New to Hanging...From a pumper
Hello all. Just wanted to get some feedback from everyone.
I have a few questions concerning my new “homemade” hanger.
I made on myself using Bib’s plans with the “Quikplumb” tubing and
the hose clamps. I modified it a bit by splitting the tubing so I could
add a few beads of clear silicon for added support.
My questions are:
Today, I only used about 2 pounds with 2 10 minutes sets. After both,
the head was cold. Does this usually mean I have wrapped to tight or that
the hanger is to tight?
Also, I have found very little info in using this type of hangers, most of what I have
found has been about the commercial Bib’s and the Bib knock-offs
Also, I would like to keep pumping, most of what I have found says to hang, then pump.
Is this correct?