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Different angles and degrees of angles

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Different angles and degrees of angles

I almost never start a thread. Had to remember how.

This is for discussion and greater insight.

First, I want to do a little defining, to make the discussion somewhat easier.

For any given penis, there are 180 degrees of horizontal hang, and about 270 degrees of vertical hang. Horizontally, this is an arc across each leg. Vertically, this is from the skin on the abdomen to the crack. There are an infinite number of hang angles combining the two dimensions.

Without elaborate equipment, there are many angles of hang from straight out to BTC, and then OTS. Same horizontally with OTL, UTL.

This still leaves a multitude of angles that may not be commonly hit. For me, I received a different feeling of different tissues being affected with about each 15 degrees change in the angle of hang.

Lately, I tried some stretches using a hanger and pulling to different angles at which I never hung weight. At each different point, I received a new and invigorating stretch. EX. pulling up, toward a point outside of each shoulder. IMO, there were different lig bundles being hit. Then, I tried a few sets of straight out hanging after the stretch sessions. Completely different sensations.

OK, there you go. Let the discussion begin.


hey bib its been a while,

Being a lazy bastard I tried some odd angles that I could do lying down. I even tried UTL (you mean BTC but roll on your side right?) and it did seem to give a new feeling, just like the feeling you get when you return to hanging after some time off, but not as profound. So this proves to me that hanging BTC will hit these other lig “bundles” just not as well as isolated work. If it did not hit them at all I would have felt a more profound stretch.

Do you really have to stretch all of these bundles to gain?

If it is you could just hang BTC until all the limiting factors reach an equilibrium (your words), and then just increase the weight progressivly (how do you spell that) forever until you reach your length gains.

Since I mostly concentated in the past on BTC, do you think that it would be good idea to scrap this angle for a while and work on the others? At the moment i am doing BTC mostly and a bit of straight out AM and left right and up in the PM.

I think its better to spend several consecutive sets on any given angle until it is fatigued and then blast another.

Is this making sense?

I hope this is a useful contribution, ive been away fora while and i’m still catching up on old posts.



>Being a lazy bastard I tried some odd angles that I could do lying down. I even tried UTL (you mean BTC but roll on your side right?)<

Actually, I did UTL while sitting with my feet up on another chair. Then, I would have my penis under my leg and the hanger over the side edge of the chair. Fairly intense.

>Do you really have to stretch all of these bundles to gain?<

Obviously many guys do not. As I have said, about 80% of my work was between BTC and straight out. But everyone is different, and it would seem that many guys should concentrate on different angles. bbs’ theory is that the exit point of the penis from the body may determine what angles should be hit. Also, the attachment points of the ligs.

>If it is you could just hang BTC until all the limiting factors reach an equilibrium (your words), and then just increase the weight progressivly (how do you spell that) forever until you reach your length gains. <

That is fairly well how I did it. Others seem to be finding more efficient ways of doing this.

>Since I mostly concentated in the past on BTC, do you think that it would be good idea to scrap this angle for a while and work on the others? At the moment i am doing BTC mostly and a bit of straight out AM and left right and up in the PM.<

It depends on what you are feeling now, and if you think you are gaining any. If so, carry on. If not, then try some of this other stuff. The prehanging stretching at the “odd” angles is really interesting.

>I think its better to spend several consecutive sets on any given angle until it is fatigued and then blast another.<

I feel this is correct.


>For any given penis, there are 180 degrees of horizontal hang, and about 270 degrees of vertical hang. Horizontally, this is an arc across each leg. Vertically, this is from the skin on the abdomen to the crack. There are an infinite number of hang angles combining the two dimensions.

Without elaborate equipment, there are many angles of hang from straight out to BTC, and then OTS. Same horizontally with OTL, UTL.

This still leaves a multitude of angles that may not be commonly hit. For me, I received a different feeling of different tissues being affected with about each 15 degrees change in the angle of hang.<

I agree. That is why if people vary the angles enough, there should be little plateaus. In similar fashion, you go to a gym, and people complain of little to no progress, but do the same workouts week in and week out.

The body is a very highly adaptable machine. No workout should be alike, for best results. If you look at BIB’s history, he said he varied the angle somewhat every workout, no coincidence he is also a big gainer. It’s the little things like this, that count big in the long run. Even if you hang the same weight each set, move around, use all the degrees that you have available, even in each position.

Hanging, like life, as I’m learning, is easy. It’s “uncomplicating” and “unlearning” it and making it simple again, is the hard part. Once we get this taken care of, it’s all down here from there. Let the good times hang……

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

I agree on the angle concept. It seems to be making all the difference in the world for me. I haven’t measured yet as I am only 1 week into it. But I KNOW I’m growing just because I can get to the place where the stretch in my groin is so strong I have to shorten my set or better yet change angle. I am focusing on angles that FEEL like there stretching. I give the angle 5 minutes most and if it doesn’t feel fatiguing I change to one that does. My body is weird. The right side of my penis gets fatigues on a upward angle to toward outside the left shoulder. The left side of my penis gets fatigued on a downward angle OTL . I feel these are the most efficient angels for ME right now. I still haven’t tried over the shoulder for any length of time. But angles are key for me. I’m wondering if we us people concentrating on angles cant get faster gains then bigger all time and weight being equal. I am currently using 15 to 18lbs and I cant take any more with my current routine. I used to hang 24 BTC and straight down and didn’t feel like any fatigue.

Hey Bib are you going for more.. hehe


Seems like everything is coming together for you….

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

just to let you’s know hanging from just below straight out and UP i have gained 1/8 inch in 2 weeks……. and i feel myself growing. With only 1 to 2 hours a day total. Not even hang time just 1 to 2 hours effort a day with Sundays off. 15 lbs about. Bib i do like the angles just outside the shoulders pulling up, toward a point outside of each shoulder.
>IMO, there were different lig bundles being hit

I think this is key for us low erection people… key…..



You know, I am really a stupid shit. I am the guy always preaching how everyone is different, can’t really go by someone else’s routine or habits. I know it pisses off people when I will not give concrete answers about specific topics.

So I go right ahead and expouse my beliefs in BTC hanging, etc., and it ends up costing other guys who do not benefit. Some day I will learn to put stipulations on everything. I only hope that guys who have not had as much gains will see these threads and give the other angles a chance.

Speaking of which: On the very first PEforums, ancient history, about four years ago, there was a guy that put an eye bolt in the ceiling above his chair and attached a pulley to it. He ran a cord through the pulley and attached one end to the weights and the other to his hanger (original Bib).

He really liked hitting all the upper angles. His chair rolled and swiveled, so he was able to hit many different angles. I did not need this, but there was a good bit of conversation about it. When he was through hanging for the day, he simply took the pulley and cord down. Nobody ever noticed the eye bolt.


When I first began to hang in any position except btc, I hung ots I guess. I was in my chair with a rope going over my shoulder and hung for about 18 min. The problem was that my head got so numb it scared the shit out of me. I wrapped the same as I usually would for btc, is this wrong or something?

I have got numb before but never for that long, I think it took about 13 hours to go back to normal. I noticed a lot of the skin bunched up around the head, and didn’t realize it was cutting off the circulation so bad. I definitely want to hang in this position again, when I finish with my one month of horses but I’m afraid that will happen again. I felt such a different pull in this position, it ‘s probably the cause of my 1/4 inch gain out of nowhere.


>I wrapped the same as I usually would for btc, is this wrong or something?<

Yes, it is not unusual for you to have to use other techniques at different angles. Good question. When hanging OTS, I had my head as low as possible in the well and then the shaft was diagonal in the shaft well. IOW, the head low in front, the shaft higher toward the back. I really don’t know why this helped so much. Do not be afraid to experiment, and find what works best for you. Just remember, not all angles are the same, with the same physics, so you will have to adjust your techniques.

I have never slept so much as in the past 24 hours, but damn, I am going back to bed. I hate being sick.


Bib your help is appreciated from all of us here, I know that. From what I remember you were trying to figure out why people where not gaining and you had a theory about Vitamin C if I remember. I chauk it up as a great leasson. I know that much more about in then i would if I just gained….

Originally posted by Bib

You know, I am really a stupid shit. I am the guy always preaching how everyone is different, can't really go by someone else's routine or habits. I know it pisses off people when I will not give concrete answers about specific topics.

So I go right ahead and expouse my beliefs in BTC hanging, etc., and it ends up costing other guys who do not benefit. Some day I will learn to put stipulations on everything. I only hope that guys who have not had as much gains will see these threads and give the other angles a chance.

Speaking of which: On the very first PEforums, ancient history, about four years ago, there was a guy that put an eye bolt in the ceiling above his chair and attached a pulley to it. He ran a cord through the pulley and attached one end to the weights and the other to his hanger (original Bib).

He really liked hitting all the upper angles. His chair rolled and swiveled, so he was able to hit many different angles. I did not need this, but there was a good bit of conversation about it. When he was through hanging for the day, he simply took the pulley and cord down. Nobody ever noticed the eye bolt.


also i have been trying to asses why I dont gain or gain little BTC . From what I can tell about the way my ligaments attach is that, they run along the sides and Under my shaft. And when I hang BTC they fold back twards the direction they attach. Under the shaft. So when i hang straight out or Up, they seem to take all the weight. Sorry if I cant explain it but I could draw it…..


maybe te reason you gain little from BTC is because the ligs affected by that stretch are at the same length (for want of a better explantion) as the other ligs so when you hang this way, the stress is divided among these, so youwould need more weight to lengthen them. But by doing the other angles you avoid this and the stress is isolated to a particular area, so you can stretch these seperatly.

Eventually the same thing would happen with these other angles and you would need to hang BTC.

SS4 JElq

I agree with that last post..This is kind of a continuation of these posts we started before….I will bump them…

Again topic of differet angles low erection people

lig diagrams?

Did you read these posts….good stuff!!

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

I was wondering why you bumped. Wouldn’t the links have done the job? Johnnygate started both of them anyway so he’s likely to have read them.

Confused :confused:

[edit] Oh they’re aimed at SS4Jelq ? Been here too long today.

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