Ok. I will move the end of the sleeve further out on the glans. That will help sleeve removal as you can well imagine.
Do you get much head swell? Recall that I use a small section of sleeve on just the glans and I swear that it reduces head swell to near zero. With your sleeve worn over the glans, my guess is that you do not get much head swell.
I use the hardcore hanger and need it for fulcrum hanging because it is shorter and gives me access to more shaft. I have the regular and would need to do only straight angles (no fulcrums). If I can hang heavy comfortably with the regular and your sleeve ideas I will give that a few months.
Bib never hung with fulcrums and look what it got him.
Thanks for all your help on this. Comfortable hanging makes PE so much nicer.
Yes, some pictures showing how/where you attach using the sleeve would be great.
I know that the sleeves are more comfortable. It just seems that even with a comfortable attachment area, the kind of weight you are would take many months to work up to, maybe even years.