Question about the PE weights
Hey Monty, or whoever uses these on a regular basis. I wore my weights at work for the first time yesterday. I never did before because I always needed to take them off after about 1 or 2 hours. But I have all 5 weights on when I want to take them off after that time. I have recently been experimenting a little bit with myself. I tried using only 4 weights, and I lasted much longer with those, about 3-4 hours before I felt I wanted to take them off. And at work yesterday, I wore 3. I was only at work for 5 hours, but I never felt the desire to remove them. When I say I wanted to remove them the other times, it wasn’t because of a real fatigue feeling(I don’t think,at least). It was more of a pinching type soreness/rawness feeling.
My question is-when you started with your PE weights, even if you could have fit more on your penis, did you have to start off by wearing not as many? And if so, what were/are the symptoms that you would have felt if you wore more instead of less? I am trying to hang much more sets per day now, and I want to maximize my gain potential by keeping extended when not hanging.