Thunder's Place

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Minumum 10 hours a week??


Minumum 10 hours a week??

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
I recommend a MINIMUM of ten hours per week. Just as a ballpark figure, I recommend a maximum of four hours per day. I believe you can totally fatigue any tissue set within that time, if you hang effectively. Anything past that is probably a case of diminishing returns. However, each guy is different. I am sure there are guys that can benefit from more time.

That means you have to hang 2 hours a day if you take weekend off! Is he serious? :confused:

Yes, but I don’t think you should take weekends off. Every time you take a day off, you must build up the fatigue again. If you take two days off, then you just make your tissues stronger, IMO.

It seems some other people agree on this also:

I can’t hang for 10 hours per week…

Well then I’ll go for 4 sets (each 15 mins) everyday which is 7 hours a week but there is now way I can exceed this. I hope it will be enough.

It’s worth a try, I think you will gain at the beginning anyway. Just try to get fatigue feeling everyday, start slow of course.

Is this time actual hanging time or the whole time including rest.. Because for me to do one hour (3 20 minutes sessions with breaks is actually an hour and half). I can’t do weekends as my family is home and I have zero privacy which is the same reason I can’t do evenings either.. So I have to do all my time during the day (I work at home) and I find it difficult to work and hang.. But that could be because I’m new.

Is this time actual hanging time or the whole time including rest.. Because for me to do one hour (3 20 minutes sessions with breaks is actually an hour and half). I can’t do weekends as my family is home and I have zero privacy which is the same reason I can’t do evenings either.. So I have to do all my time during the day (I work at home) and I find it difficult to work and hang.. But that could be because I’m new.

Last edited by marinera : 08-21-2009 at .

Oh dang I never knew he only recommended maximum of 4 hours a day, I have went over that a lot.

Cyclope this stuff isn’t easy or else we would all be hung lol. After you learn ways to be more efficient with your time fitting in the hours should be no problem, no worries.

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

Originally Posted by skepticalOne
Is this time actual hanging time or the whole time including rest.. Because for me to do one hour (3 20 minutes sessions with breaks is actually an hour and half). I can’t do weekends as my family is home and I have zero privacy which is the same reason I can’t do evenings either.. So I have to do all my time during the day (I work at home) and I find it difficult to work and hang.. But that could be because I’m new.

You will never fully get used to having weights hanging from your penis allowing you to work like you normally do but you eventually learn to put it in the back of your head better. I liked to play Video Games while I hung, you get into them so much you can sometimes forget your penis is being stressed and your breaking out in a sweat :) .

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

I’m laughing as I am breaking out in a sweat right at this moment.. The Straight down pulls my skin so hard at the pubic bone region that it feels like it will tear.I keep one hand on the chain so if it goes to a catastrophic failure, I can catch it first.. I’m glad everyone else sweats!

Losstraco or whatever his name was should chime in, he was hanging 10 hours a day I think?

Originally Posted by skepticalOne
I’m laughing as I am breaking out in a sweat right at this moment.. The Straight down pulls my skin so hard at the pubic bone region that it feels like it will tear.I keep one hand on the chain so if it goes to a catastrophic failure, I can catch it first.. I’m glad everyone else sweats!

Yeah there has been a few times at the very end of a set I would be so stressed and having such a radical hot flash counting down the minutes left I would have to pour my drink down my back to chill out.

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

Originally Posted by skepticalOne
I’m laughing as I am breaking out in a sweat right at this moment.. The Straight down pulls my skin so hard at the pubic bone region that it feels like it will tear.I keep one hand on the chain so if it goes to a catastrophic failure, I can catch it first.. I’m glad everyone else sweats!

You shouldn’t be stretching skin so hard. The ultimate goal isn’t to stretch skin. Sometimes it’s necessary, but you may want to reexamine your attachment procedure. SD doesn’t require much loose skin, so unless you were tightly circumsized I’m guessing your hanger doesn’t have a good hold.

Hanging shouldn’t be teeth gritting, sweatingly painful. Expect a mild, slightly annoying achey discomfort/soreness near the end of a stressful hanging session, but you shouldn’t be staring at the clock waiting for a set to end. Counting down the seconds is a sure sign something isn’t right.

Originally Posted by Cyclope
That means you have to hang 2 hours a day if you take weekend off! Is he serious? :confused:

I never could gain with hanging unless I went for at least 10 hours a week, hanging = Hermit if you want gains.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by hobby
You shouldn’t be stretching skin so hard. The ultimate goal isn’t to stretch skin. Sometimes it’s necessary, but you may want to reexamine your attachment procedure. SD doesn’t require much loose skin, so unless you were tightly circumsized I’m guessing your hanger doesn’t have a good hold.

Hanging shouldn’t be teeth gritting, sweatingly painful. Expect a mild, slightly annoying achey discomfort/soreness near the end of a stressful hanging session, but you shouldn’t be staring at the clock waiting for a set to end. Counting down the seconds is a sure sign something isn’t right.

I’m using a vacuum hanger and I tape over the silicone sleeve so there is zero movement of my shaft skin, and actually it isn’t just hanging straight down that hurts the most, it’s the BTC.. I actually got a stretch mark the other day.. I do count down the seconds.. I guess I don’t need to hang 10 pounds.. I just feel like anything less and I’m not really working the ligs. Plus I can’t do 3 hours of hanging a day.

But I have started attaching my vacuum cap and bungee cord around my shoulder/neck at night and it is definitely keeping me fully extended without any discomfort (I sleep through the night and my penis is is great shape in the morning) The stretch is straight up. I was getting fluid, but I just added double folded piece of toilet paper and have zero fluid buildup over night. So as I’m recovering from a hard hanging session, My ligs will be at least moderately stressed all night long while I sleep.

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