Thunder's Place

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Question from a new hanger .

Question from a new hanger .

I have a question for the collected wisdom of the Forum.

I have been investigating PE for a couple years and have made a couple half-hearted runs at various routines comprised of jelqing and manual stretching. Just about 10 weeks ago after reading the experiences and successes of the forum members I decided to be more disciplined. In that time I have had some very encouraging success. My BPEL has gone from just under 6.5 to 7.1 and I have added about 0.2 in girth. I am essentially doing the newbie routine with some extra squeezes thrown in.

Last week I decided that I wanted to add some hanging to the routine. The manual stretches were showing promise, but I was experiencing fatigue in my arms and hands after 15 minutes of fairly intense stretching. Two weeks ago I made a hanging device based on the Hubbard workshop and started with 5 lbs in two 15 minute sets a day. I would like to do more sets but I simply cannot find the privacy to do more. At 5 pounds, I found the intensity of the stretch/hang to be significantly less than I expected. After each set, I didn’t feel the same “post-stretch” feel that I do when I finish 15 minutes of manual stretching. So I upped the weight to 10 pounds. At this weight I obviously felt more strain but it was nothing close to what I feel when I do the manual stretches. I have not experienced any ill effects from the stretching or the hanging sessions. No red pimples, no pain and no marks of any kind.

My questions are:

Is the intensity of the stretch that you get from a good hanging session supposed to be similar to the intensity that you feel from a manual stretching session?

Would the gradual addition of 1 or 2 pounds a week to my hanging sessions be advised at this point?

I am essentially looking to get that “post-workout” feeling of some level of fatigue and I am not getting it with 10 lbs.


Starting (10 / 2011): 6.50 BPEL, 5.50 MEG

Current: 7.50 BPEL, 6.00 MEG

Goal: 8.50 BPEL 6.50 MEG

Someone else really should answer this, but here we go. I never got any good results from manual stretches, so I switched to hanging. I am hanging 3 * 20 min with 4 kg. My ligs are really tender now. I think I was not applying enough force when I did manual stretching. I was afraid to rip my dick off… Now I know how it should feel. So my guess is you should up the weights or the time.

Here we go again…hanging is a matter of applying a medium force for a lot of total time. If you don’t have much time, you have to resort to use higher weights. But, IMO, you can apply more force with your hands in a better way than with any hanger - clamp style hangers don’t pull from the tip and other kind of hangers can’t hold more than 20 lbs I think. You were also having good gains with manuals; if hands fatigue is the problem, you can do fulcrum stretches, which are less fatiguing, use toilet paper and a regular or inverted knuckle grip (search for), and use that 30 minutes to do more manual stretches instead than hanging.

I measured the pull I could do in a manual stretch at about 8-12kg over 30s. (Benching around 220lbs for comparison)

Go from there and you’ll see that hanging is way more intense. I’m now at 2kg hanging for 20min and manual doesn’t even compare.

Thanks for your thoughts. For me it seems that to get a comparable force to my manual stretches, I am gong to have to hang in the 20 lb plus range .. And that is going to mean switching to a clamp or a wrench hanger. It will be like everything else in this game .. It will come down to experimenting and finding out what works for me. The main reason that I want to find a way to make hanging work for me is that I am hoping that since it is “hands-free” I will be able to make better use of that time.

Starting (10 / 2011): 6.50 BPEL, 5.50 MEG

Current: 7.50 BPEL, 6.00 MEG

Goal: 8.50 BPEL 6.50 MEG

I have a hard time believing you can apply 20 lb of force over a considerable amount of time.

Originally Posted by Printman
Is the intensity of the stretch that you get from a good hanging session supposed to be similar to the intensity that you feel from a manual stretching session?


Would the gradual addition of 1 or 2 pounds a week to my hanging sessions be advised at this point?


I am essentially looking to get that “post-workout” feeling of some level of fatigue and I am not getting it with 10 lbs.


See above.

Jelq my boy, jelq like the wind.

I haven’t tried 20 lbs yet .. 15 pounds is all that the Hubbard based swimming cap contraption that I made can handle .. And it isn’t very stable so I have to stand VERY VERY still and even then it will only hold for about a 10 minutes set.

Once I put together a proper wrench, I suspect that you are correct and I will be able to get the intensity that I am looking for with 15 lbs. In the meantime, I will scale it back to 10 - 12 lbs for some 10 minute hanging sets and keep doing the manual stretches to keep the gains going. I was getting gains with the manual stretches .. But my hands were getting a bit fatigued after 20 minutes. Maybe the answer is to man-up and keep doing the manual stretches until my hand and wrist muscles gradually get into better shape!

Starting (10 / 2011): 6.50 BPEL, 5.50 MEG

Current: 7.50 BPEL, 6.00 MEG

Goal: 8.50 BPEL 6.50 MEG

Originally Posted by Printman
I haven’t tried 20 lbs yet .. 15 pounds is all that the Hubbard based swimming cap contraption that I made can handle .. And it isn’t very stable so I have to stand VERY VERY still and even then it will only hold for about a 10 minutes set.

Once I put together a proper wrench, I suspect that you are correct and I will be able to get the intensity that I am looking for with 15 lbs. In the meantime, I will scale it back to 10 - 12 lbs for some 10 minute hanging sets and keep doing the manual stretches to keep the gains going. I was getting gains with the manual stretches .. But my hands were getting a bit fatigued after 20 minutes. Maybe the answer is to man-up and keep doing the manual stretches until my hand and wrist muscles gradually get into better shape!

Lost of guys get good gains with 12lbs…if you can put 10hrs of hanging time a week in at that, you can probably put fatigue to the back of your mind. I mean, I think fatigue is worth considering, but 12lbs is quite a lot of weight - past the point at which most hangers start to see gains.

Jelq my boy, jelq like the wind.

Wise words Sir Kyle and Klayton.. If I re-read my post and look at it objectively, I am probably rushing this a bit.

I strongly suspect that I should scale it back to 10 lbs and do my best to find the privacy to get in the 8 to 10 hours that you suggest .. Even after I upgrade to the Captn’s Wrench. That will mean sacrificing sleep time for PE time .. But I don’t think it will kill me. I’ll give that a shot for a month or so and see what sort of gains it generates.

I was hoping to get to the 7.5 threshold by the end of the year .. But that accomplishment will be far less sweet if I arrive there with a non-functioning penis!

Starting (10 / 2011): 6.50 BPEL, 5.50 MEG

Current: 7.50 BPEL, 6.00 MEG

Goal: 8.50 BPEL 6.50 MEG

Originally Posted by Printman

I haven’t tried 20 lbs yet .. 15 pounds is all that the Hubbard based swimming cap contraption that I made can handle .. And it isn’t very stable so I have to stand VERY VERY still and even then it will only hold for about a 10 minutes set.


I seriously doubt hanging 15lbs with the swimming cap is a safe approach. Switch to the AFB hanger, or the Cap’ wench, or simply use a muzzle.

I would agree that hanging 15 lbs from a swimming cap is not advised .. Mainly because it is right at the limit of what the device can hold. That is why I have scaled back to 10 lbs and I think that I will stay at that weight for a month or so just to get a better feel for what hanging is all about. In the meantime I will also construct a wrench when I get the time and privacy .. (There are 7 kids and a wife that I have to contend with in my house !)

I don’t understand however, what the safety concern is about using a swim cap for hanging. Was the safety concern only at 15 lbs? Do you have the same safety concern at 10 lbs? Is it a circulation thing? So far, I am only doing about 45 min or so a day in 10 to 15 minutes sets depending on the available time. I have not noted any ill effects after using the swim cap at 10 lbs .. But I don’t doubt that I may be overlooking a potential risk.

Please expand on your safety concern

Starting (10 / 2011): 6.50 BPEL, 5.50 MEG

Current: 7.50 BPEL, 6.00 MEG

Goal: 8.50 BPEL 6.50 MEG

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