Bib Hanger question?
I’m sure that these questions have been answered hundreds of times but im still going to ask them because i have searched and read way to many hanging threads that helped only a little bit. I just got a Bib Hanger and I’m having problems.
1. Is your theraband supposed to be bunched up within the rubber padded threads of the hanger? Its as if it pinches on the top and the bottom of the shaft where both rubber claws connect. I hope that makes sense.
2. Is your hanger supposed to hang compleltly straight because when im standing up and nothing is in the way of my hanger( like my balls or my legs) it twists like 40 degrees to the right. I dont know what to make of this, is it because the hinges are off center? If it stays slightly twisted will that make an impact on which way my penis now hangs?
3. Maybe the hanger is too big but when I do everything correctly or at least when I think I do everything correctly I notice that my head like retracted to where it was actually touching the hanger. And the thing is i made sure to put the hanger on an inch away from my glans but when I attach the way my head retracts.
4. Since this hanger is so big do you have have to use extra wrapping so that you completly cover the shaft so it doesnt come in contact with the hanger?
Thanks for answering my questions.