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Pre-fatigue, then low weight long duration hang

Pre-fatigue, then low weight long duration hang

Hi guys,

I’m a hard gainer. I did once have some success when I had loads of time on my hands. I was vacu-hanging for long periods, 3-5hrs a day, 45mins each rep. I kept the weight lowish, 1-3kg. Towards the end of those sets I’d feel a good fatigue, but only right at the end. At the time it felt very much like the feeling of fatigue correlated with gains. Sadly I was getting injuries from blisters too often to maintain a consistent routine and ended up giving up. Now I’m back…

I think I’m going to experiment with pre-fatiguing my tunica with some intense fulcrum manual stretches before having low weight (1.5kg) hang for as long as feels safe. My brief experiments with this technique indicate that I can get to the point of burning fatigue very quickly in the hanging portion of the rep, and with very low weight. The low weight should reduce my fluid build up and not cause any blistering.

Anyone have experience with this kind of technique? I did a search for ‘pre-fatiguing’ but found nothing.

Wish me luck!

Starting again, this time it's serious.

Start: (10.2012) BPFSL: 7.5" BPEL: 7" Base EG: 5.75" Mid/upper shaft EG: 5.25" Head EG: 5"

Now: (3.2013) BPFSL: 7.8" BPEL: 7.4" Base EG: 5.75" Mid/upper shaft EG: 5.25" Head EG: 5.25"

I just made a post about the same thing at pegym. My theory is that prefatiguing will allow you to hit fatigue sooner with less weight. Interesting to see your results.

Originally Posted by NeverEnough9
I just made a post about the same thing at pegym. My theory is that prefatiguing will allow you to hit fatigue sooner with less weight. Interesting to see your results.

Right. I’ll certainly keep you updated.

Starting again, this time it's serious.

Start: (10.2012) BPFSL: 7.5" BPEL: 7" Base EG: 5.75" Mid/upper shaft EG: 5.25" Head EG: 5"

Now: (3.2013) BPFSL: 7.8" BPEL: 7.4" Base EG: 5.75" Mid/upper shaft EG: 5.25" Head EG: 5.25"

does your hanger pull the skin? when hang BTC, does your skin at the base feel the pull?

Originally Posted by overdoseads
does your hanger pull the skin? when hang BTC, does your skin at the base feel the pull?

not much. and I usually wear a gentle ball-stretcher so give the skin on the shaft a stretch and reduce turkey neck effect.

Starting again, this time it's serious.

Start: (10.2012) BPFSL: 7.5" BPEL: 7" Base EG: 5.75" Mid/upper shaft EG: 5.25" Head EG: 5"

Now: (3.2013) BPFSL: 7.8" BPEL: 7.4" Base EG: 5.75" Mid/upper shaft EG: 5.25" Head EG: 5.25"

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