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Percussion / Massage gun???


Percussion / Massage gun???

So while I read up on all the heating of the penis to get gains it made me wonder if the whole idea of going another direction.

Anybody ever use a massage gun to help their gains??

Here are some of the potential benefits of using a massage gun on scar tissue:
It can increase blood flow. The increased blood flow in the area can help to drain excess fluids and reduce inflammation.
It can loosen a scar. This means that the scar won’t stick so firmly to the tissues under and around it.
It may help alleviate sensations of pain, hypersensitivity and itching.
It makes the scar tissue softer and more malleable.
It helps decrease scar tissue build up.
It may help to flatten certain bulky scars or prevent the scar from becoming bulky.
It may help with the appearance of the scar.
It can break down scar tissue: collagen cells clump together in disorganized fashion after surgery or injury, and massages help realign the fibres.

Interesting idea.
What kind of massager were you thinking of and how would you use it?

The thing that came to my mind it almost like a mini jackhammer. And i can’t visualize using it as anything but tortuous to my junk…

Originally Posted by Phil210
Interesting idea.
What kind of massager were you thinking of and how would you use it?

The thing that came to my mind it almost like a mini jackhammer. And i can’t visualize using it as anything but tortuous to my junk…

read this over at reddit:

“A massage gun is quite simple. Its a just a motor that drives whatever attachment back and forth rapidly. This rapid movement is used to break up build up within the muscle, normally knots and calcium deposits. It also increases blood-flow and opens capillaries in the targeted area. Athletes use it for both injury prevention as well marginally improving performance.
So you can see how this can be useful in PE, where we are actively trying to increase flexibility and blood-flow

For both of these you want to use the small pressure point attachment
For length:
we target the suspensory ligaments. This will prime them for maximum elasticity allowing for more of a stretch.
Use the gun at the base for about 5 minutes prior to the length session. I and others were much more “floppy” after the session and stretched out 1/8 -1/4 more than normal.

For Girth:
We are targeting the entire shaft here.
We can get to the expanded state much faster and can expand further because like the suspensory ligaments the tunica is “primed.”
We are also getting the added benefits of blood vessel dilatation and breaking up in build up on the tunica as well as in the penile tissue leading to better EQ in the long run. so if you have been doing improper PE ( too much weight, or pressure ie: chronic bathmate users)
When I first did this I felt like a small bead break up on the top side of my shaft. I didn’t even know it it was there, haven’t felt it sense.
This is a little more complicated than length to perform.
You are going to need lube, and a cock-ring.
You need to be semi erect. Lube up. Put on the cock-ring.
Turn the massage to it lowest setting
Press into your shaft, work your way up the shaft slowly and hit the entire shaft.
What I like to do is do each side for 2.5 minutes and switch.
So 2.5 min left 2.5 min right 2.5 min top 2.5 min bottom
You can do this on the head as well but it leads temporary numbness for 5-10 mins from sensory overload.
You might feel a slight stinging sensation as well, this is normal particularly higher on the shaft. this area has more nerve endings so you can feel the percussion/ vibrations more. This is more noticeable if you are circumcised because the skin is much thinner.”“

So this could be similar to shockwave therapy. I would assume to keep from bruising you would stay with a lighter touch until used to the thumping from the massager. I have one and I think I am going to try this. How often and how long have you been doing this? Have you seen any results from this or is this just a theory right now?

Originally Posted by Wdwrkr
So this could be similar to shockwave therapy. I would assume to keep from bruising you would stay with a lighter touch until used to the thumping from the massager. I have one and I think I am going to try this. How often and how long have you been doing this? Have you seen any results from this or is this just a theory right now?

just theory

PE Fails Meme

I would NOT recommend it!

I happen to be going to physical therapy to help strengthen my hips. Even though they took it slow with me on the exercises, they used a percussion massage on my quads. Even though it felt good, it was uncomfortably painful (because of lactic acid buildup) until they stopped.

Speaking from a medical standpoint as a former medic, even on the “lowest” setting you are going to be subjecting your manhood to untold trauma that can bruise it badly or literally fracture your penis!

A penile fracture is a tear in the tunica albuginea. The tunica albuginea is the rubbery sheath of tissue below the skin that allows the penis to increase in width and length to produce a firm erection. Sometimes the erectile tissue beneath the tunica albuginea also ruptures. That’s known as the corpus cavernosum.

Penile fracture is a medical emergency. If it happens, you need to get to a hospital as soon as possible, and you will probably need surgery. Quick treatment can help prevent permanent sexual and urinary problems.

Bruh.. Don’t be a PE fails meme!

poor chap.webp
(37.7 KB, 369 views)

Originally Posted by EightInchEnvy
I would NOT recommend it!

I happen to be going to physical therapy to help strengthen my hips. Even though they took it slow with me on the exercises, they used a percussion massage on my quads. Even though it felt good, it was uncomfortably painful (because of lactic acid buildup) until they stopped.

Speaking from a medical standpoint as a former medic, even on the “lowest” setting you are going to be subjecting your manhood to untold trauma that can bruise it badly or literally fracture your penis!

A penile fracture is a tear in the tunica albuginea. The tunica albuginea is the rubbery sheath of tissue below the skin that allows the penis to increase in width and length to produce a firm erection. Sometimes the erectile tissue beneath the tunica albuginea also ruptures. That’s known as the corpus cavernosum.

Penile fracture is a medical emergency. If it happens, you need to get to a hospital as soon as possible, and you will probably need surgery. Quick treatment can help prevent permanent sexual and urinary problems.

Bruh.. Don’t be a PE fails meme!

Exactly!!! Just like placing a ultrasound wand on your junk.

This is why I posted this thread. Everybody is quick to find the “Thing” that is going to get you to your desired goal but nobody thinks things out. I do think you have taken it a bit too far with the fractured penis but then again if somebody reading this post was to massage gun their penis fully erect then that is possible I guess. The fact that the instructions that mention “For length: we target the suspensory ligaments. This will prime them for maximum elasticity allowing for more of a stretch. Use the gun at the base for about 5 minutes prior to the length session. I and others were much more “floppy” after the session and stretched out 1/8 -1/4 more than normal.” seem to have gone unread by even you is another example of why one must be very cautious when posting things because not everyone reads the fine print and might do something stupid.

I actually used a massage gun the other day on the ligaments (fat pad area for those that need more info on the exact area) and it does seem to numb the ligaments. No bruises or any real trauma. I guess we can like this to a boxer getting beat silly. Eventually he gives up from unyielding beating. In this case the ligs become weaker and should be easy to get that extra stretch.

Originally Posted by gomitadelimon
I actually used a massage gun the other day on the ligaments (fat pad area for those that need more info on the exact area) and it does seem to numb the ligaments.

You don’t want to be “numb”. The body has a great way through the medium of pain if you’re doing something wrong. If you numb yourself some, then you won’t feel the things you need to feel right away if something is wrong.


Originally Posted by EightInchEnvy
You don’t want to be “numb”. The body has a great way through the medium of pain if you’re doing something wrong. If you numb yourself some, then you won’t feel the things you need to feel right away if something is wrong.


The cool thing about having done PE for 4 years is you get a feeling for things. As I said I tried it out the other day. My biggest problem these days is figuring out if I want to start hanging again. Made it to 8 inches (2 inch gain) with hard work and not cutting corners. I keep it simple, little heat from a rice sock loosens my ligs as a warm-up. Did not read a ultra sound gadget or a message gun.

Originally Posted by gomitadelimon
I actually used a massage gun the other day on the ligaments

The specifications on the first few massage guns I found (those that had specifications…) all said they had a 12mm stroke. That sounds excessive for PE work.

Does yours have that much stroke?

Originally Posted by AndyJ
The specifications on the first few massage guns I found (those that had specifications…) all said they had a 12mm stroke. That sounds excessive for PE work.

Does yours have that much stroke?

The one I used is a FitRx that I got at Pricemart cheap. says 1200-3200 rpm. I was on medium speed. Used the precision point attachment as indicated. This is placed on the fat pad so please do not use it on your erect penis. You are targeting the suspensory ligaments. As far as a 12 mm stroke, you made me curious so I googled it and seems that 12 mm is kind of the standard for cheap message guns. Gets the job done in other words.

Does yours have a 12mm stroke? If so, does it use some kind of spring or cushion? Or is that just “free travel” and it’s less when pressed up against the body?

I keep remembering that I have air operated hammers and chisels with about a third of that stroke.

Originally Posted by AndyJ
Does yours have a 12mm stroke? If so, does it use some kind of spring or cushion? Or is that just "free travel" and it’s less when pressed up against the body?

I keep remembering that I have air operated hammers and chisels with about a third of that stroke.

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Says it is a 8 mm stroke.

I would be very very careful with massage gun. You can definitely do it too hard.

Originally Posted by gomitadelimon
So while I read up on all the heating of the penis to get gains it made me wonder if the whole idea of going another direction.

Anybody ever use a massage gun to help their gains??

Here are some of the potential benefits of using a massage gun on scar tissue:
It can increase blood flow. The increased blood flow in the area can help to drain excess fluids and reduce inflammation.
It can loosen a scar. This means that the scar won’t stick so firmly to the tissues under and around it.
It may help alleviate sensations of pain, hypersensitivity and itching.
It makes the scar tissue softer and more malleable.
It helps decrease scar tissue build up.
It may help to flatten certain bulky scars or prevent the scar from becoming bulky.
It may help with the appearance of the scar.
It can break down scar tissue: collagen cells clump together in disorganized fashion after surgery or injury, and massages help realign the fibres.

I can see this help improve Erection Quality if you don’t do this to numbness, as others have mentioned.

More blood flowing is good, stretching out the collagen a bit is good, but senselessly pounding it isn’t good.

It’s so easy to go too far.

If you want other people to join this massage gun quest, maybe keep a daily diary of improvements, issues and so on and post it here.

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