Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I need some advice...


I need some advice...

I’ve been hanging for a while, but it wasn’t until last summer that I finally started seeing some gains. My length was 7.5625” BP then & it’s currently 7.5625” NBP. I started hanging heavier weights last summer & I’m currently hanging a maximum weight of 30lbs.. My total length is 8.125” BP & I’ve decided that I’d like to gain about .625”-.875” more length. The problem is that I’m currently hanging 30lbs. & my gains are slowing considerably.

My current routine is to hang 3 evenings per week. I start with a heating pad warmup & lighter weight for the first sets & then I increase to my maximum weight of 30lbs., for a few more sets. I do this monday, wednesday & friday & I follow up with my homemade ADS for a few hours more. I’m considering changing up my routine & I’d like some input from some of you who have made large length gains, especially from hard-gainers such as myself or those with large girth.

I’m considering buying the AutoADS from Monkeybar & wearing this at all times, when I’m not hanging weight. I plan to wear it even while sleeping & I know that some of you here will say, “Don’t do it, that’s a BAD idea!”, but I’m a pretty light sleeper & my flaccid girth is almost the same as my erect girth, so I think I’ll be OK with that part. But, I’d like input on the new routine that I’m considering.

After a 15 minute warmup with a heating pad, I plan to hang in the morning, for two sets, consisting of the following:

- One 10 minute set at 20lbs.
- Rest & massage my penis for 5 minutes.
- One 20 minute set of 30lbs.
- Rest & massage my penis for 5 minutes.
- Apply the heating pad for an additional 5 minutes.
- Apply the AutoADS for the rest of the day.

I plan to do the same exact routine in the evening & sleep while wearing the AutoADS. Instead of hanging 3 days per week, I plan to hang for six days, monday-saturday & rest on sunday. Although, I plan on wearing the AutoADS for the remaing hours in each day & seven days per week. There will of course be the “recreational breaks” during this time. :D But, my plan is to keep my penis extended for as long as possible. Also, how many of you here have taken aspirin on a regular basis? I ask this because it’s been said that it can interrupt the normal healing process(inflammation) & cause ligaments to heal in an extended state.

Also, I’ve been taking Glucosamine Sulfate since last summer to treat a shoulder problem that I was told only surgery would fix, but it’s done amazing things for my shoulder & now I’m wondering if this could have contributed, atleast slightly to my gains, by possibly reducing the time required for ADS healing. I started taking it in late May of 2005 & it wasn’t too long after this that I started to see some length gains. But, I’d DOUBLED my hanging weight from 10lbs. to 20lbs. at the time & I started seriously using an ADS after hanging. Plus, before I wasn’t as careful about warming up before this, so it could be just a coincidence. I take 1g in the morning & 1g at night.

I’m thinking that less hanging & more ADS is the way to go, but the jury’s still out on that one. I’m thinking that if I cause this slight “damage” from hanging in the morning & in the evening for less total time, this will be enough & the ADS will do the rest…Yes? No?

Thanks in advance for any help that you can provide.

Very Impressive

That’s some pretty impressive hanging there dude. I am fixing to get back into hanging heavy, myself. I think I finally have maxed out and cemented this girth at 6-1/2”. What kind of hanger let’s you hang 30 pounds that long?

I agree with everything you plan but sleeping in the AutoADS, not so much because I think it will cause injury, as much as I just don’t think you will be able to sleep. If you find you can’t sleep in the ADS try a Mag-Wrap with the magnets cut out, or at the very least sleep in a good Bed Fowfer.

But I highly agree with keeping extended as much as possible between sessions when hanging that much weight. Maybe some peweights when you are up and about and an AutoExtender while setting watching TV or working at your desk.

Good Luck
And do keep us posted.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Your plan sounds excellent to me. Hanging the the AM is most important and then ADS all day to keep the tears open will do the trick alright. If you can do that and hang again in the PM and continue with the ADS you should get the gains you seek.

Yes, good idea to hang every day except for a rest day. That way your keeping the chain reaction going from 1 day to the next and staying fatiqued full time. Not sure about sleeping with the ADS on all night though. It’s a good idea in theory, I mean what else is there to do except sleep…oh yea, well, there are other things one can do of course. I’ve considered trying it myself but wouldn’t want to get a woody and blow the ADS off my unit.

I would think It would be better to not sleep with an ADS on at night but instead let your unit rest and recovery. The penis just like a working body needs at least a certain amount of rest to regroup. If it can’t it could likely go into over-training and become counter productive and preventing new gains.

Back when I was really hanging a lot (about everyday) and started wearing an ADS all thruout the day and evening but letting my unit rest for 8 hrs at night, man my flaccid hang started looking good! But I never saw any erect gains from it. I think (as I’ve been told) you’ll get the best bang from hanging. The ADS will only act as insurance to cement any gains brought about from hanging heavy.

Just my 2 cents.

I vote for not wearing it at night. Yeah, you may be a light sleeper, and that may work most of the time… but what about the one time it does not. Besides, sleep is important for your mental, physical… and yes penile health. I would not consider disturbing it regularly.

04: NBP 5.5, EG 5. 08: NBP 7 EG 5.25. Current: NBP 6.5 EG 5.25

Hey man, Hang more often, like 5-6 days a week, but lighter and use an ADS, I think that will really change it up and whelp restart gains my man.

Did you know America ranks the lowest in education but the highest in drug use? It's nice to be number one, but we can fix that. All we need to do is start the war on education. If it's anywhere near as successful as our war on drugs, in no time we'll all be hooked on phonics

- Leighann Lord

I have considered wearing my ADS whilst I sleep. However, my ADS is the noose type. I get very hard erections at night especially in the morning just before I wake up. I think that getting an erection with the noose on would probably wake me up but what if it doesn’t? I think that it would go numb and stay that way for a long time…days. And what if it causes lost sensitivity? I have had some prolonged numbness from heavy hanging possibly because the hanger was loose. I do not want to experience that ever again. Intercourse was difficult because I kept l;osing my erection because my mind was thinking “What if this is permanent?”.
IMO getting strong erections at night is as good as, if not better than an ADS as it assists in girth as well as length and it is natural. What I have done to encourage erections for most of the night (I always have one when I wake in the middle of the night) is to take L-Arginine. This may not do much for you if you are hanging heavy and frequently experience negative physiological indicators.
Maybe you could try that simple theraband ADS kept very lose and maybe the first few nights set the alarm to wake you often enough so you could check and be sure everything is ok.
If you do it let us know. I am not aware off anyone who has tried this.
Heck, I use a noose and everyone says they are dangerous. Mine isn’t.


One thing I haven’t seen mentioned here for a long time is something the hard gainers should consider if it is not in their diet, and that is an aspirin a day. It thins the blood and causes things to relax. It slows healing which keeps things in a static state a little longer.

Another thing that isn’t mentioned much is vinegar. I like a dill pickle brine. 1 tablespoon per day. Softens and loosens joints.

You guys have just found out how nuts I really am.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Believe it or not, I’m still able to use a Captain’s wench, without too much discomfort. I’m currently weighing my options on a nighttime ADS system, but I believe that I could get by with the AutoADS while sleeping. My girth barely changes at all when erect, so atleast that part won’t be a problem. I’ll just have to see how comfortable it is when I get one. I’ve ordered the GripTwist just to see if I can fashion it into a cheap, but decent ADS, because I’m a cheap bastard. :D I doubt that I’ll have much success though, so I’m probably still going to get an AutoADS from Monkeybar. He’s put a lot of time & effort into making the AutoADS, so it will probably be better than anything that I could come up with using the GripTwist. If I make any further gains, I’ll definitely post the gains here. Thanks for the advice Big Girtha.

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
What kind of hanger let’s you hang 30 pounds that long?

I agree with everything you plan but sleeping in the AutoADS, not so much because I think it will cause injury, as much as I just don’t think you will be able to sleep. If you find you can’t sleep in the ADS try a Mag-Wrap with the magnets cut out, or at the very least sleep in a good Bed Fowfer.

I may try hanging in the morning only at first & use the ADS for the remainder of the day & try a rest from the ADS while I’m sleeping. Hell, I only average 4-6 hours of sleep per night anyway, so I’m not losing too much time. I’ve never required much sleep, even as a kid. If I hang only in the morning, what would you suggest as an optimal routine. I can pretty much set my own schedule, so time isn’t much of a constraint.

What PE routine did you see the most erect gains from? What sort of gains did you make? I wouldn’t mind getting a little longer flaccid hang length, but I don’t want any more flaccid girth. I don’t want any more erect girth either & I’d gladly trade an inch of girth for an inch of length. Thanks for the advice.

Originally Posted by ineed9
Your plan sounds excellent to me. Hanging the the AM is most important and then ADS all day to keep the tears open will do the trick alright. If you can do that and hang again in the PM and continue with the ADS you should get the gains you seek.

Yes, good idea to hang every day except for a rest day. That way your keeping the chain reaction going from 1 day to the next and staying fatiqued full time. Not sure about sleeping with the ADS on all night though. It’s a good idea in theory, I mean what else is there to do except sleep…oh yea, well, there are other things one can do of course. I’ve considered trying it myself but wouldn’t want to get a woody and blow the ADS off my unit.

I would think It would be better to not sleep with an ADS on at night but instead let your unit rest and recovery. The penis just like a working body needs at least a certain amount of rest to regroup. If it can’t it could likely go into over-training and become counter productive and preventing new gains.

Back when I was really hanging a lot (about everyday) and started wearing an ADS all thruout the day and evening but letting my unit rest for 8 hrs at night, man my flaccid hang started looking good! But I never saw any erect gains from it. I think (as I’ve been told) you’ll get the best bang from hanging. The ADS will only act as insurance to cement any gains brought about from hanging heavy.

Just my 2 cents.

I’m considering not wearing the ADS while sleeping, but I may still give it a test try. I don’t sleep that many hours each night, so I won’t be losing too much potential PE time. Thanks for the advice.

Originally Posted by fourofakind
I vote for not wearing it at night. Yeah, you may be a light sleeper, and that may work most of the time… but what about the one time it does not. Besides, sleep is important for your mental, physical… and yes penile health. I would not consider disturbing it regularly.

PE weights are a pretty awesome way to keep those ligs extended.


I noticed that you have achieved some pretty impressive length gains in a very short period of time. What’s your secret? What sort of PE routine have you employed? Nutrition?

I’m weighing my options & taking into account all of the input that I’m receiving from everyone here. I’ve considered dropping down to 25lbs. for 6 days straight, to get the controlled damage that I require, then using the ADS for the remainder of the day. I believe that the length of time that I wear the ADS is going to affect my gains from hanging in a big way, but I know that I must get enough hang time in to get the whole healing process started. Thanks for the advice.

Originally Posted by gameofinches
Hey man, Hang more often, like 5-6 days a week, but lighter and use an ADS, I think that will really change it up and whelp restart gains my man.

I have a “noose type” as well, which I made. I don’t have any problems with mine either, but I’d NEVER wear it at night. The AutoADS seems like a much more friendly & comfortable ADS than my homemade one. I bought a PeniMaster a while back, but it turns out the my penis was it’s master & I broke it trying to make it fit. ;) For me it was a waste of money. It seemed like it was made for a girth under 6” to me. I noticed that Monkeybar has a better attachment piece for it that looks like it would work pretty well.

I am an amateur bodybuilder as well, so I take lots of L-Arginine daily, as well as the time released L-Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate. I take 3g L-Arginine AKG (3) times per day, which provides me with over 5g of L-Arginine for the day & I usually take 3-5 L-Arginine 500mg capsules throughout the day as well. I agree that L-Arginine works very well for helping you to achieve rock hard erections. But, girth is not something that I need more of & I would gladly give up some of my girth for more length. Thanks for the advice.

Originally Posted by sheLovesIt
I have considered wearing my ADS whilst I sleep. However, my ADS is the noose type.

IMO getting strong erections at night is as good as, if not better than an ADS as it assists in girth as well as length and it is natural. What I have done to encourage erections for most of the night (I always have one when I wake in the middle of the night) is to take L-Arginine.

I’ve began to think that aspirin is important as well. I’ve read that it can interfere with the healing process & is one of the leading contributors for causing ligaments to heal in an extended state. This would be bad for an arm or a leg, but I think very good for my friend Willy? :D Vinegar is a new one to me. I may go out & buy some vinegar & add a tablespoon a day to my diet. What is the best time of day for taking the vinegar? Would I need to take it on an empty stomach? I have problems with my shoulder which I take Glucosamine for & this might help with that as well.

I don’t think that your nuts at all. I’ll go with a natural treatment over pills from the doctor anyday. People are far too quick to get a prescription for what ails them nowadays. That’s why antobiotics are beginning to lose their effectiveness for a lot of people. This does not bode well for the future of a lot of people. Thanks very much Monty for the information about the vinegar. If it doesn’t help me grow a longer cock, atleast it may help my shoulder. :) I’m hoping that it does both. :D

Originally Posted by Monty530
One thing I haven’t seen mentioned here for a long time is something the hard gainers should consider if it is not in their diet, and that is an aspirin a day. It thins the blood and causes things to relax. It slows healing which keeps things in a static state a little longer.

Another thing that isn’t mentioned much is vinegar. I like a dill pickle brine. 1 tablespoon per day. Softens and loosens joints.

You guys have just found out how nuts I really am.

Last edited by thickone2004 : 01-15-2006 at . Reason: spelling more...
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