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Max fatique when little stings start in the ligs

Max fatique when little stings start in the ligs

I hang as much sets as I can. Until the point that even 2 lbs it too much to hang.

That fatiqueness is so strong that you will begin to feel little stings in the ligs.
I feel like that is exactly were to draw the line between injury and the max of fatiqueness.

Today I reached that point with only 3 sets.

To me it’s like I have had a maximal workout.

Just a piece of information. Maybe not worth a new thread, but I don’t know in wich thread I to place it.

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

What hanging device are you currently using?

How long are your sets mostly?

The redi-stretcher. I always hang 20 min.

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

How have your results been thus far? My method of hanging seems to be getting me consistent and good gains and I rarely ever feel fatigue. When I do feel fatigue it is mild and temporary. You basically ride the fatigue as long as you can. What weight do you typically start with? Are gains consistent in this fashion?

Starting stats- 5.9 BP Current stats- 7.5 BP, 5.25 EG, 8.13 BPFSL

Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.

Hey Ocelote, would you mind posting some information regarding your own routine? Those are pretty impressive gains!



Irishjim, keep in mind the first inch that I gained was through jelqing alone, with some stretching as well. In the total of 4 months that I’ve hung my BPFSL has increased from 6.9 to 8.13. My BPEL has increased from 6.9 to 7.3. The majority of my hanging gains have come in the last 2 months however. Here is what I’ve been doing for the past month which has been working excellently:

Hot wrap warmup
75 total minutes (3 sets of 20 minutes and 1 set of 15) of hang time in the SO position with 7.5 pounds EVERYDAY. Can’t let the microtears heal.
3 PE weights worn for majority of day, like 6-10 hours.
I do some intense jelqing for 10 minutes every other day to stimulate blood flow and promote qiocker erect gains.

This basic routine has worked for me quite well and I believe it has most to do with my consistency and the lightness of the weights I’m using.

Starting stats- 5.9 BP Current stats- 7.5 BP, 5.25 EG, 8.13 BPFSL

Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.


Just wondering which hanger you use Bib, Redi-stretcher? For the last month my routine has been real close to what you’re doing except I hang SD and do 40 min then, 10 min intense jelking. First set starts with 7 lbs (20 min) second set goes up to 8 lbs (20 min). About 10 min or so into the 2nd set I start to get those little tingles in the ligs anon 771 talks about. I figure that’s my weight/fatigue ratio..I love to feel those little tingles! I hang at night (evening) and could..should do more sets but this routine has been working well so far.

I’m thinking of changing to hanging to the AM to create microtears then have all day to stay extended.. 10, 12, 16 hrs per day. Anyway, you’ve made some great gains with your time and hanger and I’m thinking of changing hangers since I have some problems with mine. I use the Grip. Have been using it off and on for years. Also had the Bib starter (couple years ago) but gave it back to Bib for a refund, just couldn’t make it work for me due to high head pressure and slippage but I think I should have kept it now and figured out how to make it work for me.

The Grip was the first hanger I ever bought so I got use to how it works but ‘behind the head’ hangers like the Bib just seem to feel totally different on my unit when I hang with them. Maybe I should try the Bib again as the Grip is a pain in the ass to use if it looses vacuum. Another problem is I can’t get over 8 lbs with it, that’s another downfall of the hanger.

Well, anyway just venting my frustration I guess. Appreciate hearing which hanger you’ve used to make gains. Keep gaining!!!

I don’t know if we mean the same. The tingles is when the ligs are stretching. The inflammation is something I also endure, because I know it’s the outer skin.

When the little stings come up, it feels in the flesh.

This is my experience. I haven’t gained anything up to now. However, after my month break, I gained 1/4 ” very soon! Since I started hanging five weeks ago, I haven’t gained anything. I don’t understand the reasons of this thing down under. Why gaining after a month break, and not after five weeks of hanging.

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

Indeed, I use a captain’s wench. Oh so affordable and gets the job done.

Anon71, that is strange indeed. Probably better answered by the vets than by myself. Are you using an ADS?

Starting stats- 5.9 BP Current stats- 7.5 BP, 5.25 EG, 8.13 BPFSL

Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.


Yes, I think it’s the same. I feel the tingles in the ligs after a few minutes of using 8 lbs. Could also be some skin stretching associated with stretching out. But using the Grip and hanging by the head with the skin pulled back there is little skin stretch as with say a Bib. BTW, I just bought a Bib starter (another one) and giving up on my Grip, just too many problems trying to make it work. Wish me luck with the Bib!.

Oh, I know exactly how you feel about not getting gains. Sometimes it’s a huge mystery to me how and when gains do come about. I think though, it all comes down to how consistant we are and keeping those microtears open as long as possible! I find it interesting that you gained an 1/4” after a month break, a lot of guys have reported making gains after taking an extended break. I think it’s because your unit was maybe getting a breather from your routine and did a growing spurt. That’s never happened to me personally…wish it would!

Maybe if you took another break you could get another gain, just a guess. Congraulations on your 1/4”! Hope you have many more!!

Gongratulate me again! After my restday of hanging I gained 2 mm.

About the 1/4 ” I have to be more specific. I think I measured when I was 1 1/2 - 2 weeks in my newbie routine after the break. So maybe it can be descibed partially to a breather and partially to the newbie routine I started again.

Using the grip and hanging by the head…You mean the redi-stretcher “grip”?

Succes with hanging with your bib!

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

Ok, congratuations again!! Way to go!

I do believe rest days are vital for growth. A little R & R always seems to let my unit hang better a day or so before getting back into the game. I’ve heard it said it’s probably a good idea to take at least a week off for every full month of steady hanging… I agree.

Ok, I think I follow you on your 1/4” gain. The break most likely did a lot of good and let you gain some then possibly cemented that gain in after you strarted back at your routine. Did you measure pre-hanging or post- hanging for the 1/4” measurment?

No, not the redi-stretcher..the Grip system. The grip has been around since about 1997. I bought my first one in 1998. Sad to say it, but it’s a piece of sh..t, not reliable. It works on vacuum and attaches to the head instead of the shaft. It’s a long story with me and the grip and I’ve post quite a few threads on here at Thunders about it.

Anyway, I’m looking forward to getting my Bib and having a good “reliable” hanger to work with. Should get here next week.

Congrats on the 2mm! It appears restdays are being very kind to you. Hang in there!!!

Originally Posted by Ocelot McHuge
Irishjim, keep in mind the first inch that I gained was through jelqing alone, with some stretching as well. In the total of 4 months that I’ve hung my BPFSL has increased from 6.9 to 8.13. My BPEL has increased from 6.9 to 7.3. The majority of my hanging gains have come in the last 2 months however. Here is what I’ve been doing for the past month which has been working excellently:

Hot wrap warmup
75 total minutes (3 sets of 20 minutes and 1 set of 15) of hang time in the SO position with 7.5 pounds EVERYDAY. Can’t let the microtears heal.
3 PE weights worn for majority of day, like 6-10 hours.
I do some intense jelqing for 10 minutes every other day to stimulate blood flow and promote qiocker erect gains.

This basic routine has worked for me quite well and I believe it has most to do with my consistency and the lightness of the weights I’m using.

Ocelot! My man, my routine exactly only I just don’t jelq that consistently.
Your gains and mine are what we’re here for. YES! And we’re doing it under 10lbs.

Breaks: I had a forced break this last year. Now I’m just starting into what should be a long season of routine uninterrupted. I don’t know how I did it but through December over Xmas I got a 1/4” of stretched flaccid gain. Got a 1/8” in the tube. so my BPEL is 8 1/2 and through clamping I’m out to 6.5” EG

I’m not saying that everyone should or will have success with this method but it sure works for us. I could never let my unit heal for even one rest day. It would toughen up and I would be in a pickle. ADS saves the day or should I say the micro-tear.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

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