P.C. flex while hanging
When hanging out on a pulley (or beding over reading magazine on table!) P.C. flexs have a lifting action on the weight. Now obviously, one would not want to do this with a very heavy set, but it’s actually quite easy with lighter weights. It does seem to pull in the muscles (Bulbul????) at the genital base, but also has effects which can be felt deeper in. Another visual effect I noticed is that this action tends to pull on an thicken the penile shaft momentarily during the flex. Seems like this tension does have a stretching (or tensioning) effect on the tunica and deeper attachment points in the pelvic floor. Been curious on this one from the first hang, but never really came across an answer. When stretching for other fitness activities, a stretch, then slight opposing tension, followed by another stretch, definately gets more stretch. Might just be a muscle reaction rather than tendon/ligament, I don’t know for sure. Might be the “Golgi thing” happening on other body parts. When hanging out, there is definatley more than just lig’s involved here, muscles and tendons as well as other tough tissue come into play. Do these pelvic muscles (and there are many small ones) take up a cushioning effect on the connective tissue and is it beneficial to stretch them to maximum (safely of course, for a short time) in order to get a better stretch effect on the connectives? Anyone notice this if they tried it? If so, care to speculate on any benefits or dangers of flex tension on the straight out hanging angle? Thanx, groa