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Pumping after hanging?

Pumping after hanging?

How many of you pump after you hang? I tried it today and after I was all done, I though someone injected Synthol in my penis and made it ballon up like never before. It was like I had someone elses penis.

When I started PE, I just pumped and jelqed. I never went above 5hg. I tried 7hg once and felt a short, quick pain, so I never went above 5-6hg again (until today).

I’m only a week or so into hanging and today I tried pumping after my hanging session. After about 10 minutes at 5hg, I thought why not go up to 7hg. After sitting at 7hg for 5 minutes, I took the pump off. I took a 5 minute break and just massaged my member for a little bit. I put the pump back on and went up to 7 1/2hg and then finally to 8hg. To my surprise, I was about 7/16” longer (in the tube) than I was previously last time I pumped (about 2-3 weeks ago). Now, I don’t know what I am out of the tube for length, but I can tell you that after the pumping session, my cock has never looked plumper or fuller than it ever has (even after 3 20 minute pumping sessions alone). When I was just pumping (weeks ago), it seems like it would shrink a little bit in the tube after about 10-15 minutes into my second set, but tonight, it stayed at the same level for the whole time.

I don’t know if its bad to pump after hanging, but if I were you, I’d highly recommend trying it at least once to see what it feels like.

I pump after hanging sometimes, or any other PE for that matter.
I’ve recently switched up my routine to include more of what I call power jelqing and follow that up with some pumping.
Yea I like that plumped up massive member look also. But if you can get it up when you’re done, what good is it.

If you’re new to pumping and even if you’re not, be extremely careful of the higher Hg. There’s many threads in the pumpers forum about
how you can damage yourself doing this. It’s even been discussed how you can actually reverse or loose gains by pumping at higher Hg’s and even by just plain excessive Pe’ing.

I started out pumping and never went above 5hg (except that one time to 7hg). I read all the threads and they said to never go above 5hg and stay below it. I know some say its good to pump at lower hg, but it just “felt” like it was doing more good than bad at the time. I didn’t experience any pain going up to 8hg except at the pubic bone area (due to the bottom of the tube pushing against my pubic bone). We’ll see what happens in the future.

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