Need help from veteran hangers.
Hey guys,
I’ve been searching but some of my questions are personal to me. I’ve been back into PEing since February. I did the beginner routine and then Jelqed and Uli’s among other things. I started hanging 1.5 months ago I like doing it and it was ok the first month when I only hung 5 lbs but I upped it to 7.5 lbs this month and now I’m getting more pain in my shaft while hanging and it stays with me for a good 6 hours. It’s near the base on top where the Captn Wench ends. I mostly hang BTC but when I hang SO I don’t get the pain.
Yes, I’m using the Wench and have been happy with it til now. My wrap is a cotton T around 2.5" wide and 27" long. I wrap it all the way down my shaft. Then I use a 17" pc of bike inner-tube that I slit long ways down the middle to make it flat. It works great like I said I don’t feel pain where the Wench covers me.
I’ve tried wrapping diffarent ways like with head fully pulled out but after I hang when I pull the T off it’s stuck in my circ scar skin and it hurts. I’ve found the best way for me is dick stretched but skin pulled up just above scar then wrap but this does seem to pull more skin when hanging. What should I do?
Another thing because my head size is kinda small when flaccid none of the H/made hangers I’ve tried including the Bib would keep my head from getting smashed from the weight causing it to hurt and be deformed when I get it out of the wrap. Does this happen to some of you to? The head comes out a little cold to most of the time but so far no numbness. It’s kind of scary to see it deformed like that but I do a couple Uli’s and it looks ok again.
Is 7.5 lbs enough weight to get gains? I hang at least an hour each day 5 on 2 off. From what I read I should be hanging every day. Should I change to every day?
Routine now:
Uli’s morning and night for 7min.
morning - manual stretches 3,6,9,12 and SO hold for 90 seconds each.
20 heli’s both directions.
V stretches.
later in the day hang with 7.5 lbs for at least an hour (3X20 min). How long can I hang?
kegal 5 sec holds. 7 min
As you can see I stopped Jelqing except in between and after hanging.
I’m only interested in length right now.
For members only.
I’m a little bigger than this now. These were taken in 2001-02
(Started 2/21/06) BPEL 7.125 - NBPEL 5.625 - MSEG 5.625
(As of 8/23/07) BPEL 7.5 - NBPEL 6.000 - MSEG 5.87
2nd goal is BPEL 7.750 NBPEL of 6.250" and EG 6" - Long term goal is NBPEL 8" - Girth 6.50