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Is this normal after hanging?

Is this normal after hanging?

I’ve been hanging for about 3 weeks now and am finally getting used to it. I’m using about 6lbs of weight and doing 3 sets of 20mins, switching between hanging straight down and BTC, depending on how I feel. I have been getting some good lig pulls as I feel like my penis has been “worked out” afterwards. My question is that sometimes, most times, when I am done hanging, I can feel this slight tingling in my penis. Its not very strong and I kind of have to stop and concentrate on it to feel it. I can feel it most in bed if I go to sleep right after I hang. Sometimes I wrap my penis with theraband to keep the stretch flacid size after hanging and its easier to notice then. I don’t think my penis does much twisting while hanging, but maybe it does. Is that normal to feel that or is that a bad sign of something, nerves? I’m just curious. LIke I said, its not that bad at all, doesn’t always do it, and goes away within like a half hour. Thanks…

Where's the tingling?

is it just in the head or along the whole shaft?



Hanging puts a lot of stresses on your penis. It is normal to have tingling, soreness and even some minor level of pain (although any pain should abate after a short while). Are you using a Bib hanger? If so, please realize that the Bib is designed to compress and grip the internal structures (the tunica and corpora cavernosa) during hanging. The gripping occurs via intense compression. As a result, there will be some level of trauma to your member. Trauma is minimized by doing a good warm-up with moist heat. But, you should understand that hanging is actually a process of controlled damage. The tingling that you feel is the response to that damage. Controlled damage is good and will lead to growth. However, be careful not to overdo it! I speak from experience having been injured recently. Go up in weight slowly and increase your number of sets over a period of time.

Good luck


Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

Thanks for responding. I am using the Bib hanger and I can only say good things about it. I’m not worried about the sensation as it dissapates pretty quickly. To me, it feels like a sign that my penis is growing, so I’ll leave it at that and make sure I don’t over do it. I started out with 2.75lbs for 2 days and realized it was not enough so I moved up to 5.5lbs. Now after 2 weeks with that, I moved up to about 7lbs. I feel a real good pull now and will stick at that weight until I don’t feel fatigued anymore. Right now, my routine is 20mins straight down hang, 20mins BTC, and then back to 20 mins straight down hang, with rests in between and a 5 mins hot wrap before I start. Do you think that is a good routine for right now? I’m not sure if I should hang OTS or OTL yet? Right now, this way seems to be working and I plan to stay like this, maybe adding some more BTC time in the future. I haven’t measured since I started hanging, but I was at 6.5”BPEL and about 4.9” girth. RIght now, I am doing a hang only routine, but I think starting september I may add some jelquing and squeezes to increase my girth some. If I find my girth increasing too fast, I will stop doing exercises. My goal by March, for Spring Break in Cancun, is to be 7.5” ELBP x 5.5” girth. Thanks…

That sounds like a sensible approach to me!

Good luck


Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

Tingling in tool

Hey Coolguy,

I read your post and sounds like you’ve got things figured out pretty well. Good routine also.
I’m writing to say that I can relate to what your saying about the tingling thing. Today I had the same thing happen.

I use the Grip and while i’ve used it now for about 1.5 years off and on, i’ve had good results in the lig stretching dept. I also hang using 6-7 lbs and use the Grip guys all-day leg stretcher to keep the tears open through out the day.

I was wondering, when you hang btc’s, do you ever feel a slight little pain as the weight is applied? I’ve just started hanging btc, ots etc, so this is rather new to me. I think I was using a little to much weight in the btc angle and that might have caused the tingling in the head of my member.

Glad to hear you like the Bibhanger. I’m thinking of getting one myself in the near future, everyone has positive things to say about it!
Thanks for any help,


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