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Bib Hanger question?

Bib Hanger question?

I’m sure that these questions have been answered hundreds of times but im still going to ask them because i have searched and read way to many hanging threads that helped only a little bit. I just got a Bib Hanger and I’m having problems.
1. Is your theraband supposed to be bunched up within the rubber padded threads of the hanger? Its as if it pinches on the top and the bottom of the shaft where both rubber claws connect. I hope that makes sense.

2. Is your hanger supposed to hang compleltly straight because when im standing up and nothing is in the way of my hanger( like my balls or my legs) it twists like 40 degrees to the right. I dont know what to make of this, is it because the hinges are off center? If it stays slightly twisted will that make an impact on which way my penis now hangs?

3. Maybe the hanger is too big but when I do everything correctly or at least when I think I do everything correctly I notice that my head like retracted to where it was actually touching the hanger. And the thing is i made sure to put the hanger on an inch away from my glans but when I attach the way my head retracts.

4. Since this hanger is so big do you have have to use extra wrapping so that you completly cover the shaft so it doesnt come in contact with the hanger?

Thanks for answering my questions.

I will do my best to answer some questions here, but I have to ask more questions to help.

1) Have you come across anything about the toe-in & toe-out settings on the hanger yet? Kind of like on car tires, but for a much different purpose.

2) I believe there is a thread by or with Hobby talking about twisting in the bibhanger and how to fix that. Minor twisting is okay, but lots is not cool.

3) Is this a Bib hanger or a bib starter? Did you decide to take apart the hanger out of boredom like I did and it got all out of whack? What is your size? Maybe you bought the wrong application possibly, but that is still workable.

4). Baby Socks might be an answer. Then you wrap above them and get the hanger on.

Hanging is a pain-in-the-balls in the beginning, but with patience, practice, and thought, you’ll master it soon enough.

Have you ever peaked at Bib’s actual web page with tons of info? It requires a half dozen or more rereadings to grasp it all. The link is at the bottom of the page I think still.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

I am cut and thanks for the response
1. Yes I have fooled around with the toes of the device. I currently have the setting so that the top is a hair narrower then the bottom.

3. Its a regular hanger and no i didn’t take it apart but i did examine it. im 6.75x5.5. I did buy both the bib and the bib starter and starter should arrive today.

4. Should I use theraband over baby sock?
I am cut and thanks for the response, and i have visted Bibs sight but it has been a while.

Wrapping is a real bitch. You almost need three hands to do it well at first. You can put the babysock under the therabrand and do so. Some people are super tough and can hang with no wrapping at all.

I don’t know/remember, but I don’t think the teeth are supposed to sit in an absolute perfect flush. I would say that the starter might be more manageable for you in the beginning. Perhaps practicing with wrapping for a few days would be the key.

Wish I could help more.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

But there still is a problem when i put the hanger on even though its even and my penis is not twisted at all and the hanger is even aligned when i add weight the entire hanger is what twists itself about 45 degrees to the right. Is my hanger not aligned properly?

I am not the guy to get answers from with this. I am the cynical bastard that replies to people issues.

Best we can do is hope for another person’s help here. These links MIGHT be of use to you.

Still twisting the night away….

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

thanks so much for your response it helped a lot. Wow over 18,000 posts. Impressive. I have a question about the baby sock do you think that you could possible where the sock all day and do you think it would help with anything? Or maybe i could wrap underneath it and than put the sock on top of it. And just leave it for a couple hours.

I don’t have a Bib , I use a Wench,but I still have the twisting some times .In my opinion,and this is speculation mainly,the twisting is caused by your ligs,not the device.What I mean is,at the start of a hanging session for most of us,our ligs are not the same length.That being said,when you apply weight,the shorter lig is offering more resistance as it is being hit the hardest,which is causing a rolling effect.I would suggest hanging that way a few minutes until you start to get a stretch going,then take everything off and start again.That should straighten things out .

>1. Is your theraband supposed to be bunched up within the rubber padded threads of the hanger? Its as if it pinches on the top and the bottom of the shaft where both rubber claws connect. I hope that makes sense.<

Not to the point that it gets in the way of the teeth at each end, but the wrap will kind of spread out that way because the shaft gets squashed out. How much wrap do you use all together?

>2. Is your hanger supposed to hang compleltly straight because when im standing up and nothing is in the way of my hanger( like my balls or my legs) it twists like 40 degrees to the right. I dont know what to make of this, is it because the hinges are off center? If it stays slightly twisted will that make an impact on which way my penis now hangs?<

You mean the hanger is twisted or the shaft twisting within the hanger? For me I would get a little twist of the whole thing, 40 degrees sounds a lot. I would find initially that it twisted both ways a little and settled into either position, but after a while I could get it close to centre. Of course with BTC there is no problem with this, and I never had a problem with SO either. This was good for me as I didn’t use the straight down position too often.

>3. Maybe the hanger is too big but when I do everything correctly or at least when I think I do everything correctly I notice that my head like retracted to where it was actually touching the hanger. And the thing is i made sure to put the hanger on an inch away from my glans but when I attach the way my head retracts.<

Yes the hanger slides to the head especially at high weights, or appears to. Only with around 5 pounds could I keep it away from the head completely, and this isn’t so comfortable to me. I kept a small amount of engorgement in the head and attached about .5” behind, then when the weights went on I re-tighten, and the hanger moves to the head. Then re-tighten again and it’s very comfortable.

>4. Since this hanger is so big do you have have to use extra wrapping so that you completly cover the shaft so it doesnt come in contact with the hanger?<

I always used the starter so I’m not sure, but I expect that without wrap the area in contact with the hanger would become uncomfortable when pretty tight. But I hear of some guys who hang without any wrap so maybe it’s personal preference.

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