Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Light Hang All Day

thanks for the info noname. I look forward to seeing the pics once you’ve posted them.

Starting Stats (7/2015): NBPEL: 7.25 | BPEL: 8.25 | EG: 5.25

Current (9/2015): BPEL 8.25 | EG 5.5

Goal: BPEL: 9.5 | EG 6.5 The Slow Road to Bigger and Better


This is my first attempt at PE, I haven’t tried anything else at this point.

Yes, gravity. I thought PE was a bunch of bullshit until I read the peer reviewed studies on extenders. What I took away from that was, if you keep your dick under tension for long periods of time everyday, over time it will get longer. In my mind, tension is tension, regardless of whether it’s an extender, an ADS, or a light weight. All I’m doing is wearing a light weight on my dick all day and I’m getting results.

I had similar results. I used a one pound weight the whole time. After wearing it for about four hours my tissue would start to ache. I’d take it off, massage and put it back on. I am no longer walking around all day as before, so I have moved on, but I do believe this method is perfect.

@ Low-hanging fruit,

How long did you do this? Weeks? Months? Years?

What were your gains?

I’m currently on hiatus for at least a few days thanks to a really bad Indian burn on the top of my dick, probably going to drop the weight back down to a pound and a half when I start up again.

noname73 - Congrats on your gains with such a simple easy to use method. I just ordered a 2.2lb weight from ebay yesterday to do this same method of light hanging. It’s funny to see your thread when I just planned to do this myself yesterday. I have a vacuum style ADS that is supposed to be used with a leg strap. The leg stap is okay but with walking and bending and going up and down stairs it cause the leg strap to not apply the consistent tension I want which is why I thought to by the weight from ebay. It is really encouraging to hear the gains you have made from this alone. I am looking forward to adding this to my routine. Thank you for sharing. Below is the weight I bought. It comes with really poor quality hangers but I just bought it for the weight.

ykm123321 is the owner of the gripping trainer website. He also surreptitiously posted here as LetsGrow123 in an effort to promote that site. Please take any product endorsements as very likely to be biased.

I have seen lots of guys making homemade all-day hanger with light weights. I have done low weight-high volume routines with regular hanging before to no avail with gains. Up to 7 hours hanging (used to work from home etc), and nothing.

@ Ykm123321,
The black hanger looks kind of interesting, I might actually try to make one.

Sorry to hear about your lack of success, how much weight were you using, and have you had any success with other methods of PE ?


I gained about 0.7 inches over about a year from hanging a one pound weight everyday. I hung it while I worked.

Do you wear a wrap?

Originally Posted by low-hanging fruit

I gained about 0.7 inches over about a year from hanging a one pound weight everyday. I hung it while I worked.

Do you wear a wrap?

I’ve tried using a gauze wrap to keep my skin from getting raw, but it turned out to be a much too time consuming pain in the butt. I wear it at work and take it off and put it back on several times a day, I can’t spend ten minutes in the bathroom every time I put it on, and that doesn’t count the times it unexpectedly slips off. I was hoping I’d build up a bit of a callous where the shackle rubs the top of my dick, so far that hasn’t been the case :( . I think I’m pretty much healed, I don’t work tomorrow, so I plan to resume the next day at a little lower weight. Just a little pissed that I’ve missed out on about a week of hang time.

Use a piece of cloth instead of gauze. The cloth gives more cushion and is faster/easier to handle.

Originally Posted by low-hanging fruit

Use a piece of cloth instead of gauze. The cloth gives more cushion and is faster/easier to handle.

I don’t think a piece of cloth would work, It’s a really tight fit. I have recently started wearing a fabric band aid on the spot causing problems, it seems to help a bit.

Originally Posted by ykm123321
Noname73 - Congrats on your gains with such a simple easy to use method. I just ordered a 2.2lb weight from ebay yesterday to do this same method of light hanging. It’s funny to see your thread when I just planned to do this myself yesterday. I have a vacuum style ADS that is supposed to be used with a leg strap. The leg stap is okay but with walking and bending and going up and down stairs it cause the leg strap to not apply the consistent tension I want which is why I thought to by the weight from ebay. It is really encouraging to hear the gains you have made from this alone. I am looking forward to adding this to my routine. Thank you for sharing. Below is the weight I bought. It comes with really poor quality hangers but I just bought it for the weight.

Woah gotta admit at first it scared me that you were considering using a noose style hanger as an ADS. Hanging weight that way won’t be discreet. You’ll have the same consistency problem with hanging weight as an ADS as you did with a leg strap which is to say that you will loose tension when you sit down. I think the most consistent way would probably be to tension the vac hanger around the waist. Have you tried this yet?

What about Monty’s PEweights? You attach them around the penis instead of hanging and swinging weight from below the penis.

Originally Posted by noname73

3) Once and awhile I can feel it starting to slip, usually, if I can get just a few seconds to myself, I simply grab my glans with one hand and the lock with the other, slide it back to the base and I’m good to go.

I’ll remember not to buy meat from you!

This is basically like extending with a downward angle. Same kind of force and hours.

Originally Posted by Drake777
Woah gotta admit at first it scared me that you were considering using a noose style hanger as an ADS. Hanging weight that way won’t be discreet. You’ll have the same consistency problem with hanging weight as an ADS as you did with a leg strap which is to say that you will loose tension when you sit down. I think the most consistent way would probably be to tension the vac hanger around the waist. Have you tried this yet?

What about Monty’s PEweights? You attach them around the penis instead of hanging and swinging weight from below the penis.

Lol no noose style hanger for me. I may try the Monty weights, thanks

ykm123321 is the owner of the gripping trainer website. He also surreptitiously posted here as LetsGrow123 in an effort to promote that site. Please take any product endorsements as very likely to be biased.

Originally Posted by Walter5169
I’ll remember not to buy meat from you!

This is basically like extending with a downward angle. Same kind of force and hours.

Lol!! I usually just reach into my pocket and grab my junk through the lining, don’t actually touch my dick bare handled. Not to mention I wash my hands quite frequently, and wear gloves every time I handle meat! I’m pretty sure I’m not going to kill anyone with ” dickitus”.


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