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Not gripping internal structures?

Not gripping internal structures?

When I attatch the hanger and add the weights it seems that it is only hanging on the skin rather than any internal structures.

I tested this theroy by tightning the hanger and then using my hand to pull the hanger out/down.

It seems to just slide over the internal penis and stop when it runs out of skin at the base of my cock.
When i hold the head and try to slide the hanger back up the shaft over the internal penis though it seems to give some good restraint.

It seems like it grips the internal structures only when I slide the hanger back up the shaft!?

Also note that when I say “slide” I mean sliding over the internal penis, it always has 100% grip on the skin and it never slips on the skin!


Loved going to Cuba! :)

I'm surprised that Americans can't go because their government says they can't!

Cascade, no matter how tight you crank down the hanger, some of the pressure will still be taken by the “shoulders”. This is perfectly OK as long as the dorsal nerve does not have pressure being applied directly to it, and that you can wear the hanger (with weights) for 15-20 minutes without numbness or too much color change occurring.

Are you stretching your unit out while you are attaching the hanger and tightening it?

This is necessary so the hanger is clamped on a good spot on your shaft.

Then, the sliding that happens is okay and normal.

It will stop at the shoulders, or thumbs, like Stevie said.

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I always thought when BIB spoke of support by the shoulders of the glans he didn’t meant the rim of the glans but the CC’s where it attaches to the glans. The CC’s don’t end where the glans begins but end in a coneshape inside the glans. If you have attached the hanger really tight and it slides down towards the glans the cone will inflate with blood and stop your hanger. During hanging you will probably need to tighten your topscrew (I assume you are hanging with your BIB) once in a while. The required tightening needed to get support in this way won’t always agree with your veins, if a ridge of my hanger ends up ontop of a knot of veins they will start to sting, but if you manage to avoid such knots hanging will become more comfortable without sliding to worry about.

If the head (I presume this is the shoulders) takes the presure of hanging doesn’t this stretch this ligs?

Loved going to Cuba! :)

I'm surprised that Americans can't go because their government says they can't!

Originally Posted by cascade

If the head (I presume this is the shoulders) takes the presure of hanging doesn’t this stretch this ligs?

What it stretches depends on what angle you hang at, not where the hanger is attached.

Originally Posted by cascade

If the head (I presume this is the shoulders) takes the presure of hanging doesn’t this stretch this ligs?

No, it shouldn’t be touching the glans directly. The “shoulders” is the inflated CCs that Piet mentioned. On the outside it will feel and look like slightly bunched-up shaft skin directly behind the glans (towards the body). Whatever you do, try to avoid direct contact with the hanger and your dick head, especially on top.

The wrap is resting on the bunched up skin behind the glands though. (not the hanger itself.)

It seems like it’s resting on the blood in that half of my penis (the half away from my body).

Is this ok?

Loved going to Cuba! :)

I'm surprised that Americans can't go because their government says they can't!

Try using a wash cloth or cloth type material when you put on the hanger. I found it’s easier then a wrap and it is the only way I can get the hanger to really grip and not slide.

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