BHCentral, I feel exactly the same way about the longevity of my hanging gains. I want to be able to hang over 15-25 pounds if I need to. A vac hanger user can always take a long break to decindition and start fresh again at low weight, but I don’t want to have to do this.
Additionally, my bib is completely comfortable the way I have it set up. I mean aside from the discomfort from the stretch. The attachment feels fine.
Longerstretch, you are correct, I have not experienced vacuum hanging at those levels myself, it may feel completely fine. Even so, I still personally like the idea that I can progress weight as high as I like.
Maximizing time and stress: vac hangers, if they can hang up to 25 pounds nowadays definitely can do GOOD in both those departments, but they do have limitations. Obviously the weight limitation is about 25 pounds with the LG and 10-15 with other vac hangers. The bib can basically handle anything, people have at least doubled those numbers with the bib and it could theoretically handle more. A vac hanger can be worn a long time comfortably as well, but it is still a hanger, so you run into practical considerations like leaving the home and additional apperati needed to hang at any angle other than SD. Additionally, even if you don’t cause any problems at vacuums of 15-20 in-hg with your wrapping and taping protocol for an hour or a little more, it’s still probably not a great idea to leave it at this vacuum for hours and hours. People wear extenders, in the other hand, for 12-14 hours a day sometimes, with even a couple not taking them off for days on end (this sounds sketchy and unsafe though). That is what I meant by maximizing - you can go as high as you want in one of the two departments over time.
Now, that doesn’t mean a vac extender is inferior, just different. Perhaps suited to slightly different goals. Ideally, I want to see how far I can take this thing and how efficiently I can do it. I feel like the bib will offer gains for a longer period without hitting any thresholds, allowing me to go for a longer period without having to get creative.