Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.




My History

I am 28, and was first introduced to PE through the pills. I then purchased a program off of Ebay for $1.00, this was simply the Tom Hubbard site listed on the bottom you can see for free along with another stolen program from a pay site. This program included jelqs,stretches, and also touched on hanging, with warnings on pumping. The Hubbard site was like finding the Holy Grail, very simple and creative. I followed all instructions like there was no tomorrow. I measured after about a week after starting and was BPEL 5.5 and 4.5 Girth. I took these miracle penis pills because I was blind at the time. My penis hid in the skin when I would take a leak (I am circumcised).

I had no understanding of safety and hung “noose” style with a head so cold I could cool a soft drink with it. I jelqed so much my abdomen was extremely sore to touch from pulling past fatigue and my head was always covered in red spots that I hadn’t a clue about. I gained to 7.0 and 5.0 with what I now know as haste and ignorance.

I’ve had complete numbness on three occasions, this was very scary and horrific. Two occasions were from noose hanging ignorantly and the other was from what I now know as a “All-night ADS”. I am sickened to see these posts about this subject, because of an almost dead dick I experienced by this lazy ass approach. You have to be aware of what is going on when you stress your body and being asleep while this is taking place is very STUPID. If you are experimenting with this path, STOP.

Final Thoughts
I have been consistent with PE for about 6 months. I purchased a Bib Starter and it is heaven compared to my earlier attempts. The Bib,on the other hand, is very challenging to set up, but that is intentional so you can customize it to YOUR dick. I had the misconception that I had to use wrap because everyone else is. I now do what is comfortable for me, I don’t give a shit how you wrap and so on. I have put the Bib through the test and have came up with what works for me, and it probably will only work for me. The weight I hang with is of no concern to anyone, because weight can change, what is important is the “PULL”. Bigger, I am sorry if you are wondering why I haven’t posted with any problems, I didn’t want to ask questions that have already been asked a thousand times and doing it myself and learning from my fuck-ups are more important than getting spoon fed.

This forum
Thunder, you should be commended for your efforts in helping men not go through the pains that I have, and this forum is the ” NEW AGE” of PE as far as I am concerned. Everyone should be grateful here that there is no reason to go impotent from PE unless you choose so by stupidity because the “TRUTH” is in these forums. Where’s Hubbard? Where’s DLD? The excitement of DLD is missed,and the “Make it simple,stupid” approach of Hubbard is missed also. I truly wish everyone great success and am willing to help any of you anytime.


Let me add this....

Hanging correctly

I am in no way an authority on this subject, but I correctly hang according to the way my dick is built. I question whether some of you new guys are experiencing extreme discomfort and not reporting it. That is fine,I guess, if you are trying to advance past this on your own. If you are trying to duplicate what Bigger has done in a 3 month time frame, please listen to this. If you are absolutely sure that your wrapping is correct(if you wrap),and your adjustments are correct, and you still are experiencing a “cool” dickhead, then that is your dick trying to talk to you to take some weight off immediately. If you can’t do other tasks while you have the weight on, that is a good clue also.

Where is the creativity?

What are you guys doing with the Bib to be excited about? Did you buy one with the hope of getting a bigger dick by merely owning it? Do you believe you will get more length with it or not? Are any of you in “tune” with your dick enough to go past 20 min.? I twist my dick, attach the hanger and do bundled hangs sometimes, and no, I don’t need to do this close to a hospital because I know when something is going wrong now, unlike when I began PE. I have gone 65 min. in one set, and no, my head was perfectly warm thanks to trial and error Bigger has put into creating a hanger that blood will travel through. I would love to hear from anyone who is doing something creative that intensifies the workout, PM,Email,Or just post here.



That was a damn good post (or two).



Excellent post, and I want to say that although I haven’t posted responses to your many previous, I always enjoy them and carry something away from them. You’re pretty thorough and most of what I’d have to say would be redundant.

I think with this post you’ve hit a chord that resonates deeply for me: Understanding pain, especially as it applies to us hangers, and/or the lack of pain (feeling). Numbness is the Devil to the hanger. Pain is usually it’s precursor. If you’re experiencing pain you are wading the river Styx and about to meet the Dark One Himself. Discomfort can be thought of as Purgatory; from there you can go to heaven or hell. But it’s up to you, the hanger, to employ the good judgement required to get to the right place.

Know your body and your limits and RESPECT them. Nothing, no gain, is worth damaging yourself.

I personally have remained very cautious on this new adventure and I think I’m the better for it. I have on a few occasions experienced temporary numbness (1-2 mins) after a long set and it scared the shit out of me. I can’t imagine the horror you suffered with your more long-term loss of sensation. Lord!

I also make it a normal part of my daily routine to achieve a solid erection and work myself to the point of climax, not always following through, but just to know with all certainty that everything is functioning properly and I am therefor on the right course.

I have been hanging for 6 weeks now and still approach it with great respect —- because not only does it bring with it amazing potential to achieve gains, it is it’s own worst enemy for the over-zealous and naive.



I’m glad you’ve got it figured out for yourself. I’ve been hanging (bib) for the past (going on) 6 weeks. Still trying to figure out how to hang without dick head turning dark and cool. Have reduced weight and tried different adjustments but it all seems to escape me. Hang with some pain. Don’t know if it’s too much or not. Just flying by the seat of my pants. Don’t want another injury again (noose loop) and be out for five months.

Anyway, congrats on your gains and self confidence.

Later . . LS

Bigger, Thanks, I mean that. You have been down the road and received what you wanted through time,mistakes, and good luck; I admire you,not because I think you are a PE God or some other silly shit, but because you have genuine concern for anyone hanging things off there dick. Bigger, do you sometimes have the same questions as I, as to creativity and reporting pain?

Cap, Thanks also. I see a level of awareness in you that would benefit many. It is strange we have a similar analogy of hanging, I think of it as sucking on Satan’s dick and if you do it wrong, you will get burned. Hanging is the most advanced form of PE, because you have to have great knowledge and an open mind,the act itself is simple. Being cautious as you are,that is just plain responsible, being leery and paying close attention, will be very fruitful to you, I have no doubt about that at all.

Nost, I would be glad to help, if I can. You can post here or PM. Reporting your problem is the first step and I went through the same as you.

Other Hangers, what the hell? If I have upset you, lets get it out. This thread has over 150 views. Are you worried we will break your balls? Let us get some ideas going, it will help everyone.



Correct me if I’m wrong but I thought sucking Satans dick automatically got you into the 8” club.

Originally posted by CaptnHook
Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought sucking Satans dick automatically got you into the 8” club.

Well, only if you are good; I am hetero so I have no skills in that department :) BTW, that temporary numbness(1-2 min.) is something of a constant battle, it happens to me quite a bit. The numbness I was talking about would start, last 30-60 min., then during an erection it would happen again. This was more sporadic and not immediate, this was why I was so horrified.

I think we’ve touched upon an idea worthy of its own thread:
“Would you suck satans dick for a 1”gain?”

More seriously, I’m impressed - no, stunned is the word - that you can pull off such long sets. Tell me about the limits that weight puts on the duration of these marathon-sets. Are they at your minimum weight?

Jones -

Wanted to say that I liked what you said a lot. I’ve been hanging SO now for about 3 months, maybe a little more, with no discomfort from the BIB or the wrap. Before then was BTC, but when Bigger’s LOT theory came down I realized I need to change the angles as my own LOT is abot 7:30.

I’ve gone up in weight really fast, and even tried hanging for up to 40 - 60 minutes at a time (as an experiment; I don’t do that too frequently). I’ve learned how to stay on the right side of discomfort and not go to pain.

But, I still have not had any gains yet. I find the weight/time ratio very interesting; I can hang SO at hig weight with minimal fatigue (takes until the 3rd 20 min session.) So now I’m trying to keep the weight somewhat lower but increase the time. Also, any fatigue I do feel goes away right after the session.

So far, the most intense pull I feel is OTL, both sides, at high weight. Hardly any fatigue except at really high weights in SO, fulcrum hanging and OTS. I assume my body’s telling me to work the OTL first for a while (maybe 3 months, and then go to other angles). At any rate, learning what works for myself has certainly been a challenge ; no gains to report yet but still working at it …


>Bigger, do you sometimes have the same questions as I, as to creativity and reporting pain?<

I try to encourage guys to do as many different things concerning attachment as they can. Take the input from your penis, how it feels, etc., and adjust the hanger (whatever kind) accordingly. Then, every so often, try something new just for the hell of it. It is amazing how just a little change can effect the comfort level of a hang.

As for creativity in hanging, I was fairly lucky. I researched the anatomy of the penis as much as possible, and tried to learn about my own unit. Then, I worked out angles and styles to fit my setup and penis. It really does not take that much creativity, but more time and effort. Further, it is a pain in the butt, but like anything else, it is a matter of priorities. I simply REALLY wanted a larger penis.

I do not know what you mean by reporting pain. Nobody should go through any pain while hanging. If it hurts, something is either wrong with the attachment, or the weight or time is too intense. I would hope that anyone that experiences pain would report it so we can get it fixed.

When I worked up to 45 lbs, I was not doing it as a lark, or going through any discomfort. That was simply my max weight: The lowest weight which provided fatigue within a reasonable time. But I was very conditioned to do it.


Awesome post, Jones. :thumbs: And a very good read. Thanks for sharing your experiences!

Cap, I used to worry about weight a lot. I think it is easy see things so simply as the more weight you use, the better the results. I believe this misconception comes from the folks that get penis building and bicep building confused. I go for longer sets only when the conditions are favorable, it is not a goal to hang 40 or 50 min. When the hang is right and your penis is not complaining by giving you pain, then use your own judgement. Telling you how much weight I use would help you none, however, telling you that this up to your penis and not up to Bib, me, or anyone else will help you. Your penis will adapt to any stress.

Bib, thanks for the response. You really wanted a bigger penis and got it, when you really want something your mind takes over and you will receive it. Your conditioning speaks for itself, if you apply stress to your peter it will get stronger,longer and then you make changes to apply new stress and make it respond.

9 soon, Ss, Thanks. The thought process was my goal. 9 soon, I am just curious, do you have any soreness away from your sessions?


Bigger, I feel like a retard

During all this posting and enchantment, my testosterone level clouded something very important. Well , after 3 weeks of doing things right and ADS, I am 8.5 flaccid stretch,up from 7.75. I haven’t measured BPEL because it is a useless measurement right now, for reasons you have probably experienced.


Originally posted by CaptnHook
I think we've touched upon an idea worthy of its own thread:
“Would you suck satans dick for a 1”gain?”

More seriously, I'm impressed - no, stunned is the word - that you can pull off such long sets. Tell me about the limits that weight puts on the duration of these marathon-sets. Are they at your minimum weight?

Cap, I am sorry. I think I may have “danced around” your question a little too much earlier. Calling these ‘sets’ is politically correct, but I think of things a little more simply. I apply the weight, look at the time, and forget about it(time that is). I feel the pull and am aware of it, but I don’t focus on it. IF things are hanging from my penis extension(Bib) without any troubles I often forget it is there, this is a by product of conditioning. I really don’t know what minimum weight is, I am from Arkansas,give me a break.:)


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