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Post your hanging success stories here!


Post your hanging success stories here!

Greetings fellows,

I hung in the past with some success, but due to a stupid mistake of being lazy with measuring I really can`t tell how much I gained.

I just started hanging again and I hope to be able to do it for long enough to reap some good gains.

Currently hanging BTC at a max weight of 17 lbs. 4 sets every day without fail.

Please share your story and experience with hanging. How much did you do, how long did it take you, gains, etc.

Thank you in advance!


Hanging for almost one and half years now I’ve gained .9 inches in BPEL, and 1.5 inches in BPFSL.

I took this data from my PE statistics, which I’m pretty sure aren’t lying. I sure wasn’t lying when I posted them. I stretched as far as I could, yes, but never falsified measurements.

This doesn’t include the data from before I officially measured my progress. Who knows what happened in those 3 or 4 months.

Hanging does work, guys. It may take you some serious time and effort, but you CAN gain or at least maintain progress if you’re on a tight schedule that doesn’t allow for hang time.

If anyone has questions I’d be glad to help. PM me or post here!


"HALT! This is a no-turtle zone."

5/14/09 - BPEL 7.0" BPFSL 8.25" EG 4.5"

1/1/10 - BPEL 7.5" BPFSL 9.0" EG 5.0" - GOAL

I have hung for almost a year, and have gone from 7.0” BPEL to 7.9”

I started hanging straight out, and over a rice sock and the gains just exploded. Small gains are big to me because of my girth being really a big interference.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
I have hung for almost a year, and have gone from 7.0” BPEL to 7.9”

I started hanging straight out, and over a rice sock and the gains just exploded. Small gains are big to me because of my girth being really a big interference.

How exactly does one hang straight out? I’ve always wondered this, I want to start hanging in a couple months, and I’d like to hang straight out, but I have no idea how to do that in a practical way. Do you maybe have a video or pictures that you can link up?

My goal is to be the best me, mind, body and soul, PE is part of achieving the best me.

Well, no I do not. But if you don’t understand it after my description, let me know and I will try and get some.

I have a screw into my desk. It has something I can hang a pulley on. The rope ties around my hanger attachment, then through the pulley, at groin level. That is straight out hanging.

4.5 Months; 6 sets/day, 6 days/wk, 17lb max.; +0.25” BPEL/NBPEL. Gains didn’t start until after three months, after which I got some quick gains. I was probably in gain mode but decided that girth is far more important to me at this time, so I hung up the hanger for now. If and when I reach 5.5” MSEG I may consider revisiting hanging for another 0.25”-0.5” length.

Length for show. Girth for "Whoa"!

NBPEL: Start: $1.50; Current: $1.75; Goal: $2

MSEG: Start: <TP Tube; Current: >TP Tube; Goal: >>PT Tube.

Ironaddict, thanks, you’ve painted a mental picture in my head, I think I know how you do it, I just have one more question. Doesn’t the pulley change the amount of weight you would use? Like, for instance, how do you know how much weight to use v. Hanging straight down?

My goal is to be the best me, mind, body and soul, PE is part of achieving the best me.

I hanged for a while (got up to 25lbs), about 4 15 minute sets a night for 6-7 months and could not get the ‘fatigue’ effect. I gained nadda and gave it up. I used a bib regular. C3 hurt and could not get the captain’s wench to work over 5 pounds. I could not get the rubber swimming cap hanger to work at all.


Could you be a little more specific as to what you think made your gains explode?

If I`m not completely wrong you went from a vac-hanger to a bib-hanger?

Is it the increased weight or sets that did it? Change of angles?


That`s depressing, you should not have replied here.

Just kidding:)

Could it be possible that you were hanging at a level just below what you would need to gain? What angles did you try?

Perhaps your ligs and tunica is simply too strong.

Have you gained with other approaches?

No I still use the vac. I changed angles. I went to straight out and fulcrum work.

I increase weight whenever at the end of twenty minutes it isn’t uncomfortable in some way.

HardbodyPE: just go by feel. Weight doesn’t matter!

By the way, I never really got fatigue either. It would take a ton of lig sets for me to reach it, and I just switched to tunica work.I recommend everyone does that if they stall out for over 2 months.

My hanging career is far from over, but here’s what I’ve done:

8/26 - 9/10: Used a very ghetto hanger and hung with 2.5 - 5 pounds for 3 20 minute sets

9/11-11/1: Used a Captain’s Wench, progressed from 5-7.5 pounds for 3-4 sets to 15-17.5 pounds for 3-5 sets (Weight drops for later sets after fatigue)

11/1-current: Using a Bib Starter, progressed to 23.75 pounds for 4-7 sets (Weight drops for later sets after fatigue)

Hanging is about 90% of my PE effort. I also do some jelqing after hanging and do my best to wear an ADS when possible. I don’t believe the ADS has helped much. I attribute all of my gains to hanging.

I’ve gained 0.625” in just over 4 months. These are NOT newbie gains, as I already have 0.75” in gains under my belt from manual stretching/jelqing many years ago.

Hanging rules.

Working on getting ABSURDLY thick - Latest picture - Late 2010

Shit M7, those are impressive gains.

Keep posting guys. It`s inspiring for those of us who have not gained yet to hear that it is possible:)


Did you hang with BTC exclusively before you switched to tunica work? Small gains?

Does the tests still indicate that you have lig potential and you decided to ignore them?

Personally I wanted to get started hanging straight out from day 1, but Bib strongly recommended against it according to the information that I supplied from his three tests.

If I don`t have any significant gains at the end of January - which will give me probably 70 days of hanging in a row - I`m definitely switching do straight out hanging which also would make it possible for me to hang more sets during the day because it is simply a much more convenient position.


Those are great gains. Congratulations!

Do you mind telling what angles you have been hanging at? 7 days a week?

Originally Posted by Renholder
Keep posting guys. It`s inspiring for those of us who have not gained yet to hear that it is possible:)


Did you hang with BTC exclusively before you switched to tunica work? Small gains?

Does the tests still indicate that you have lig potential and you decided to ignore them?

Personally I wanted to get started hanging straight out from day 1, but Bib strongly recommended against it according to the information that I supplied from his three tests.

If I don`t have any significant gains at the end of January - which will give me probably 70 days of hanging in a row - I`m definitely switching do straight out hanging which also would make it possible for me to hang more sets during the day because it is simply a much more convenient position.


Those are great gains. Congratulations!

Do you mind telling what angles you have been hanging at? 7 days a week?

Bumping this!

Shit I am sorry, this thread was not showing up on my active thread list. Yeah my lot is now like 7-8. I hang SD sometimes but even 18 lbs now with that feels like nothing, as I can do RSDT with 18 no problem as well, I need to go buy about 20 more lbs and I will probably be set for my hanging career.

I will continue to do SO and over a fulcrum for a while with more weight but then I will probably do upper angles.However my septum is definitely my limiting factor.I don’t know >_<

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