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Question on building a homemade bib hanger

Question on building a homemade bib hanger

Evening, for the mechanical part of hanging, are these items OK for a homemade bib hanger:

Schedule 40 1/2 In. 10 Ft. Plain End, White

Pony Style 1200 1 In. x 15 Ft. Band Clamp
Model 1215-K
$12.96/EA Each

.177 In. x 2-1/8 In. Stainless Steel S Hook

Jab Saw With Wood Handle

Also, what parts would I need for the penis itself? I know theraband is needed but what else…

I am not good at building stuff but for something so important I will do my best.


How come there isn’t any responses? I don’t have much money so these cheap items would help me.

You should post pics, not links - most of links you posted are now ‘void’. :)

The thing is the BIB hanger is a good hanger but the homemade BIB has a completely different design and is not very safe or comfortable. There are better alternatives for a homemade hanger which can be found here. My favourite is the AFB hanger.

If you insist on constructing a homemade BIB then I’m sure you can do it with the materials you found, because it’s a straightforward design. Not sure how you’re going to use the bandclamp though.

Last edited by Piet : 02-09-2009 at .
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