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PEweights for cementing?


PEweights for cementing?

Can you use Monty’s PEweights to cement your gains? Or do you have to do the hanging process with actual weights described elsewhere?

Originally Posted by Yssupgnitaeevol
Can you use Monty’s PEweights to cement your gains? Or do you have to do the hanging process with actual weights described elsewhere?

I have no idea. How much stress do they provide?

Bib recommends either a) Continued hanging for a while so that you gain slightly more than your goal. Ideally you should not lose just enough so that you end up at your desired length. b) Continue hanging with weights that do not bring on fatigue for a while, gradually tapering off. Measuring often to make sure that you don`t start shrinking.

How big gains are we talking about?:)

Monty’s weights will help cement gains, they have worked for me.


After seeing your pics, which btw congrats, what are those measurments in BP? It can give me/us a little bit of a scale, as pictures can be a bit decieving. They look about 7.5-8 NBPEL,would that be correct in assuming that? And in BPEL, that would make it about 8.5+…the way the photo makes it look.

Originally Posted by plein_lee

Monty’s weights will help cement gains, they have worked for me.

Plein-how did you use them to cement your gains? For example:When did you wear them-after a hanging session,instead of a hanging session? :How many did you need to wear,for how long,etc? This could be very useful information. I used to try and wear them after a session of hanging weights in the morning, and I would put 4 on and see how long I could wear them for-usually a few hours until I felt the need to take them off due to irritation. Then I would put back on 3, etc. PEweights are pretty inconspicuous too, I wore them at work for awhile. However, I move around alot at work. So irritation set in a bit quicker.

They will cement as they keep your penis stretched out. I personally would just do 1-3 hanging sets a week for life man.why not? Worst case scenario, do stretches every time you piss.

Originally Posted by plein_lee
Monty’s weights will help cement gains, they have worked for me.

Thanks for the info! :)
For the moment i use to work with one ring during 3 hours/day and my gains (not cimented) are 1 or 2 millimeters. (10 days of training)


Back again in PE. April 15: 6.67 BPEL//June 15: 7.13 BPEL----95% stretching: 20mins morning // 20 mins evening.

Règles du Forum .***Newbie Routine Les débutants commencez par ça.

***Topic des revues et pics en français***

I used the pe weights before. I found myself always having to take them off and re-wrap do to the head pain and pressure build up. Maybe my wrapping wasn’t up to par but I tried everything for 2 month then finally gave up. Just my 2 cents.

I prefer just using my vac hanger as my extender, it feels the best. No blood cutoff, nothing.

Originally Posted by splking1
I used the pe weights before. I found myself always having to take them off and re-wrap do to the head pain and pressure build up. Maybe my wrapping wasn’t up to par but I tried everything for 2 month then finally gave up. Just my 2 cents.

What are/did you use for wrapping? I found the best wrap was the “No hurt” tape, it’s just a very soft bandage about half an inch wide. So it wraps very nicely around the shaft. I was wearing as much as 4 or 5 at one time for a 2-3 hour period. But if I had to be moving around alot, I only wore 2 or 3. The reason I was having to take off the weights after awhile, was because the rings would eventually swallow the wrap at the head, and then rub against my skin…OUCH. Other than that, I taped the rings together once on my shaft, so that it would not pinch me. I will use them again when I decide to cement, I was just wondering if people here had success with them for cementing. Glad they did. But I would also like to know if you only used the PEweights to cement, or if you did it along with hanging at lower weights as well?

I would definitely continue hanging, or stretching every time you piss. I honestly don’t know why anyone stops completely. It has become part of my life, I will do it till I die, even if it’s just a few hanging sets a week. Hell when I get to my goal, Ill probably just jelq, and hang every now and then to stay where I am at.

Originally Posted by Yssupgnitaeevol
What are/did you use for wrapping? I found the best wrap was the “No hurt” tape, it’s just a very soft bandage about half an inch wide. So it wraps very nicely around the shaft. I was wearing as much as 4 or 5 at one time for a 2-3 hour period. But if I had to be moving around alot, I only wore 2 or 3. The reason I was having to take off the weights after awhile, was because the rings would eventually swallow the wrap at the head, and then rub against my skin.OUCH. Other than that, I taped the rings together once on my shaft, so that it would not pinch me. I will use them again when I decide to cement, I was just wondering if people here had success with them for cementing. Glad they did. But I would also like to know if you only used the PEweights to cement, or if you did it along with hanging at lower weights as well?

Yeah I was using them with hanging. I felt it wasn’t enough stretch so I continued with hanging. I tried all kinds of tape and wraps just got fed up with it to be honest. Now I use a different type of ADS which I can keep on for hours without ever taking it off. I’m glad it has worked for you I just think it’s not for everyone.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
They will cement as they keep your penis stretched out. I personally would just do 1-3 hanging sets a week for life man.why not? Worst case scenario, do stretches every time you piss.

I don’t understand what stretching your dick out while pissing will do? What are the mechanics behind this for PE?

Originally Posted by splking1
Yeah I was using them with hanging. I felt it wasn’t enough stretch so I continued with hanging. I tried all kinds of tape and wraps just got fed up with it to be honest. Now I use a different type of ADS which I can keep on for hours without ever taking it off. I’m glad it has worked for you I just think it’s not for everyone.

Which ADS?

And dude they are called piss stretches. You do them before after you piss, everytime. It is like a super light maintenance routine.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
Which ADS?

And dude they are called piss stretches. You do them before after you piss, everytime. It is like a super light maintenance routine.

I use that new ads from Monkybar. I’m only using the 3oz weight so far but I can wear it all day without any issues what so ever. I wear that between my morning and night time hanging seems to be helping. He also has a 5 oz and I think a 11oz coming out soon.

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