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Long term feasible routine

Long term feasible routine

Hanging too light does not bring fast results but hanging too heavy is uneasy to do and often leads to injuries, which will eventually retard your training and results. Hanging is time consuming and tends to get one person, and his relatives or friends, obsessed with the time he spends in the bathroom, even if they know and approve what he is doing, they easily end up bothering. For these and a number of other reasons, frustration can prevail and the project abort. A routine must be feasible on the long term, which implies it must allow the time to live a real life, out of the bathroom and away from your PC (where I am now: laptop in the bathroom). As hanging is a matter of time and weight, thus, the time spent and the weight applied must be considered. If it is true that extenders give results when used for 12 hours at a 2 pound traction, then a similar result should be reached by doubling the weight and cutting time in half, 6 hours at a 4 pound traction or 3 hours at an 8 pound traction, or 1.5 hours at 16 pounds or 45 minutes at 32 pounds. These combinations of time and weight are proportional and have one thing in common: the amount of pounds per each minute of training.

2 pounds x 12 hours x 60 minutes = 1440
4 pounds x 6 hours x 60 minutes = 1440
8 pounds x 3 hours x 60 minutes = 1440
16 pounds x 1.5 hours x 60 minutes = 1440
32 pounds x 0.75 hours x 60 minutes = 1440

Indeed many people have experienced gains by hanging 15 pounds for 90 minutes, which is fairly in line with the above concept.

15 pounds x 1.5 hours x 60 minutes = 1350 (close enough to 1440…)

by the same token, a 1 pound ADS in 8 hours yields

1 pound x 12 hours x 60 minutes = 480

whereas four 30 minute sessions with 8 pounds yield

8 pounds x 0.5 hours x 60 minutes = 240
8 pounds x 0.5 hours x 60 minutes = 240
8 pounds x 0.5 hours x 60 minutes = 240
8 pounds x 0.5 hours x 60 minutes = 240

240 x 4 = 960

so, four 30 minute sessions with 8 pounds yield 960, which, combined with a one pound ADS for 12 hours a day, which yields 480, sum up to 1440

960 + 480 = 1440

which is equivalent to

2 pounds x 12 hours x 60 minutes = 1440
4 pounds x 6 hours x 60 minutes = 1440
8 pounds x 3 hours x 60 minutes = 1440
16 pounds x 1.5 hours x 60 minutes = 1440
32 pounds x 0.75 hours x 60 minutes = 1440

or any other possible combination of weight and time known to induce growth. The difference being that, unless you are able to hang real heavy without discomfort or risk, wearing a one pound ADS (like the circle devise or golf rings) for 12 hours is definitely feasible, as it is making a couple of 30 minutes sessions with 8 pounds when you wake up and another couple before bed.

Thank you for reading
comments/suggestions are welcome

Yeah, I got a question concerning this theory.

One example, if I hang 3 hours with 16 pounds, result will be : 3880


Is it dangerous for penis if we hang more (1440)?

Thanks, excellent thread.

To be or not to be Dick Rivers, thas is the question

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