Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Out of here

You answered all of our questions with patience and candor, even when we repeated ourselves dozens of times over the months and years.

You built 1500+ of the world’s best hangers so that we could fulfill our big-dick fantasies.

For these things and more, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You’ll be missed.

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

Bigger, you will be missed. Missed greatly. However, you’re insight and work will live on and continue to help people for years to come. When you’re having a bad day, you can always remember how many lives you have changed and are still continuing to do so through your legacy. I hope you realise that not only have you improved the lives of so many people here through larger dicks, but you’ve also helped them give their partners more pleasure. There will never be a way to know just how many people’s lives you have touched.

Will Bigger ever be replaced? Never. However, if others (and Thunder’s Place has several) follow Bigger’s example of giving time and insight to fellow PE’ers, his legacy continues and more people can be helped to achieve their dreams of increasing their size.


thanks for your contributions, I read (and reread) your posts with interest. I’m glad I was able to get the bib starter last winter. just started using it about 2 1/2 months ago, my elbows and hands were getting seriously problematic from manual stretching.

Now with the Bib starter, no more problems and I can work out again, haven’t remeasured yet, but love the product.

Thanks again and best to you and your future,

Bib, I only just got here and already you’re retiring. I wish you’d stay, but respect to you if you don’t. I salute you, sir!

But who’ll moderate the hanging forum?

Bib you’re the coolest! And well miss you!

All the best to you!

John Schwab

Geez, what can I say? I wish you would reconsider. I think I understand, though and I respect your decision to move on.

If you are in fact done….

So long, friend, and happy trails. And don’t ever back down.


Last edited by Sizemeister : 05-17-2004 at .

I don’t accept Bigger leaving and will be actively trying to get him to come back so I ain’t saying good bye.

Let him know you want him back.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

We have his email address, we could bombard him till he comes home.

Bib, this is where you belong, with the rest of us <Insert description here>. We all love you, come back to us,




I understand some of the feelings expressed here, but I believe we must respect Bib’s decision. Hell, I’m even amazed how long he held up in the forums, having no other interest besides helping people. When I first started looking at this types of forums (on the old ezboard PEForums, around April 2000) I remember Bib as one of the veterans already, having already gained much (if not all) of his gains with PE. So it has been 4 years of pure, unselfish help by his part. He’s been contributing, helping, getting guys started for all this time. And if we look at it from this prespective I believe we can see that a limit had to be drawn somewhere, and I believe Bib has reached his.

Don’t take the above paragraph to mean that I won’t miss his contributions. Far from it. He’s the one to “blame” for me keeping at this PE business for some more time, as I was getting really fed up with losing size and still doing my PE workouts. Last month he helped me tremendously, as he has helped far too many people to count.

I too wish he’d be here for more time, but I have to respect his decision. No need to bombard him with PMs, e-mails or anything like this. You want to show your support, this is the place. Respect the man’s decision.



Originally Posted by UIShrike

I understand some of the feelings expressed here, but I believe we must respect Bib’s decision. Hell, I’m even amazed how long he held up in the forums, having no other interest besides helping people. When I first started looking at this types of forums (on the old ezboard PEForums, around April 2000) I remember Bib as one of the veterans already, having already gained much (if not all) of his gains with PE. So it has been 4 years of pure, unselfish help by his part. He’s been contributing, helping, getting guys started for all this time. And if we look at it from this prespective I believe we can see that a limit had to be drawn somewhere, and I believe Bib has reached his.

Don’t take the above paragraph to mean that I won’t miss his contributions. Far from it. He’s the one to “blame” for me keeping at this PE business for some more time, as I was getting really fed up with losing size and still doing my PE workouts. Last month he helped me tremendously, as he has helped far too many people to count.

I too wish he’d be here for more time, but I have to respect his decision. No need to bombard him with PMs, e-mails or anything like this. You want to show your support, this is the place. Respect the man’s decision.

I see you point and it is a good one. Here is the thing though. I think Bib has been happy here over the years. I think something happened to piss him off. I think that if there is any way for the parties involved to come to a mutual understanding, everyone will be happier.

Yes, Bib is a legendary PEer. He is also more than that. He is a great guy that a lot of us have gotten to know a little over the years. I am more sad about the loss of the person than the PE God. How can this be resolved?

If it is time for Bib to move on to new and important things in his life, I can accept that. I can’t accept him leaving like this.


A Letter To Bib

With his sudden departure I simply imagined that Bigger arrived at the point where for him, PE and his role here were tapped out, and he wanted to retire from it. So, with the same characteristic cool he has always demonstrated he exited without the dramatic fanfare such an event might otherwise merit. Out of respect for that I wished him well and figured I should simply be grateful for the jewel that he was while he was here.

Bullshit. Stepping back from it now this obviously is not the case and it needs to be shown to Bigger - by all of us - that we are better than that, and that he, as well as his many friends and devotees here deserve better than that.

So instead of a PM I’m saying it here, out loud:
Bigger, please reconsider. You owe it to yourself and your unrivaled position to step back into the fold and resume your role as leader. Men of your quality possess the character to see beyond whatever conflict this arises from. I am convinced you have it within you to step above this.
You are not like other people, therefor you are not granted the same luxuries others enjoy.
I honestly don’t think you have a clear grasp of what you mean to people here. What you do and how you do it holds an immense amount of relevance for literally thousands of men. I know for a fact that I am not alone, and it is not overstating matters, when I say that I carry within me - deep inside of me - your example, and I will for the rest of my life.

Your brilliant ideas and posts will be here for us to absorb in your absence, so take all the time you need, but please don’t take with you the shining example of what it is to be a man of great character and indefatigable will.

This is not you Bigger; it is not us. You are - we all are - bigger and better than this.


Originally Posted by penismith
I see you point and it is a good one. Here is the thing though. I think Bib has been happy here over the years. I think something happened to piss him off. I think that if there is any way for the parties involved to come to a mutual understanding, everyone will be happier.

I understand where you’re coming from penismith. I got the same feeling from reading his first post. But there have been numerous pleas here (and I have to believe privately too, through PMs and emails) for him to at least explain why the sudden depparture, the sudden rupture of an attachment that was fruitfull for many people. I would be extremely interested, as well as most of the ones who posted in this thread, to hear Bib at least give a short explanation of the reason(s) for this decision. But this is in his power and will, and only he knows if he want’s too or not.

Originally Posted by penismith
Yes, Bib is a legendary PEer. He is also more than that. He is a great guy that a lot of us have gotten to know a little over the years. I am more sad about the loss of the person than the PE God. How can this be resolved?

That was my point exactly. For a man to do what he has done this past years, with little to no interest financially, shows a great character. There are ones who I believe don’t like is opinions, or whatever. But there has to be respect for the man, the person is above it’s opinions. We can argue with the opinions but looking at the person we see unselfishness (that’s how I see it, at least). So bottom line is, if Bib decides to express his reasons, there are many people here (me included) that are eager to read them. I just condemn the “pressure” some guys advised. That’s why I asked for his opinion to be respected.

Originally Posted by penismith
If it is time for Bib to move on to new and important things in his life, I can accept that. I can’t accept him leaving like this.


Ditto. Agreed 100%.




I know from what I have read that you have helped a lot of the guys here and have earned a respect beyond words. I hope that whatever endeavors you find yourself tackling throughout life bring you lots of joy. I hate to hear that you are going, I know that many of the guys here look up to you and will truly miss your insight and input. You will be truly missed, not by just those that gain directly from PE, but from those too, who see the effort you put in to helping others.



This is an extremely sad thing I have learned today. I never have PM’ed you or asked you a question…I never bought your hanger (although I have come so close many times…I keep saying to myself SOON…dang you Captn Hook!)…but I have ALWAYS read your posts. You sir‚ are a wonderful human being. The time and care you took in answering questions just simply amazed me. Please know your efforts were so greatly appreciated by me. Thank you so much for helping so many of us. I feel for all the newbies and future PE’ers who will not have your expertise at their disposal. I hope you are leaving because you need to..and not because of some idiotic comments or actions by others…just know that 99.9% of us are really going to miss your contributions. My best to you sir in all your endeavors.


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