Several posts from the Testing LOT Theory thread, which did not directly relate to that thread, have been moved here—ModestoMan 24Feb06.
How do I know that somebody has long ligs?
As far as I know, there are only three tests that claim to test for lig potential.
1) The palpation test — in this test you feel the position of the penis on the pubic bone
2) The mirror test — in this test you can see where the pubic bone is by looking in the mirror. I need more experience with this test, but apparently one can see where the pubic bone is by looking at their private-section in the mirror. This requires the legs to be closed, and you would look for the interesection of the legs with the mid section. At this point is the bottom of the pubic bone.
3) LOT test — which is being debated. Some advocate it works, others don’t.
The first two tests, the palplation and the mirror test allows one to understand where their penis is in relation to their pubic bone. By this they can know how high their attachment point is — and thus, their potential for lig gains.
The third test, the LOT test — requires a lot of knowledge about the human penile anatomy to understand. I plan on writing an article in the near future, explaining the important little details.
Another question.What does exit point has to do with the potential of lig gains? Some people are saying, that if you have a high exit point, you have great lig potential.
Well, Before you understand the exit point’s role, you must first understand the role of the pubic bone’s attachment point to the ligaments.
LOT theory, and PE theory in general advocate that the higher the attachment point on the pubic bone, the more lig potential there is. This makes sense because the penis can be attached very low. In fact, it can be attached all the way at the bottom of the pubic bone (i.e. a low attachment point).
During PE, when one lowers the attachment point, the penis lengthens. Thus, the higher the attachment point, the more room for it to go down, and thus the more potential for “lig gains.”
If you have a high exit point, then chances are you have short ligs and a high attachment point (which gives you great lig potential).
Generally speaking,
High exit point = high attachment point = good lig potential.
I hope this helps.
- remek
TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?
"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson
Last edited by ModestoMan : 02-24-2006 at .