First, I have learned a lot since I have first posted this thread.
Second, Bib takes LOT theory very seriously and uses it to offer advice to hangers in his forum.
LOT theory is sound. However, there has not been enough data collected to either prove it completely or disprove it completely. Mostly because hangers never follow through. They begin hanging and for one reason or another do not stick to it.
A hanger should hang everyday if possible.
I have a 9 o’ clock erection. Straight Out.
High LOT = More internal penis = faster gains to realize.
That is because Ligs are easier to stretch then the infamous tunica/septum which has much stronger fiberic tissue. It requires more stress.
OTS, and the RSDT Fulcrum should be enough to deform the tunica tissue.
BTC (between the cheeks) is by far the most effective in fatiguing ligs. High lot should mean you have a good portion of inner penis to expose. Once you have completely exposed your inner penis there is no reason to further stretch your ligs. Until later on possibly when you stretch the exposed inner penis with tunica stretches, i.e. Rice Sock Duct Tape Fulcrum stretch and OTS (Over the Shoulder Stretch). Then you could possibly raise your LOT and voila perform more BTC. However, the tunica is ultimately the focus of stretching, not the ligs. Stretched ligs only contribute to size until the inner penis is exposed. Once exposed you are wasting time stretching them.
Here I wrote this on his forum and Bib believed it to be correct.
The tunica prevents me from stretching my flaccid as far as I want. Ligs do not determine flaccid size, well technically…once the inner penis is exposed they no longer contribute to flaccid size/erection size
The Septum is the toughest tissue to deform. RSDT fulcrum is a great invention for this purpose.
Stretching the ligs exposes my inner penis thus contributing to my length gains.
As I stretch the inner penis my LOT will go up and I can do more lig stretching. Though you did not specify how to stretch the inner penis once the ligs had been maxed out.
My guess, as you expose the inner penis it becomes affected by outer tunica stretching, thus stretching the “inner” penis. But hey don’t be so quick to answer, I’m going to look this up Once the inner penis is completely exposed, ligs’ gains maxed out(temporarily), all of the penis can be stretched with angles that stretch the tunica. LOT will increase as that exposed inner penis is stretched and once again after so many months, years, more btc may be a good idea.
One should start with 2-3 sets and add a set every week until they reach maximum privacy time or 4 hours (12 sets)
Then they should add more weight every week. One to Two lbs. I might have this backwards, its in his forum and product guide. I do not have my notes on this computer.
Eventually one should be hanging everyday for as long as possible up to 12 sets, 4 hours. Unless they are on the brink of injury or have been injured due to extreme fatigue.
>>So wouldn’t it be counterproductive to have 20 hours between hanging sets with no ads or anything, no stress.<
No. Everything is pulled out, plus more deformation created, in the next hanging session.<
>I hung from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm and then a few sets at night, on weekdays. Then the few sets at night on weekends<
There is plenty more on his forum. LOT is simple, well once you understand it. If you have a low LOT do BTC for a few months see if any gains realized. If not move on to RSDT fulcrum and OTS. If you have a high LOT you should definitely do BTC for a few months, or more because you should according to the theory have more inner penis to expose past the skin exit point then say someone with a low LOT. But in the end you will still be doing tunica stretching regardless of high or low LOTs.