New routines, angles etc.
It seems that too much credit is being placed on BTC hanging. Of course, that is my fault because it is what worked for me. Other guys will probably get more benefit from the other angles and BTC is not what they need to concentrate on.
Veg has a post on PEforums about using a hanger to do manual stretches, kind of like JAI stretches up to the chin and to each side. I tried these a little, and they seem to do some interesting things.
http://www.pefo … =&threadid=4525
Also, DLD has an interesting routine using kegals and reverse kegals that can be done while hanging. This also does some interesting things. I used to kegal while hanging, but alternating the kegals and reverse kegals, five seconds each, seems to do something extra. It takes a little practice, but you can do these without even thinking about it once you learn. Remember to breath while doing them.
http://www.pefo … =&threadid=4546
I think all of this points to the fact that we need more innovation in PE and the hanging arts in particular. Guys should not just go with the old tried and true methods of PE. They must find the practices which work for them, and not be afraid to try new things.
I hope others will try the two things above and give some feedback.