it’s one of those vague unknowns, but one that could have some negatives if this idea of yours is pursued for any length of time.

My thinking about Glucosamine being a factor is just a guess, but cartilage & ligaments are both connective tissue & there is a possibility that it could help with ligaments as well. Granted, cartilage is supporting tissue & ligaments are binding tissue, but I think that they are similar enough. Although, I’m not a medical doctor, so I can’t really say for certain. I doubt that a doctor could say for certain either, atleast not without further study & a clinical trial to put it to the test. I’m just throwing it out there as a possibility, so take it as you will. I’m certainly not trying to say, “Take Glucosamine, it’ll make your dick grow!”. :D

What I’ve read about aspirin didn’t concern tests with lab rats, although I’ve read this sort of material as well. It was an analysis of patients who had stretched ligaments due to an injury & were on regular daily aspirin regimes, while the healing process was taking place. There are lots of people who take an aspirin every day & they don’t build up a tolerance to aspirin, atleast I’m not aware of this happening. Is there something that I’m unaware of on this subject? If we were talking about an antibiotic, pain pills, or something like that, I would agree with you that it’s stupid to take them when they aren’t needed & thus build up a tolerance to them, but I think that this is different.

Personally, I don’t think that I’d receive any injury from using an ADS while sleeping, since my flaccid girth is almost the same as my erect girth, but the change in length while having an erection would probably be uncomfortable & wake me up. I think that for me anyway, that’s about the size of it. But, for those with a much smaller flaccid size than their erect size, I think that this could be very dangerous. Thanks for the advice.

Originally Posted by MrClyde
Glucosamine is often used to rebuild the cartilage in your joints… I doubt it has made any contributions to your gains.

I read somewhere that it only worked on laboratory testing of rats, but you may have different sources. Even if aspirin helped to relax your ligaments, building up a tolerance to any kind of medicine seems stupid, but hey, that’s just my opinion.

I agree that wearing an ADS at night is an injury waiting to happen. Stick with your day routine. My knowledge of hanging is very limited since I have yet to try it, best of luck to your gains.

I’ve been considering taking a 2 month break. I may do this pretty soon, if gains slow down much more than they already have. Thanks for the advice.

Originally Posted by Mr. Fantastic
It sounds like you could use a deconditioning break, to let all the tissues etc. revert back to their Pre-PE pliable state.

I believe that I may have read this same article that you’re talking about. I’m definitely adding an aspirin to my list of daily supplements. I also have a family history of heart problems on both sides of my family. My paternal grandmother died of a massive heart attack at age 67 & my maternal grandfather died from the same problem that killed John Ritter. My grandfather was only 61 & I’m very similar to him, right down to the "type a" personality & extreme "penny pinching". If my granfather loaned someone $101.01, you didn’t just say, "Here’s that hundred dollars that I owe you…". He expected the whole amount right down to the penny. :D I’m the same way & it really pisses some people off, but hey pennies add up… :D Anyway, it would probably be a good idea for me to take an aspirin before doing cardio as well.

I’d be thrilled if I could gain .25" per month for the next three months. This would put me just a hair under 9" BP & would give me a much better proportioned willy. ;) I’m pretty sure that I would retire at that point. Hopefully, using a better ADS & adding the aspirin to my diet will help this to happen. I hoping that the vinegar will help as well. As for the taste of vinegar: I’ve taken L-Arginine powder, which is just about the most fowl tasting stuff on earth. So, if I can take that, vinegar should be easy. ;) Thanks again Monty.

Originally Posted by Monty530
I stumbled onto an article that talked about how aspirin would hinder the healing of ligaments after an injury and correlated that to what I had been doing in my hanging practices. I had been talking an aspirin a day for cardio because heart ailments run in my family. I had no idea that they might be helping in my gains until I read the article.

My gains were really very consistent over a long duration. Actually just a little over an 1/8" per month is all I did. Some months did see almost a 1/4" gain but it all depended on the frequency of my hanging. After that 14 month period I came to realize that if I divided the number of hanging sessions into whatever gains I made for any particular month I came up with a surprise and that was that each session produced a specific gain. So the more hanging sessions I had in a month the more gains I would have.

Now whether that would yield a limit on a per month basis or not I don’t know. Seems if I got 40 sessions in a month and that extrapolated out to 1/4" could I do 80 in a month get 1/2" gains? I really don’t think so and haven’t subjected that to experimentation. Frankly I don’t think so. My limiting factor is I just don’t have that much time in my life to devote to PE.

Ocelot McHuge recently reported very similar gains to mine and he is applying my routine almost to the letter. You can find his testimony Max fatique when little stings start in the ligs

Vinegar: I wouldn’t do vinegar by itself. Yuck! Pickle juice at least has a flavor to it.

I did have a forced decon for several months last year that’s why my stats haven’t changed but watch close I’m revving up for an update when I have some firm figures. Just let me say for now that clamping has produced 6.5 firm girth and my EL is up at least an 1/8"

One thing is for sure you should not even think about using my PEweights at night. I guarantee that you will wake up with multiple cock-rings that will require mechanical removal in an ER to prevent Gangrene.

Last edited by thickone2004 : 01-16-2006 at . Reason: minor punctuation problem...

A definite win/win for me, if that’s true… :D

Originally Posted by gameofinches
I think bloodthinners would work against girth gains though, right?

And just when I thought that aspirin would make my friend willy go on a diet to lose some of that girth…darn! ;)

Originally Posted by Monty530
No I don’t see why there would be a difference. The tunica is structured differently but the idea is the same. Stretech and keep it that way.


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