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Newbie Hanging question

Newbie Hanging question

Hey guys, well, I’m new to hanging, not so new to PE in general. Been doing basic jelqs and using the bathmate to help condition myself for a few months now.

I just started hanging. Would this be too soon? I have a bib hanger just to make sure I went ahead and did things right the first time.

Of course I warm up before between and after sets, I try to watch porn or have some stimulation to keep bloodflow (not while hanging, I wait to go flaccid before starting another set)

I am on 2.5lbs with a 12 oz tuna can ducttapped to the side of the weight plate (haha, and yeah, I know they sell 1 pound plates.) for 2 weeks now. I have noticed dramatic gains and no pain.

I stop when I feel pain or numbness or if I lose temperature in my gland I can still get erections easily, maintain them, and they are hard as ever so I don’t think I’ve done any damage yet.

More or less I’m wondering if I’m starting hanging too soon?

Sounds good to me. How many sets are you doing. Are you hanging straight down or btc.

It’s been a while since I was doing hanging and there there are lots of good information on this here. From what I remember you will first get skin stretch before you start getting lig stretch. @ 1/2 lbs.. Doesn’t sound like enough to start any lig stretch so you are probably still feeling skin stretch. When you start stretching ligs you will feel it. Use just enough weight to feel fatigue after doing 3-20 min sets. If you are not feeling fatigue in the last set, move up in weight till you do. This is what I did and got good gains. Good luck

Thanks guys. Yeah, I noticed my skin “growing” in these past 2 weeks, I would guess about a centimeter’s worth of skin that can come over the head of my penis when I pull it (like as if I were masturbating) I guess this is part of the unintentional foreskin restoration that comes with hanging? No biggie, I had no choice in the matter of being circumcised so I guess this will be new experience for me, that and I also noticed a lot of guys in the porn industry seem to be uncut, or have perhaps been hanging because the ones who arent uncut (you can tell during money shot scenes) seem to have a little extra although obviously not uncut.

We are not talking about the same skin stretch. I don’t remember stretching skin on my shaft like you describe. The skin I was talking about was at the base. I don’t know what type of hanger you are using but it sounds like it’s not grabbing the shaft correctly if it’s just stretching skin over the glands.

What positions are you hanging in? Also, where do you put the hanger? Close to the base or closer to the glans?

-The Only Way to Lose is to Fail to Try-

01/02/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 18.5cm / BPFSL 20.3cm / Girth12.5cm - 10 minute pump, 20 jelqs, 5 minute pump 20 jelqs ~2.5-3hg 1 on 2 off.

01/09/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 19cm / BPFSL 20.5cm / Girth12.7cm / BPELIP 19.2cm

BIB HANGER, completely down, one set at base other two towards end a little, compress and VERY light jelq between/before after.

Okay, sounds like you are doing things right and if no negativ effects have been seen then I don’t see why you should stop. BUT, in my opinion hanging should be the last resort in your attempt for a bigger piece. I know some will disagree but I say this because you are still fairly new to PE. Hanging takes more time and commitment than jelqing and stretching so I would say maximise your gains in areas like jelqing, stretching, clamping even pumping before you get a hanger. The only reason i went to hanging is because I never got any results from jelqing or stretching like most people do. I got barely and expansion when clamping and even pumping could not provide me with any noticeable gains. I tried most things for at least 4 months each and thought it was time to go with hanging because surely at some point its got to do something….

You are lucky, you say you have gained from hanging already, this suggests that you probably would have gained from stretching and jelquing as well though and might have been a little easier on you mentally. I’m just saying, your still new to this journey and you don’t want to kill of motivation too soon. Just enjoy it and if you enjoy hanging then thats fine but if it is stressing you out a little then put it off for a while and see if you can gain with the simpler methods.

-The Only Way to Lose is to Fail to Try-

01/02/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 18.5cm / BPFSL 20.3cm / Girth12.5cm - 10 minute pump, 20 jelqs, 5 minute pump 20 jelqs ~2.5-3hg 1 on 2 off.

01/09/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 19cm / BPFSL 20.5cm / Girth12.7cm / BPELIP 19.2cm

Hello guys. Does the Bib Hanger come equipped to begin use immediately? I am considering buying one to begin hanging.

Also, what types of weights fit on the hook of it, and where do you get them?

Yes the bib is ready to go out of the package, All you need is wrap and to find the right settings for your dick.

Use any weights available, I use Olympic plates with a chain through the middle then hook the bib onto the chain.

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