I'm thinking about starting to hang
I have recently come into some free alone time and I am thinking about starting to hang. I have been doing manual PE since last November and I have thought about moving on to some new techniques but never really started because of fear for injury. I haven’t had gains for a while, other then excellent EQ and lasting power. I’m currently sitting at 7.25 BPEL and 5.25 EG and its been like this for about 6-7 months. Basically I had a 2 month break from about March to May and since I started again I haven’t had any measurable gains. I restarted my routine very slowly ensuring that I always have a flaccid hang and good EQ. At this point My routine is fairly simple because I was always worried about loosing EQ but now that doesn’t matter as much. I basically do 5-10 warm wrap, 5 min stretch (1min each direction) 5 min J-stretching and then 200 wet jelqs, with a final 5-10 min warm down. I tried doing this with a 5 days on and 2 days off schedule and I found that I didn’t have flaccid hang but rather shrinkage. So now I am doing the routine mentioned above on Mon, Tue, Thur, Friday and on Wed and Sun I have a 30 min edge. I also do kegels through out the day. I want to gain some flaccid length, erect length, and some base girth, that is why I think that hanging is right for me.
Now my questions are,
Should I start hanging now or wait until my 1 year PE anniversary?
Should I buy a bib hanger or make a home made one? which is good?
I have started to read some information about hanging, but the idea of hanging weights from my dick still makes me very nervous.
Any opinions are welcome