Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

question :)

question :)

Why for hanging you have to avoid erection at any degree? also, if you hang without an erection, why you have to even squeeze the gland for hanging? wouldn’t be better to let tjust the gland full of blood and use it as a stopper for the hanger?

1. Read this: Forum Guidelines

2. An erect penis puts internal parts at risk of damage from hanging and diverts the traction from the ligs. A flaccid one allows the weight to be transferred to the ligaments where it will do the most good.

3. Trapping blood in the glans (not gland) is just looking for trouble including things like no oxygen to the tissues, clots, and nerve damage.

I’ve been doing up to an hour or 30 minutes of hanging in total now. I just hung 7&1/2 pounds today and I got the scare of my life from whom while I accidentally tried to force my head out from within the hanger when I ran to the bathroom and no bed near by. I was in pain and I had to Neal to the floor just to un-swivel the hanger swings more than they were when I tried to take the hanger off half assed before. I even forgot to warm down, though for the first time today I hanged 7 and a half pounds and it felt pretty sweet. Over 10 minutes in duration. I later started warming down and all that jazz but I’m more cautious now with my hanger since my glands were a good black color for the time I was not kept warm. I expect you folk have a bib starter or bib hanger, they are incredible. I officially since the second day of bib hanging have hanged up to 15 minutes straight. Now I have a dire reason to warm Down or take a hot shower!

Safety first guys, do not break your penis!

Running a Massive Co-Front.

No that’s a complete lie thunder I know exactly what I’m doing. In fact just the idea of my cock hanging for 10 minutes straight is just overwhelming. My penis looks about 3 times it’s length flaccid than the normally flaccid, it’s whole heartedly satisfying if you can see the general function behind the device.

Fuck the injury forum dumbass I don’t need your stupid ass rules forced on me. And what is that letter to George Bush on this website it makes no sense in a lexicon intro.

It’s not my fault I can’t follow useless rules that generally don’t apply they just fucking happen.


Dammit! Would y’all stop banning these dumbasses? Now I feel alone again.


"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there\'s a gun around, I want to be controlling it." Clint Eastwood

Hey marty, why not try some heavy load peer to peer sharing. You’ll get a thousand of pacifythenetnow’s cousins shooting PM’s 24/7. My sharing was healthy, but still looked pale compared to my banning rate. I kind of miss it.

LOL I dont know why, Its just so funny when some silly guy gets banned.

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