Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My quest to better wrap


I am lost…..

1) Isn’t supposed to wrap as tight as possible to build pressure in the head?

2) Shouldn’t this pressure keep the hanger anchored in place? cus everytime the pressure is lost, the hanger starts slipping. It gives an annoying feeling not to mention bruising.

Even though the hanger is anchored behind the head, the wrap isn’t. The wrap and foreskin cover almost half of the glans. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…
Result: My head is crowned……… i.e. The top of the glans is more red than the bottom. Weird so weird. The crown is the area that holds the most pressure in hanging.
3) What is wrong with that? How much pressure should be in the head ?(what is the color of the head at the end of a hang session : red, purple, blue, any other shade)
As this is not enough, I think I have an ingrown hair that has prevented me from hanging or jelquing for the past days. It hurts soooooo bad. Can’t touch. Even hurt to walk. Ouch! F@#*& that.

4) I need to go back the PE kindergarten. But where is it?


Tex, I don’t know nothing about the jello skin but I think we could help each other out.

Thunder, I have been hanging for about 4 months and 6 days a week! My ligs can handle 15 lbs. just not the f#cking wrap! and or skin.

Sirken, My head is red all the time now same as yours kind of crowned. Thats from all the pressure build up, and that’s what I’m trying to keep from happening. I sure wish some of the guys that hang with 20+ pounds would shine some light down on us and help us out. :)


Last edited by Tex3 : 07-12-2002 at .


Ok, let’s start at the beginning with all the information.

You are using a Starter?

What are your dimensions, erect length and girth?

What type and amount of wrap are you using? If different ones, give the one that has worked best.

What is the distance between the hex nuts on the bottom adjustments, front? back?

Given the above wrap and bottom adjustments, what is the top gap? Are the teeth meshed on top? A little, or a lot?

When do you stop tightening the hanger? Pressure? Pain?

Do you have problems staying flaccid when wrapping or putting on the hanger?

Is your head larger, smaller, or the same as your upper shaft?

Do you pull out by the head as you tighten?



Yes i use the starter.

Well last time I checked was over a month ago and I can see a difference now but it was 6.75 bpel 5.75 nbp and 4 5/8’s midshaft

The wrap that seems to work the best is the one I used yesterday I wrap with a piece of therma that was 13-15 in. long one in. under the head and spiraled it down alittle but not much
Then I went over that with one big wide peice of cloth don’t really know how long but I wrap it right under the head and the bottom of the cloth goes down as fare as the first therma wrap
Then I cover it all with a 18x2 peice of therma wraping from right under the head spiraled down to the bottom of the cloth.

The hex nuts are an 8th back front and back

The teeth almost mesh theres about well I am not sure cause I tired so many different wraps in the past few days but I know for sure its under 1/4 an in.

Well I have tightin till pain before but it always goes away in the first few mins. of hanging, but normaly i just tightin it till it gets hard to tightin any more.

No I don’t have much of a problem staying flaccid.

Well my heads just alittle bigger I believe.

Yes I hold the head out with one hand as I tightin down with the other. Thats the way I feel pain when tighting although it works the best!



Ok, I see the problem. This is going to take a little work, but should not be too hard.

First, do not wrap that close to the head. Begin one inch at least behind the glans. Then place the hanger within a quarter inch of the front edge of the wrap.

Second, the amount of wrap you are using is probably way too much. In general, the more wrap or padding, the more slipping you will have. The hanger is simply not able to react through that much wrap to grasp the internal structures.

Next, you do not have the hanger adjusted correctly. Now, if/when you reduce the wrap, the adjustments should change, but this is the goal: You want the internal fingers of each side to gently slope in toward the top of the hanger when it is closed to hanging pressure. IOW, the pressure should be greatest on the top sides of the two major chambers.

With a 1/8 inch gap between the hex nuts, the top teeth should be meshed almost together. With a quarter inch gap on top, the the hanger is putting most on the pressure on the bottom sides of your penis. If you reduce the amount of wrap, you can probably still increase the gap on the bottom hex nuts, and barely mesh the teeth on top at hanging pressure.

Try this please: Wrap with a 2x15 inch piece of cloth, then the 2x15 inch piece of Theraband. Both one inch behind the head. Then, measure the girth one quarter inch from the front edge of the wrap. Tell me what that measure is, and I will try to get you in the ballpark on the adjustments.

The wrap that seems to work the best is the one I used yesterday I wrap with a piece of therma that was 13-15 in. long one in. under the head and spiraled it down alittle but not much
Then I went over that with one big wide peice of cloth don’t really know how long but I wrap it right under the head and the bottom of the cloth goes down as fare as the first therma wrap
Then I cover it all with a 18x2 peice of therma wraping from right under the head spiraled down to the bottom of the cloth.

The hex nuts are an 8th back front and back

The teeth almost mesh theres about well I am not sure cause I tired so many different wraps in the past few days but I know for sure its under 1/4 an in.

Well I have tightin till pain before but it always goes away in the first few mins. of hanging, but normaly i just tightin it till it gets hard to tightin any more.


Bib I have wraped One in. behind the head with just cloth and therma and it did not work well! If you read some of my above post you will see that it makes my foreskin bruise which looks really bad! Also I have used a spiraled peice of cloth about 15 in. long covered with the same sized peice of therma.

I think that working with the hanger adjustment like you say should help me out I’ll have to go do that measurement for ya.

Also I have hung with the bib close to the edge of the wrap like it say’s in the wraping guide.

Thanks for the help! Hope I can get though all these mess and get back to some good old Hangin!



Well, if the hanger were not adjusted correctly, then the one piece of cloth and one of Theraband might appear not to work. If the hanger is adjusted correctly, it could be great.

But I just really wanted that wrapped measurement to try to get in the ballpark on adjustments. The wrapping and adjustments and placement of the hanger, all go hand in hand. One being screwed can make the others appear to be bad.

Also, have you tried any toeing of the hanger?



Ok I just got done hanging for today did 4 sets of 20 min. first two with 15 lbs. and the other two with 12.5 lbs.

I adjusted my hanger by tighting the hex nuts at the bottom all the way in and when I started to tightin it up it hurt!( I was use the big peice of cloth and the 18x2 therma as the wrap)

So when ever it hurts like that I start out with 7.5 lbs. then work my way up to 15 lbs. takes about 10 min.

I think it was hurting because so much of the pressure was being put on the bottom half of my penis.

The measurement of my flaccid girth with the cloth covered by the therma was 4 1/4.

Oh yeah Today i attached the hanger 1/4 behind the wrap for each set.

Toeing of the hanger huh? I thought toeing was just messing around with the hex nut placing?

One more thing been wanting to know this for awhile is your 10.5

bp or nbp? and whats the flaccid on the sucker?



>I adjusted my hanger by tighting the hex nuts at the bottom all the way in and when I started to tightin it up it hurt!( I was use the big peice of cloth and the 18x2 therma as the wrap)<

With the hex nuts all the way in and only one cloth and one Theraband, what is the gap on top?

Are you saying this session was better?

>I think it was hurting because so much of the pressure was being put on the bottom half of my penis.<

The pressure should not be on the bottom. That is why I said you needed less wrap, a larger gap on bottom, and smaller gap on top.

>The measurement of my flaccid girth with the cloth covered by the therma was 4 1/4.<

Ok, try this and let me know how it is. Run the bottom hex adjustment out to 1/4 on front and back. Be sure to tighten the wing nuts down on the outside of the right skid. Wrap with the one cloth and one Thera, one inch behind the head. Put the hanger on 1/4 inch from the head edge of the wrap. The top teeth should be meshed a little, but there should be no pressure on top. The rubber should be meshed completely, but the hard plastic should be only meshed a little.

If this is too loose, run in the back hex nut a little. Maybe a sixteenth. If still loose, run it in another sixteenth. Let me know.

>Toeing of the hanger huh? I thought toeing was just messing around with the hex nut placing?<

The back hex nut in closer than the front is toeing out. The front hex nut in closer than the back is toeing in.

>One more thing been wanting to know this for awhile is your 10.5 bp or nbp?<


> and whats the flaccid on the sucker?<

5-6 inches.



The gap on top was pretty big I’d say around a 4th
Yes the session I had today was better well it was yesterday it 2:08 Am right now.

I thought you ment a small gap on bottom and larger one up top.

Ok I’ll have to mess around with that stuff when I hang after I get some sleep!

Do you take none bone pressed measurements? If so what is that?

What do you think of dld’s gains? normally I wouldn’t believe him but he seems like a pretty nice guy. Plus the pic’s!



I think I have all my problems worked out for now at least!

Theres just one thing when I hang with the wrap that is wraped one in. behind the head I get fluid build up like a motha!

and at the end of my sets after 15 mins. has past and I’m down to the last five the exposed skin and my head go NUMB! after the set is done the numbness goes away during the 10 min. break

this has been going on for awhile now and I always thought it was numb because the fluid was covering the nerves or something but today( my day off) the numbness is still there even though there is no fluid. I know this happens to other guys to so please speak up now! If you are having this happen to you to.

I am very greatful for your help that you have given me with my hanging and it seems that I still need that help so what should I do about this? wait till it goes away then start hanging again?

Keep on hanging anyways? What do you think Bib?



Sounds as if you are not over your problems yet. You probably have two of them.

>Theres just one thing when I hang with the wrap that is wraped one in. behind the head I get fluid build up like a motha!<

Some fluid buildup is normal, and you can become used to it. But if it is a lot, you probably have wrapped too tight. On an off day, try this: Wrap the way you normally do, and see if you get the fluid. If so, you are wrapping too tight.

Also, if you are doing light jelking between sets and after your session, it should help eliminate the fluid.

>and at the end of my sets after 15 mins. has past and I’m down to the last five the exposed skin and my head go NUMB!<

Well, you know you have gone too far, too fast. You need to stop for a while and let sensation return completely. Then, start back a little slower, and build up at a lesser rate. I had some of this from overdoing it, and I believe Jelktoid is going through it right now. Listen to your body.



So While im waiting for the numbness that I have right now to go away should I still be doing other pe?



In reading through this thread, one question came to me - are you still pumping? If you are I would certainly try not pumping at all while on a hanging routine.



> So While im waiting for the numbness that I have right now to go away should I still be doing other pe? <

No. Also, you should not be doing any heavy duty maual exercises or pumping close to the time you are hanging. This will cause an excess of fluid buildup.



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