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OTS & So hanging

OTS & So hanging

I am trying to switch to OTS and SO hanging; I have noted a few things….


the starter rides up slowly on my dick such that by the end of session my dick is purple, very bad.

It is uncomfortable.

I am hanging aout 2 pounds mote than BTC.

I do not feel an intense strecth, although I can feel tension.


same thing the starter rides up my dick and bunches up around my glans.

I am hanging aout 2 pounds more than BTC.

The comfort factor is potentially better than OTS.

My dick also turn purple in this position.

It feels as if the more I tighten the worse it get’s.

Any advice would be great thankyou.


It is another learning curve. try some more wrap -l ots of it but not tight. Then tighten the hanger VERY VERY tight.

Remember, it is more the wrap that cuts off circulation then the hanger. You must use elastic wrap and not tight. I had to increase the amount of wrap three fold and I thought it was impossible- but after some time I did get the hang of it.



I have the same problems as rolo with SO hanging

is it possible to hang in these positions with a soft (non-ballooned) head with normal color?

It seems no matter whatthese positions lead to a bluer head than normal and also a high internal pressure as well.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."


I always found SO, OTL, and OTS much easier than BTC. IMO, it is like Guiri said, you just have to work a little and find the correct settings. Just make sure the hanger is tight.


Another thing: I always liked to tighten a couple times before adding the weight. You might be able to put it on, tighten to slight discomfort, do a couple twists, then tighten some more and add the weight. It is amazing how tight you can get the hanger if you wait a little bit and tighten more.

I think Boxcar is an expert at this.



so are you saying that if your head turns dark stop? IOW are you saying that hanging SO and OTS with a normal head color tone and size IS possible? Because after a mins. my head seems to swella and darken in color.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."


>so are you saying that if your head turns dark stop?<

No, a dark head usually means increased blood pressure. If it turns white or blue, stop. That is a lack of blood flow. You can have a lack of blood flow with a dark head, but not usually. If the temp is ok, continue on.

>IOW are you saying that hanging SO and OTS with a normal head color tone and size IS possible? Because after a mins. my head seems to swella and darken in color.<

Sure. Depends on how tight the wrap is, how tight the hanger is, and the amount of weight used, etc. Do not be too alarmed by a dark head. Just watch it. But know this, a tight wrap can cause circulation problems. A tight hanger usually will not UNLESS tightening the hanger causes the wrap to become too tight. IOW, the wrap should be plenty loose, but not so loose as to allow pinching. Sabe?



I don’t know if I agree on the the wrap causing lack of circulation, sure it does contribute, but I would have thought that the tightening of the hanger would contribute more to lack of circulation???

As for using elastic wrap, I take it theraband is in this category?


I thought the same, but the design of the hanger allows for circulation.

The test is simple. Wrap as tight as possible and don’t put on the hanger - blood flow is cut off. Then put on the hanger without wrap - sure the blood-flow is restricted, but circulation exists.

Of course the above isn’t practical, but you get the idea. The tighter the wrap, the tighter you must tighten the hanger to be able to grip the inner penis.

Anyway, it worked for me. I had tried more wrap, but it didn’t work because I was tightening the WRAP too much. With BIB’s indications, I learnt to use even more wrap, but not at all tight, and then tighten the hanger to get a good grip. I was surprised at i) just how tight I could tighten the hanger, and ii) the fact that I had better circulation than BTC hanger (when my wrap was tighter).

Give it a go.


Thanks Guiri, three times more wrap, Ok.


I’ve been struggling with the same problems OTS and SO. I noticed the hanger stopped riding up to my glands when I completely tightened the bottom wingnuts. I didn’t even consider doing this at first because BTC didn’t require this even remotely.

I kept fucking with it and found the ticket was in the bottom of the hanger.


Now wait a minute. You don’t have the same confusion SWM had, do you? The wing nuts should always be tightened down, clamping the right skid in between the wing nuts and inner hex nuts. You adjust the hex nuts where you want them, then tighten down the wing nuts, then put the hanger on.


Yeah -

Its a good thing you cleared this up for SWM or some other chump who’s been at it for a long time could have missed this point entirely.

A friend of mine was doing it wrong, wing and hex nuts-wise, for quite a few months.

What are you looking at me for?

Anyway its much easier and more comfortable now. He tells me.


See Ya,


I’m so confused now. I always started with the hex nuts tight to the hanger. I’d loosen the wing nuts to where I could attach comfortably. Then I’d tighten the wing nuts. I did it this way for over nine months hanging BTC with gains and without problems.

I don’t understand how you can adjust easily with the hex nuts??


>I don’t understand how you can adjust easily with the hex nuts??<

In the beginning, it is a trial and error thing. You can put it on the way you have been and then see the approximate location for the hex nuts. Then, move the hex nuts out to where you think they need to go and try it. If it is not exact, move them a little and try again. It does not take long.

After a bit, you will know about where the hex nuts need to be. After you find a comfortable setting, they should not change much, if at all. Unless your girth grows or something. The key is for the two halves to be static in relation to each other when the hanger is tightened. Any potential movement will allow the penis to ‘flow’ through the hanger.


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