Review my Routine
I’m not new to PE by any means but this last month I’ve decided to dedicate more time to it.. I basically did the newbie routine over again to get myself prepared and my current routine is as follows:
10 Min Rice Sock
4 Sets Hanging x 20min (Using a homemade Bib, my Bib Starter is in the mail).. Planning on taking up the weight apx 1 lb per week. 10 minutes rice sock and light massage in between sets.
Pumping (now up to two sets.. Following Avocets pumping 101 thread.) I prefer to pump smaller amounts of time to monitor my penis more closely so while he suggests doing one 15 minute set at this point in my routine, I am instead doing a 10 minute and then a 5 minute. I also take 10 minutes in between pumping sets to restore blood flow, light jelling and rice sock.
300 Jelqs.. Slow.
I then wrap around the base of my shaft and my testicles with an armband (I’ve heard most people have used wrist wraps) to keep a nice amount of blood flow in the penis during the day. This also helps with my testicle hand. I also have my ADS I just bought which I’ll go back and forth with as well to try and keep from turtling etc etc..
I know its all a matter of trying it out and seeing how I respond, which is what I’m doing.. But any comments or feedback would be great!
My goal, btw.. Is to achieve 8x6 and improve the size of my glans and the shaft near the glans.
Feb 14': EL: 7 1/8 BPEL: 7 1/2 EG (Base): 6 (Mid) 5 5/8 (Head): 4 1/8
Current: EL: 7 3/8 BPEL: 7 7/8 EG (Base): 6 (Mid) 5 5/8 (Head): 4 5/8