Thunder's Place

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Question on hanging


Question on hanging

Does where you attach the hanger matter? I mean I attach the hanger really close to my pubic bone because if I attach the hanger a little closer to the head, or what you recommend 1 inch away from the head, it alway slipps to the head. I can always feel pain if I am not attaching the hanger very close to my pubic bone. I guess what my question is, is hanging as affective when I attach the bib starter far away from my head? becauce I am only feeling the strectch on the very top of my lig, the very top of my penis. Sorry but this is very hard to explain, also i have a question about the angel that the hanger shouild drop at, because I recall when I first started hanging with the bib starter my head use to point stright out but it dosen’t do it as much now, and I found that if I stick the line which attaches to the hook in between the 2 bolts i can recreate what i had before, where my penis head is pointing stright out a lot more.

I mean I hope hanging with the hanger on so high is not just stretching my skin.


If you are always attaching close to the base, then you are probably just stretching skin. You have to tighten the hanger enough to grasp the internal structures when placed one inch behind the head. If tight enough, this will bunch the one inch of internal structures, and should be comfortable.

It sounds as if you need to adjust the hanger and/or wrap. If you give me all your measurements including wrapped flaccid girth, how you are wrapping, and your hanger settings, I will try to help you.

I do not understand the question about the “angel that the hanger should drop at”. Could you explain that again please?


What do you mean it will bunch the one inch of internal structures? how do I know that it has?

My wrapping is semi tie, because if I do not wrap tie, I get an erection really easy, and blood starts filling the head. I found a way to squeeze the blood out of my head by covering my foreskin ( uncut ) over it and wrapping over everything. I try to hang when my penis is totally flaccid. As for my hanger setting, i have the bottom two bolts lose and the front of the bolt is even loser than the one behind, becasue I have always had trouble with my head filling with blood. My flaccid girth 1 inch behind the head is appor. about 4inch, maybe just alittle bit below 4inch.

So if I am hanging correctly i should feel any pain at all? I mean I understand if there are some minor skin pain, but most of the time when I am hanging close to the head, the pain is almost unbearable, it’s like my head is going to exploded, it’s fill up and hard, so the correct way is to had the head totally flaccid when i hang?

I really really appreciate you helping me, because I been in thunders place for 3 month and hanging for about 1 month but I haven’t seen any really growth, compared to when i was power jelqing and Manuel stretch, so I have decided to find out the correct way to hang before i attempt to start hanging again, I am sure my skin is stretched pretty well now, that i been hanging at 7.5lbs for 3-4 sets of 20 min. I like to continue this rountine but i just need to make sure that I am hanging correctly. I been frustated so many time while hanging and I wanted to quit, but since I have PEed for a year now already I trust in PE ( from 4.6-6.3) and if I learned any thing, it is that you should never give up.

Bib if you need any more information plz post on this board, I will reply shortly :)

Last edited by chitonan : 02-12-2004 at .

I am using a Bib starter by the way, if I didn’t provide the information aready

Bib, I been doing a lot of searching on hanging. I came across this thread that was about how much weight to use and how often you would add weight. I think the problem of my bib starter dropping over my head and not beening able to attach my hanger 1inch behind the head is because i move up on weight too fast, since I have only started hanging for about 3 month and I am already at 7.5 lbs, maybe I should drop my weight down to 5lbs? I read on this other thread that you should barley even feel the weight on your penis, is that true? I would it be more effective just to play it save and hang less weight than struggling hanging at 7.5 right now? Maybe if I start hanging at 5lbs I can double my hanging time?


I think you have some problems understanding how the hanger works. If you do not understand the following completely, please ask questions.

>What do you mean it will bunch the one inch of internal structures? how do I know that it has?<

If the hanger is not adjusted properly, or tight enough, then the penis, including the internal structures, will ‘flow’ through the hanger and it will end up on the head. If the hanger is adjusted properly, and is tight enough, the internal structures will be captured by the hanger, and will bunch toward the head, in front of the hanger.

>My wrapping is semi tie, because if I do not wrap tie, I get an erection really easy, and blood starts filling the head.<

No, that is not the way to do it. Just wrap loosely, then apply heat to the wrapped bundle for a while and let any erection subside. When you are again flaccid, attach the hanger and weight. If you are wrapping tight enough to prevent blood getting to the head, that is WAAY too tight.

>As for my hanger setting, i have the bottom two bolts lose and the front of the bolt is even loser than the one behind, becasue I have always had trouble with my head filling with blood.<

I don’t think you understand how to adjust the hanger. This might be all of your slipping problem. You do not loosen the two wing nuts on bottom. The bottom adjustments are located within the right side skid. There are two hex nuts, one on front and one on back, that you adjust for your particular situation. Then, you tighten down the outer two wing nuts snugly. These MUST always be tight when hanging, without any play, or your penis will ‘flow’ through the hanger. No doubt.

>My flaccid girth 1 inch behind the head is appor. about 4inch, maybe just alittle bit below 4inch.<

Is that wrapped flaccid girth? If so, use a little more wrap, and get your wrapped flaccid girth up to around 4.25-4.5 inches. That will allow you to use the hex nut adjustments to advantage.

>So if I am hanging correctly i should feel any pain at all?<


>I mean I understand if there are some minor skin pain, but most of the time when I am hanging close to the head, the pain is almost unbearable, it’s like my head is going to exploded, it’s fill up and hard, so the correct way is to had the head totally flaccid when i hang?<

Yes, the head should be totally flaccid, and there should be no pain. You must read the product guide again, and learn how to adjust the hanger to get it right.

>I been frustated so many time while hanging and I wanted to quit, but since I have PEed for a year now already I trust in PE ( from 4.6-6.3) and if I learned any thing, it is that you should never give up.<

I surely would not give up before you learn the proper way to do it.

>I think the problem of my bib starter dropping over my head and not beening able to attach my hanger 1inch behind the head is because i move up on weight too fast, since I have only started hanging for about 3 month and I am already at 7.5 lbs, maybe I should drop my weight down to 5lbs? I read on this other thread that you should barley even feel the weight on your penis, is that true? I would it be more effective just to play it save and hang less weight than struggling hanging at 7.5 right now? Maybe if I start hanging at 5lbs I can double my hanging time?<

I do not think the problem is 7.5 lbs at all. It is your technique. After you have read the product guide again, and understand what I am writing about above, ask questions. We will get it straightened out.


Bib i am re-reading the product guideline for the BIB hanger now, you are right, I jumped into this all too fast, without really reading it. I have a question about this on the product guide

“Depending upon how you position the hanger and how much weight you are hanging, pressure may focus immediately behind the head, in a small area farther down the shaft, or more evenly distributed along a longer portion of the shaft.

In all cases, pressure will be exerted on the sides of the shaft, not on the top or bottom of the shaft or on the head. Under no circumstances should the hanger contact the top of the shaft directly behind the head.”

Does this mean that it has to be 1 inch away from the head even when the weight is applied?


I think you PMed and my box was full…you can go ahead and PM me again if you want. Hey BIB.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."


>Does this mean that it has to be 1 inch away from the head even when the weight is applied?<

It depends on how much weight is applied. With lower weights, the hanger usually moves down little, or should move down little. At higher weights, it will move down toward the head, bunching the internal structures.




At higher weights, it will move down toward the head, bunching the internal structures.

1 Inch is not much room for the hanger to move, wouldn’t it rest over the head that way? When you talk about higher weight does 7.5 count?

so Bib have you figured out what is a good setting for me?

Remove the hanger from your penis, and completely loosen the two wing nuts on the hanger’s right skid. Pull the right skid away from the hinge. You will find two sets of nuts. The nuts immediately next to the hinge are used to attach the bolts to the hinge. DO NOT LOOSEN THESE NUTS. The nuts adjacent to these nuts are the adjustment nuts. There are two, one at the front and one at the rear of the hanger

So here I should first restore the bib starter to it’s original setting and start over. I basically unscrew the 2 wing nuts and put my penis in but I should not touch the inner nuts yet, and until I have found the right gap for my penis I than screw the inner 2 nuts to stable the gap. How do I know what is the correct setting though? Should the 2 sides of the hanger just touch my penis slightly for it to be the right setting? Or should i set it so that the side of my penis at squeezed pretty good? because when you hang you are only tightening the top wing nut.


>1 Inch is not much room for the hanger to move, wouldn’t it rest over the head that way?<

Not if the hanger is tight enough.

>When you talk about higher weight does 7.5 count?<

It depends on how much you tighten, and the adjustments. For me, it would move almost none.

>so Bib have you figured out what is a good setting for me?<

It is a trial and error process. If you get your wrapped flaccid girth up to 4.25-4.5 inches, then the hex nuts will need to be ABOUT 1/4 inch from the hinge hex nuts. But you will have to put the hanger on, tighten down, test it, see what your top gap is, and then probably make other adjustments. Plus, you will want to try toeing out and toeing in.

>So here I should first restore the bib starter to it’s original setting and start over. I basically unscrew the 2 wing nuts and put my penis in but I should not touch the inner nuts yet, and until I have found the right gap for my penis I than screw the inner 2 nuts to stable the gap.<

Yes, you can get an approximation that way. See about where the hex nuts need to be. But then the fine tuning will be done by trial and error. Make sure the wing nuts are snugged down, solidly capturing the right skid.

>How do I know what is the correct setting though? Should the 2 sides of the hanger just touch my penis slightly for it to be the right setting? Or should i set it so that the side of my penis at squeezed pretty good? because when you hang you are only tightening the top wing nut.<

If you mean to get the approximate location for the hex nuts, then squeeze pretty hard. Also, remember that you want the top gap to be smaller than the bottom gap.


OK. I think I have a pretty good understand now.

Some more question:

I have to stretch my penis when I attach the hanger right? I am stretching it by pulling on the head, but it always gets errected a little, and it takes forever for it to flaccid, and when it does I would have to pull it out since it will have retracted in the wrapping.

Also when i attach the hanger over the wrap, should I pull the skin back since I am uncut? Because wound;t the hanger slide down over the skin, no matter how tight it is?

How tight should I go? The tighter the more chance my head is filled with blood.

When I am hanging what should my lig feel like? Because sometimes I can fill a flat sheet beening pulled, and other times It just fills round on the top of the lig. Do you understand what I mean? I am trying to judge if I am hanging correctly by feeling the top of my ligs, so which way is correct, when it feels flat on the top or when it feels round?

Also if I was hanging correctly my head should be point more at an 90 degree angel compare to the rest of my penis right?


>I have to stretch my penis when I attach the hanger right? I am stretching it by pulling on the head, but it always gets errected a little, and it takes forever for it to flaccid, and when it does I would have to pull it out since it will have retracted in the wrapping.<

I do not really understand everything in this paragraph. But it can help to stretch out when making the final tightening of the hanger in order to grasp more of the internal structures. Why is your head retracting into the wrap?

>Also when i attach the hanger over the wrap, should I pull the skin back since I am uncut?<

You can pull the skin out from under the wrap a little, after you wrap. This helps to smooth the skin, and keeps from having any skin creases while hanging.

>Because wound;t the hanger slide down over the skin, no matter how tight it is?<

I do not know what this means. Once the hanger is tight, the hanger or wrap should not slide on the skin. If it is, you are not nearly tight enough.

>How tight should I go? The tighter the more chance my head is filled with blood.<

It sounds like this might be erection issues. You might have to relieve yourself before you try to hang. The head should not fill with blood because you are tightening the hanger.

>When I am hanging what should my lig feel like? Because sometimes I can fill a flat sheet beening pulled, and other times It just fills round on the top of the lig. Do you understand what I mean? I am trying to judge if I am hanging correctly by feeling the top of my ligs, so which way is correct, when it feels flat on the top or when it feels round?<

When I was hanging BTC, my ligs were always flat and streched out. I do not know what you mean by them being round.

>Also if I was hanging correctly my head should be point more at an 90 degree angel compare to the rest of my penis right?<

I do not know what this means.


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